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Author Topic: Coup d'etat of Geradin Empire  (Read 2681 times)

Offline Geradin

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Coup d'etat of Geradin Empire
« on: November 27, 2007, 12:15:09 AM »
Just this morning, 1:28 AM, there was announcement from the goverment, informing the regime had changed overnight. Out Empire's new leader Major General Leman, has decalred that there will be major changes in laws, policies and more importantly militaries within the empire.

The Geradin Empire's own GIN news has gathered intel of what had occured last night from soldiers and generals. and here is the full new of this.

General Leman had been planning for this coup for over month, He searched for which our former emperor Knolivan was at his weakest. Then yesterday, his plan carried into the motion. With support from 27th, 3rd and 26th infantry regiment, 3rd airborne infantry regiment, 5 and 6th marine regiment, 1st military police regiment and 27th local nation guard regiment, General Leman quickly striked deep into the Empire's capitol of Caracass. Emperor Knolivan, in great panic and sense of emergency quickly escaped into suburbs of Caracass. Where his still loyal general has rallied their troop. The loyalists had gather in strength of 7 and 1st marine regiment, 9th infantry regiment, 3 full Imperial Guard regiment and 81st national guard regiment. Loyalists quickly launched counter attack agasint the Leman's force. With firefights happening around the key points of Caracass, both side were not at advatage. But the revolutionary force seemed to be in peril when, 16th armored regiment had answered and arrived to the emperor's call. By now, the whole nation was under the state of emergency. The national guards, military and reserves were being mobilized. Anyway, back to the point. The message sent to General Leman by 16th armored regiment commander, Colonel Sanders, was. "Surrender now, or we will blast in through your force with the tanks, no matter the cost.". But General Leman has other tricks up his sleeves. He had hidden his 3rd airborne infantry regiment and 5th marine regiment just outside of Caracass. They soon captured the 16th armored regiment and the coup ended at this point with Emperor Knolivan surrendering when he was captured by a sergeant of 5th marine regiment. It has been stated that Emperor Knolivan and many of his supporters are either exhiled, executed or imprisoned.

More of this exclusive news from GIN and the current ministers and official's position about this Later tonight.
The Peace is War, therefore we fight

The Freedom is Slavery, therefore we work

The Strength is Ignorance, therefore we follow
-These quotes got nothing to do with Geradin Empire's policy! Please note that

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The Proud Nation of Geradin Empire

Offline Geradin

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Re: Coup d'etat of Geradin Empire
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2007, 03:59:02 AM »
And we are back to exclusive GIN news of the Coup. It also has been released that, former emperor Knolivan was not exectued, but put under the house arrest under severe survaillance.

The Council of Officio Assasinorum has declard such statement.

"The Officio Assasinorum will stand in same ground we had for generations, as long as our existance is not risked, we will contiunaly serve the current leader of the empire, who ever may that be."

Also the our new leader, General Leman had made a statement.

"There shall be great changes in our military. Except for those living inside the Coslian military sector and Pargona Island sector, the mandatory military servie is removed. But of those living in Coslian and pargona sector will be mandatorily conscripted into army, be that be male or female. We also have lowered our age to be able to begin military service into 16. We are also starting nation wide cadet program. They will be divided into Army Cadet, Air Cadet and Sea Cadet. The cadet's minimal joing age will be 12 and up to 19. Those living in Pargona and Coslian sector, they will be conscripted into army upon the time they hit age of 19, it is purely voluntary to join army earlier. Also In Pargona and Coslian Sector, cadet will be mandatory to join. minimal age of their conscription of cadet will be 8. Each sector will have different cadet standards and etc. Unlike before there will be huge boost in funding toward the Air Force, Navy and Marine. Even though, it is not mandatory to join the army in few regions, they will all belong in E.A.R. (Emergencany Army Reserve) Upon which every citizen except women over age of 20 to 50 will mandatorily participate in 1 month military excercise in each year. The goverment will pay for exact amount of money you make in a single month. All citizens including women are encouraged (if not forced upon) to keep fit and healthy enough for service in armed force."

Also for the new economic solution to the Geradin Empire was made by General Leman.

"To earn the money and strength of the nation, it must be done by blood and sweat. Now the human will be considered a startegic human resource, 1 S.H.R. will be 1000 people that are over the age of 14 and under 50. We will be sending basic manual labor force into anycountries that requires them and work hard to earn their money. Also we will try to enlighten the people living in Han-Ra sector, for they are within our nation and not as enlightened as us while recieving same privillege. The 5 industires that polluted and drained our economy will be demolished immediately. All the citizens of the empire needs to is bequiet, do as i tell you and work hard, than our empire shall be more stable, and economically rich!"

The another sentence has been made later about the population and immigration problem

"The ilegal immigration is quite a problem wihtin the empire. We already have over 2 billion people living inside the tiny space of Geradin Empire, crammed up together. and illegal immigrants and refugees still flows over. Form Costernages, Akio Odori, territories and people oppreseed by Xyreal on the north and such. The goverment will be making sure to accept everysingle of these unless they are threat or problem to the empire. They will be given education of Geradian language and admitted as a full citizen. (hmm, as a matter of fact, this was done form long time ago. Huh, no wonder our country has so many population and poor economy.) Anyway, our goverment will keep the old attitude and law toward the illegal immigrants and refugees.

These are broguht by GIN, more coming your way soon.
The Peace is War, therefore we fight

The Freedom is Slavery, therefore we work

The Strength is Ignorance, therefore we follow
-These quotes got nothing to do with Geradin Empire's policy! Please note that

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The Proud Nation of Geradin Empire

Offline Geradin

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Re: Coup d'etat of Geradin Empire
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2007, 07:04:34 AM »
Back with more GLN news,

New General Leman has released new statements concerning of Officio Assasinorum.

"The Officio Assasinorum shall be put under more close leash, from now on, lower goverment officials cannot make the order of assasination, it must be done by current leader of country, minister of defense, marshal of army or council of Officio Assasinorum. Also the council of Officio Assasinorum shall be consisted of 2 member elected from each temple, thus total of 10 council memebers. After recieving a mission, they themsleves will decide whcih temple will be most effective in that operation."

Also he has mentioned about the Geradin Empire's probable entry to the Pax Imperium and join the Canadian war.

"It will be a greaty honor and privillege for us to join th Pax Imperium. In which if we join, we will provided a full militaristic and if possible a economic support too. Curretnly even though we are not officialy in PI, we have decided to send out aids for the Canadians and her allies. Of course, due to the new purging of the corrupt officials and new militaristic equiments being issued, there cannot be much of militaristic aid going for the Canadian. It will take a bit of time, but we will send in MEDICAL AIDS, WEAPONS, EQUIPMENTS and maybe few of our new tanks will be seeing in front of Dysanii front."

"We also have developed a new tank, it will go into mass production in 2 month and already 100 of these were created. To aid the Canadian force and her allies, few of these will be introduced to the Canadian-Dysanii front. Here are the specific lists of this.

K-2 Black Panther Tank also known as XK2, or GNMBT

Weight 55 tonnes
Length 10 m (7.5m chassis)
Width 3.1 m
Height 2.2 m
Crew 3 (commander, gunner, driver)

Armor Layers consisting of soft- and hard-kill anti-missile defense systems, ERA, NERA, modular & new unknown type of composite armor
armament 120 mm, 55 caliber smoothbore gun (40 rounds)
armament .50 cal.(12.7 mm) K6 heavy machine gun (3,200 rounds) 7.62 mm coaxial machine gun (12,000 rounds)
Engine 4-cycle, 12-cylinder water-cooled diesel (similar to MTU-890)
1,500 hp
Power/weight 27.2 hp/tonne
Suspension In-arm Suspension Unit
range N/A
Speed 70 km/h (acceleration of 0-32 km/h with in 7 seconds)

These wil be replacing our old K1A1 or also known as K1-88 tanks here are the Specs...

Weight 51.1 tonnes (54.5 tonnes for K1A1)
Length 9.67 m (9.71m for K1A1)
Width 3.60 m
Height 2.25 m
Crew 4

Armor Composite
armament K1 -- KM68A1 105 mm
K1A1 -- KM256 120mm
armament 12.7 mm antiaircraft machine gun
7.62 mm coaxial machine gun
Engine 10-cyl. water-cooled diesel MTU 871 Ka-501
1200 hp (890 kW)
Power/weight 23.4 hp / tonne (22.0 hp / tonne for K1A1)
Suspension Torsion bar & hydropneumatic (hybrid suspension)
range 500 km
Speed 65 km/h

-Sorry for no picture, but if u wanna see what it looks like, go to wikipedia and search K1A1 and write down K2 Black panther, but for the black panther, it is actually a bad image. Cuz Korean army is actually sensitive about this stuff... and try to give out least picture pssible. These tanks are capable of "Kneeling" actually, so they're not bad as it seems in picture.
The Peace is War, therefore we fight

The Freedom is Slavery, therefore we work

The Strength is Ignorance, therefore we follow
-These quotes got nothing to do with Geradin Empire's policy! Please note that

Economic Left/Right: -3.38Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.00                        
The Proud Nation of Geradin Empire