Xyraeli Press statement:
After nearly a year of civil war, the streets of Xyraeli Primus have experienced the first calm since a nationalist coup swept across the nation. Just last night the government managed to regain control of the capital from the nationalist insurgents who fought to purge the nation of foreigners.
Xyraeli military personnel are now engaged in a massive counter-insurgency in the southern borderlands, combating the last resistance from tribes there.
The insurgents began fighting after word that the Prophetess is missing spread throughout the nation.
The insurgents took control of the capital, executing the Conclave of Elders and many tribal councils in the southern peninsula.
The Government has called for intensive reforms to prevent such measures in the future. Among these reforms are: centralization of power, heightened military, protectionist measures, national education and nationalized health care.
Until the present, many duties were fulfilled by the local tribal councils and the priests. Since the disappearance of the Prophetess and the start of the insurgency religion has taken a back seat to the government, which was able to safeguard the lives of thousands of civilians against terrorist attacks.
King Xipil plans to centralize all power by disbanding all tribal councils and establishing regents to control various provinces, creating the Imperial Republic. The regents will work closely with religious leaders to calm fears that the King seeks to subjugate the people.
Among King Xipils planned reforms are: Nationalized health care, nationalized education, a nation-wide restructuring of infrastructure, a Republican Guard under the command of the King and appointed military officers, and the creation of a Republican Senate and a Judiciary Branch.
Nationalized health care is not currently available to the people due to a lack of proper hospitals and clinics. Former members of Councils are asked to bring forward men and women to be trained for temporary positions until adequate personnel can staff the plethora of new medical complexes being constructed.
National Education has been in the hands of the Ecclessiarchy. The Government is now creating Primary level schools and University level schools. The Imperial Republic plans to establish a requirement of 20 years in the educational system.
National Infrastructure is currently in a poor state due to the decentralized nature of the former Divine Empire. The Imperial Republic will begin a complete overhaul, beginning with the construction of several nuclear power plants and hydro electric dams. In addition, a trans-peninsula nuclear powered train network will be constructed to connect the tribal communities.
The King has called for a mandatory military service of four years for all able bodied men and women. The formation of the Republican Guard, a military force under the direct control of the King, is entirely new. The Army will be completely reworked and is planned to parallel the Fallen of the Pazca tribe. Local militias will still be allowed, and will no longer be a volunteer force but instead will be a job with benefits and wages.
The Republican Senate will be founded, under the supervision of King Xipil, who will retain the veto vote for all resolutions passed by the Senate, and will be elected by proportional representation. Political Parties will now be allowed, but must first consult the King before being allowed on the ballot.
The current parties on the ballot are the: Xyraeli Socialist Party, Marxist Party of Xyrael, Xyraeli Workers Party, the Independence Party, and the Xyraeli Mercantalist Party. The Xyraeli Socialist Party is the dominant party and supported by the King.
The Judicial branch of the government will consist of Judicators appointed by the King himself. They will try courts using an inquisitorial and not an adversarial system. There will be no trial by jury, instead the Judicators will be expected to enforce the law to its fullest extent.
In addition to these reforms, King Xipil has outlined a new foreign policy in his speech to the state. We have his quote here:
No longer can I allow such chaos to run rife through my great nation. The key to internal stability is regional stability, and it is my goal to ensure that the East does not become a hotbed of conflict brought on by Western powers. I will not allow foreign markets to corrupt the minds of my people, nor steal what money they earn. I will not hesitate to use force in the defense of my people, and as their first King I avow not to fail you. The oppression of the free market must not be allowed to devour the morals of the East. Praise be to the Light, may it Guide our path.