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Author Topic: Saletsian State Press  (Read 9606 times)

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2007, 04:19:36 PM »
New forces formed.

President Barga ordered the formation of a new fleet and 2 new armies of 1 million soldiers.

The new fleet shall consist of:

4 Kuznetsov Class Carriers
6 Kongo Class AEGIS destroyers
10 Type 052 destroyers
9 Type 053H3 frigates
6 Sachse Class frigates
4 Type 212 submarines
1 Delta IV SSBN

The mission area of the new armies and fleet is classified.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2007, 02:17:16 AM »
New SAMs developed by Saletsian Arms :


Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #32 on: August 15, 2007, 05:06:05 PM »
UASS weakened

After the countries of the Chinese Loyalist and PUR left or announced their wish to leave the UASS, its current members are forced to discuss this situation. Once being one of the strongest Taijituan alliances, it has now downsized to a "middle-sized" group.
There has been yet no official press release from Bandana regarding the future of Saletsia in the UASS. Several local politicians though welcomed he downsizing of the UASS as a reason for the central government to turn its back on socialism.
There are also speculations on a possible change of the governmental system.

President Barga allows the creation of political parties***Myrorial Royal visits Saletsia's neighbor***2 bankrobbers killed***Saletsian Peso remains stable***Saletsian military improves its inventory***Fishers saved by Saletsian Coast-Guard***
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 05:10:34 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #33 on: August 15, 2007, 10:04:54 PM »
Saletsia ends year-long military presence in the Chinese Loyalist Republic

After the decision of the CL to leave the UASS, military agreements between CL and Saletsia have become void. Thus making hundreds of soldiers and experts have to leave former Saletsian bases on CL soil. Her Excellence, Pres. Barga, ordered the withdrawal of all military forces, installations and equipment and all military-related things. However, economic relations with our neighboring country continue.


Press release from Bandana says the Government may change the system in the near future. The current presidial system may be replaced by a parliamentary system or a constitutional monachy with an elected Prime Minister acting as head of government. An internet poll has been set-up to allow the population to state it's opinion.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #34 on: August 16, 2007, 05:48:56 PM »
Saletsia, Republic no more!

It is now official, The former People's Republic of Saletsia has now transformed to an Empire. Former president Barga is now the Empress of the nation, the head of state. With the transformation came changes, such as the act that Empress Barga is willing to hand down the power over the government to an elected official, the chancellor. The very first elections for the office of chancellor shall take place within 4 months. Te first time, Saletsia will have a nationwide election since the fall of the fascist dictatorship marking the beginning of the People's Republic.
Furthermore a new flag has been introduce which can already be seen flying in all government and military facilities and buildings.

Long live the Empire of Saletsia! Hail Empress Barga!

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #35 on: August 17, 2007, 09:19:07 PM »
***Ex Vixe-Pres. Moshe Elmert now Governor-General of Saletsia-Minor**Xyarelite submarines delivered to Saletsia**New windmills and hydrogen power plants erected in Saletsia-Minor**Thousands watched the spectacular military parade in Bandana**New Chancellor Ariel Levana elected***

Type-99 tanks at the Eastern border with the Union of Free Men:
« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 09:56:17 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #36 on: August 18, 2007, 05:00:39 PM »
Tensions: Saletsian minorty outside the border

As tensions arise amongst the Saletsian minority within the  Union of Free Men the Imperial Saletsian Government has decided to send more tanks to the border in order to ensure the Empire's safety and that of the Saletsian minority. Saletsian forces have the order to yet stay within the Saletsian side of the border. Furthermore, howitzer formations are being set up along the border.
A Saletsian community on the other side of the border:

Saletsian Unionists in the Union of Free Men:

mobile defense systems in Saletsia-Minor:
S-400 long-range air-defense-system:
« Last Edit: August 18, 2007, 05:28:17 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #37 on: August 18, 2007, 09:57:03 PM »
Fighting in UFM erupts!

About an hour ago fighting between the Saletsian Unionist Force and Union of Free Men military units has erupted on the UFM side of the border. The SUF is a militant group of Saletsian combatants willing to fight for freedom of their inhabited lands on the wrong side of the border. The actual number of combatants is unknown.
So far the Imperil Saletsian Government has not issued any statement on the recent events. Though more and more military personnel and equipment are being sent to the border. The border with People's Republic of Loyalist is also at high alert.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #38 on: August 19, 2007, 02:57:46 PM »
Xavier Arms - Saletsian Arms deal

Saletsian Arms and Xavier arms signed a deal allowing each company build a factory with production capacities for limited products in the nation of their partners.
Saletsian Arms is known to build a factory building the Saletsian-MX6 (different Delfian designation) in New Delfos while Xyrael Arms will be erecting a factory producing XA-02 and XA-03 arms in the Saletsian motherland.

***The President Barga Canal is renamed Empress Barga Canal**No other vessels are currently allowed to pass the canal**The border between Saletsia and PLR is being mined except for the main routes connecting both countries**An army division is sent to an area close to the Saletsian-Loyalist border**Udaloy elects a new mayor: Silvia Vasileva won the elections. She and her wife ae the first women to be top officials of the city**The Sletsian peso suffers amidst increased weapons productions**The Canadian-Quebecoi Empire calls for economic and military cooperation with the Empire of Saetsia. Talks will take place in the Canadian capital**Saletsian Unionist Force has not disbanded and will continue fighting for the freedom of a former Saletsian-affiliated region now controlled by the Union of Free Men***

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #39 on: August 20, 2007, 02:46:00 PM »
War-loving Ozians!

This day, the Ozian Sancta obviously has gone insane attacking the Saletsian colony, Saletsia-Minor.
Saletsia-Minor is the territory inhabited and built by Saletsians in Utopia when it was still member of the UASS alliance. Ozians launched missiles on major Saletsian cities killing hundreds of civilians claiming they had done it for the welfare of the workers - paradoxically the only workers that have ever been in the area were those from mainland Saletsia: hence the Saletsian Government's right to claim what has been built and developed by them: namely everything within the claimed territory.
So far the Saletsian Governor-General Moshe Elmert had proved to have moral high-ground in this conflict since he refused to retaliate after the shameless attack on Saletsians in their own territory.
Relief efforts are underway with doctors being flown in from the Saletsia military base in Barakarin. Furthermore, the military supplies are being flown in from the same base.

"We may lose, but not without showing them what Saletsian bullets can do to their bloody bodies",said a interviewed soldier in Heshaidon helping to find buried corpses.

"They killed my Papa! They killed my Papa! Criminals! Killers! Murderers", screamed a little girl standing next to a pile of rubble from which an arm is visible. The pile of rubble she stood next to was what used to be their house - built 4 years ago.

Reports have been confirmed that Ozians launched the first actions of aggression while Saletsia was only improving its defense capabilities after finding out about Ozian military mobilization near the Saletsian-Minor border.

Her Imperial Highness, Empress Barga, has expressed her grief and distress over the death of innocent Saletsians and condemned the attack ordered by the Ozian Sancta as an "act of unreasonable and unjustifiable aggression".

Reports say that ballistic missiles from a Saletsian base filled with biological and chemical agents are now aimed at Ozian military targets.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #40 on: August 20, 2007, 06:38:41 PM »
Pictures of the attacks against Saletsia-Minor:

mobile S-400 systems to protect Heshaidon and Seres:

rapid troop deployment:

humanitarian aid:

Saletsian C-130 above Saletsia-Minor/Utopian border:

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #41 on: August 20, 2007, 07:54:32 PM »
Eastian Treaty signed!

Greater Eastian Prosperity Region

Article I - Political
     A. Conference
          1. Another Conference should be held at such a time that this treaty can be discussed further in detail, with alterations if necessary.
     B. Delfian Question
          1. Asks that any member state able and willing to offer refuge to Delfian citizens please do so
          2. Requests that voluntary humanitarian relief be sent directly to Delfos to assist in their civil wars
               a. Requests that peacekeeping forces be sent to watch over any refugee camps that may have formed due to fighting.
               b. Requests medical and humanitarian relief be administered to these refugee camps.
          3. Considers the possibility of allowing a small Delfian refugee colony on Easteros, realizing that Delfian efforts in Utopia are under attack.

Article II - Economic
     A. Free Trade
          1. Tariffs between participating nations will be significantly reduced or banned:
               a. Tariffs designed to tax goods will be allowed to tax no more than 10% of the value of the item.
               b. Protective Tariffs will be allowed to increase the price of goods by no more than 15%.
               c. Specific tariffs are banned, and should be replaced by ad valorem Tariffs (see Article II Part A Section 1/a).
               d. Suggests the creation of protective tariffs against economic unions whose goal is to infiltrate and exploit Eastian markets.
          2. Allows for the construction of factories by Eastian companies on a multinational level,
               a. These companies must be given permission and land grants to construct their factories.
               b. These companies will not be nationalized by the nations they reside in.
               c. These companies must abide by all regulations imposed by the nation they reside in.
     B. Economic Aid
          1. In any case where an Eastian nation faces an economic crisis, the Greater Eastian Prosperity Region will jointly move to stabilize the afflicted economy.
          2. Economic aid will be allocated for from the Eastian Aid Fund.

Article III - Eastian Aid Fund
     A. Funding
          1. Funding will be drawn from the healthcare budgets of member states.
               a. Members will be required to donate 3% of their healthcare budget to this fund.
               b. Should a member states internal healthcare suffer from this, aid will be directed to that nation.
          2. Any member state which creates a deficit will have to abide by the following consequences:
               a. Any member which creates a deficit larger than 15% of it's healthcare budget may be refused economic or humanitarian aid priority.
               b. Any member which creates a deficit larger than 100% of it's healthcare budget will be removed from the GEPR.
     B. Priorities
          1. Aid will be given to GEPR nations as first priority, with GEPR member's refugee camps receiving ultimate priority.
          2. Aid will be given to non-GEPR Easteros nations as second priority.
          3. Aid will be given to non-GEPR non-Eastian colonies residing on Easteros as third priority.
          4. Aid will be given to non-GEPR non-Easteros nations as fourth priority.
          5. Aid will be refused to any state which explicitly wishes to harm the population of any GEPR nation.
     C. Humanitarian Aid
          1. The EAF's primary design is to increase the living standards of Eastian peoples, firstly through Humanitarian relief, then through Economic relief.
          2. Humanitarian aid will be given to Eastian refugee camps, which should ideally be administered by a GEPR voluntary peacekeeping force.

Article IV - Defense
     A. Non-Aggression Pact
          1. No GEPR member may make war on any GEPR member for any reason, violations of this agreement include:
               a. Direct military attacks on recognized GEPR member states by GEPR member nations.
               b. Funding of terrorists against GEPR member states.
               c. Military aggression against GEPR member states colonies abroad.
               d. Withdrawal from GEPR treaty prior to a near-immediate declaration of war, except when:
                    i. When withdrawing nation has been grieved by the nation they aggress against.
                    ii. When withdrawing nation has been victimized by the nation they aggress against.
     B. Defensive Pact
          1. Signatories of the GEPR sign into a unique treaty which is goverened by the following rules.
               a. Signatories may sign into Defender State status.
                    i. Defender states have declared their willingness to come to the aid of any GEPR member.
                    ii. Defender states have the option of joining offensive wars taken on behalf of the GEPR.
                    iii. Defender state casualties in GEPR member states should be tended to in the GEPR nation they reside in, where possible.
                    iv. Any territory gained by Defender states will be split jointly between Defender states.
               b. Signatories may sign into Defended State status.
                    i. Defended states have the option of defending GEPR member states.
                    ii. Defended states have the option of joining aggressive wars taken by GEPR member states.
          2. Should an aggressor declare war on the GEPR as a unified body, all member states will be asked to act as Defender States in regard to the aggressor for the duration of the war.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #42 on: August 21, 2007, 08:08:26 PM »
Saletso-Barakarin Legion (SBL)

The Imperial Saletsian Government and the government of Barakarin have agreed to establish a joint-military force in order to further the two country's good relationships. Saletsia has declared itself to finance most of the joint-force while most troopers would come from Barakarin.
The typical tiger-striped BDU of the SBL distinguishes the SBL troopers from both Saletsian and Barakarin soldiers.

Training for the first batches of Saletso-Barakarin Legionaires has already started in Barakarin supervised by Saletsian officials.

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #43 on: August 22, 2007, 07:51:06 PM »
Possible Ozian Threat?

After receiving satellite images of Ozian naval vessels in Eastian waters, the Imperial Saletsian Armed Forces were put on high alert and fully mobilized. Borders are being mined - as well as selected areas of the Western Coastline in order to avoid any hostile landings. Furthermore, howitzers are put in position and all battle units are ready. Even the civilian population - that is taught how to fight at school - is being prepared for a possible invasion and guerilla warfare.
Weapons productions hit a new year high.

A classified number of SBL legionnaires plus equipment has been sent to Saletsia.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2007, 08:51:17 PM by Saletsia »

Offline Saletsia

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Re: Saletsian State Press
« Reply #44 on: August 24, 2007, 04:29:44 PM »
Ozians getting closer - Neighbors Mobilizing!!!

After the mobilization of all Saletsian forces and preparing the civilian population for a possible war - caused by invasory attempts - the neighboring nations of Union of Free Men and the People's Republic of Loyalist have started mobilizing their military forces.
Saletsia's foreign ministry denounces the move as a sign of hostility towards the Empire. A spokesperson said that the fact these neighbors were mobilizing while Saletsians are preparing for a possible struggle to defend their homeland implies that our neighbors may have some secret military agreements with the two states.
Even an offer of a non-aggression-pact by Saletsia to UFM was declined - strengthening the rumors about the UFM and PLR planning hostile actions against Saletsia. Though troubling, the main threat for Saletsian security at the moment is - as officials say - the approaching Ozian vessels.
In order to secure the country against attacks, Chancellor Ariel Levana has invited Xyraelite forces into Saletsia: "These foreign forces will guarantee that no nation that does not wish to go to war with the State of Xyrael will launch any attack on the Empire."