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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: Denbourgh News - DHN  (Read 1492 times)

Offline High Evermore

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Denbourgh News - DHN
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:03:10 PM »

A reporter turns around in his desk and looks at the screen as a picture of Carrestan pops up in the left corner of the screen.

"Salve High Evermore, and welcome to another report from Debourgh High News Channel. VERsaF Forces have landed in Carrestan today, helping our ever going fight against the Terran Liberation Front. These men are willing to stay with our great nation to help the fight and to help retrofit us with the latest technology in food and healthcare. May the lord guide their hands in every action they take."

The man shifts and camera angles change. The picture-in-picture changes to show a large strange-looking airship.

"In other news, the Bureau for Scientific Arts has just revealed their plans for the HE-101 Air Transport Cruiser. The airship is built with the latest technology available to our aircraft administration! The propellers are held above the airship so that it works more as a helicopter and less as a jet, or propeller plane, and therefore does not need any runway to land on. Furthermore, the HE-101 can hold up to 75 soldiers, or 3 tanks! We here at DHN would like to give the greatest graces of God to the people at the Scientific Arts bureau in their endeavors."

The picture turns off, and the reporter turns to the front, facing directly at the foward camera.

"This is Joseph Serrano speaking on behalf of DHN, and we would like to give our prayers to the peoples of High Evermore. Vale!"

The news show cuts out.

Offline High Evermore

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Re: Denbourgh News - DHN
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 06:50:12 AM »
Hostile Takeover... Nuclear Armaments Surface.

The anchor turns to the screen, and lifts up a piece of paper, "According to a recent press release from the Ministry of the Interior, our great country could be in for some trouble. Allow me to read the recent release..." He looks over the paperwork, and with perfect diction, reads out the article. "Under the authority of new elected Regent, offices in High Evermore were changed around. The entire council and capital was moved to Vellar Towne in the Sovereign Province of Vellar three weeks ago on Saturday, February 17, 2007. This lead to the formation of the "Regent Gaurde", the first non-conscript army defending the flag of High-Evermore, and by a staggering vote, The Church of High Evermore was banned from council, restricted to no more than 25 seats on the Evermorian National Parliament; furthermore, all high seats were moved from Denbourgh and Castello Esse to Vellar Towne. This started a small revolution within the ancient city of Castello Esse. Church leaders and officials banded together with the Terran Liberation Front, an anti-government libertarian front lead by Edvard Knauer, protesting Magreda and his policy. The Ministry of Defense, now under the command of Minister Joorgen Vellar, current head of the Vellar State, issued warning to all denizens of Castello Esse to evacuate, and urged all Terrans and Church officials to cease and desist on penalty of death.

On Friday, March 2, 2007, Regent Magreda, and Minister Vellar authorized the launch of atomic munitions. A tactical nuclear bomb was dropped from the HEA Phoenix at 10:35am on that Friday morning onto the Civic Center of Castello Esse, destroying eight square miles of the city, and damaging fifteen more. Casualty reports at the time are ranging from 10-20 thousand, but are estimated to go as high as 32 thousand, including Arch Bishop Harold Woerner, Bishop Heinrich Muusen, and the ex-Director of International Relations. The Magreda administration is not taking any questions on the issue at this time.

A Picture flashes up with a caption...

Downtown Castello Esse: Via Harmonia Boulevard, Cathedral District.

"Upwards of 250 thousand refugees have been spotted leaving areas inside of Esse State, Denbourgh State, Jericoh State, and Crestaan State. Minister Tricia Taraneva of the Ministry of The Citizenry expects them to head for the Allied States "in hopes of a warm welcome from Bustos 21." Minister Ulma Koepler of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is rumored to be on her way to Bustos to discuss the issue. The only words we have gotten from anyone directly associate with the Regent is that any other citizen riots will be met with greater or equal force."

The reporter turns his head, and the camera repositions. "We will be reporting to you live tomorrow night from the High Evermore - Bustos 21 border with footage from the DHN Evermorian Special Press Group. More substantial information has yet to surface, and we are still trying to get an interview with Regent Aelister Magreda. We will keep you informed! This is Joseph Serrano for DHN news, sending out a prayer to Evermore in our troubled times. DHN signing out." The screen dims...