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Author Topic: Gallipoli-China Workers' News  (Read 1250 times)

Offline Zimmerwald

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Gallipoli-China Workers' News
« on: April 24, 2007, 12:38:45 AM »
"Good evening, this is Comrade Chairwoman Lin Tei.  Today was a momentus one for Gallipoli-China, if not for the whole world.  Our top story concerns one of the votes that passed the National Assembly of People's Power today; the one to ratify the much-anticipated Charter of the United Axis of Socialist States.  The treaty provides for a mutual defense pact between members, most-favored nation status of members, and an Axis governing board with its own territory.  Main negotiator Viktor Debs could not be reached for comment, but Aram Caros had this to say."

"This treaty places us not only squarely on the world stage; it does so while magnifying our power and prestige.  It strengthens the workers states against the imperialists who wish to see them destroyed, and paves the way for eventual unity and the obliteration of national barriers and hatreds."

"However, other members of the Committee spoke against the Treaty, saying that it would ultimately involve Gallipoli-China in foreign wars that were none of its concern.  They formed the main bloc that voted against the treaty.

"The second major vote that passed the Assembly today was the appropriation for aid to Jutensa.  No major force united against this bill, and it passed the Assembly with few dissenting votes.  The Advancement of Science Committee is preparing not only to send teams to Jutensa, but also to begin researching if the blight has spread to any Gallipoli-Chinese rice.  Meanwhile, Economics is sparing all it can from the food quotas of the Three-Year Plan, passed several weeks ago.

"In other news, demonstrations in support of the Blue April international group ended today, after continuing for three days.  The group has declared its hostility to imperialism around the world, and, according to many of the demonstrators, they were fighting our battles, and we should join them in solidarity.  A resolution acclaiming Blue April was narrowly defeated in the Assembly by those who feared such an action would bring war against the republic of Ozia.

"The weather continued its dry spell, though we are told that we can expect the summer storm season to begin soon.  Pamphlets are being distributed as to how best to protect your house and family from floods and other such dangers.

"Good night, Comrades, and to the world."

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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Gallipoli-China Workers' News
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 03:41:46 PM »
The nation is abuzz today after the attack on Irnotia by Gaulasia, and the subsequent LCF invasion of that country.  Defense Chairman Hu has called the Assembly into special session, and the debates have raged back and forth.

"If Irnotia and all the rest are allowed to crush Gaulasia, it's a victory for imperialism across the board.  The Constitution condemns imperialism with words; we must do so with actions."

"Do you want to see us in the same position as Gaulasia?  We're not a military force--"

"That's why we have allies.  We need to get concerted action against imperialism, or at least send covert aid."

"Fucking warmonger."

And it's still going on.  No State of Emergency has yet been declared, but with international tensions as high as they are, one cannot be far off.

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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Gallipoli-China Workers' News
« Reply #2 on: May 11, 2007, 06:53:26 PM »
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming to bring you this missive from the Foreign Relations Committee of Gallipoli-China.

Quote from: Aram Caros
Friends, Gallipoli-China, possibly the world, is embroiled in a diplomatic crisis of the first order.  What began as a simple issue, easily handled, easily put right, has exploded into a conflict that may draw in all countries.  It is to prevent this that I am broadcasting this message tonight.

When American President Fremont suppressed the speech rights of the FXX News Channel, I had thought the problem would be easy to solve.  I sent a note to Fremont.  I told him how the American constitution has historically been a model of bourgeois democracy, and how it would weaken America's hand in the world to suppress free speech.  I had hoped he would listen to me before it was too late.  I had hoped that the Supreme Court or the Congress would intervene, or, if they didn't, that the American people would.  Not only was my note ignored, but the American government sat idle.

I know what you're thinking; "He's gonna declare support for the Confederacy!"  Well, the issue isn't that simple.  If this were just a free speech battle, or even a People's War, then your intuition would be correct.  But it is not.  The movements against the American government, the elites of the North, have been by the elites of the South.  And if it escalates thousands of American soldiers and civilians will die.  I do not want that to happen just so the elites of the South can exploit their people without Northern interference.

So my message is to the poor of America.  Take advantage of this opportunity.  Make your governments, distracted as they are, deliver your rights to you.  Otherwise, you will have gained nothing.  To the South and the North, I will say but this; deliver your people their rights, and you will have the respect and support of Gallipoli-China, in whatever capacity you may need.  Do not, and you may find the People's Revolutionary Army among the ranks of your enemies.

I will say that, given the context, the South seems more willing to grant its people their rights than does the North, but that means nothing at this point.  All the South wants are its rights.  What the people of the North want are their rights.  Gallipoli-China will help to secure them.


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Offline Zimmerwald

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Re: Gallipoli-China Workers' News
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2007, 09:57:54 PM »
"It is sad news I bring you tonight, comrades.  One of our allies in the United Axis of Socialist States, Llanydern, has been attacked by Empire of Dysanii.  In response, the UASS has declared war on that Empire, and Gallipoli-China is prepared to defend its ally to the death.

"In addition to Llanydern, Dysanii has also declared war upon the Dominion of Chinese Loyalist, the Union of Free Men, the Protectorate of Uichi Ryu, and Gallipoli-China itself.  So far, these countries have not been attacked, though Uichi Ryu is reporting belligerent activity in Nuveau Metz, an island under the scourge of Dysanii imperialism.  Gallipoli-China is under a State of Emergency, and all militia members are required to obtain their registered weaponry from their assigned arms warehouses.

"What military movements Gallipoli-China is making are classified, but we wish the people of Llanydern to know; we are with you in this struggle.

"Good night."

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