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Author Topic: Chinese Loyalist Info Center  (Read 1644 times)

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Chinese Loyalist Info Center
« on: March 25, 2007, 08:53:34 PM »
Loyalist Navy installs indicator loops around Na Sui and Yaolin Harbor.      Major increase in industrial metal production and exports       WAR!!! Loyalist Forces heading off to Llanydern to fight the Dassies      five Type 051 destroyers are plan to be laid in Na Sui in the navy's new modernization program       
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« Last Edit: July 15, 2007, 04:21:49 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Chinese Loyalist Info Center
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2007, 08:53:03 PM »
May 1
Arms Manufacturing On Increase
Military hardware has recently become the fastest growing state enterprise in the country. This can mostly be drawn to the efforts of the government to create indigenous weapons, that would locally supply and equip supply its military. Much of the technical skill needed had been from state sponsor students who study related fields in Saletsia. Hun Shia Jung, the chief engineer for the State's Explosives Laboratory, studied chemical engineering in one of Saletsia's top universities. These returning graduates are key in expanding and developing the country's technology base in all fields including the military. 

Shortly after the indigenous Type-89 mortar came into service, State Arms designers announced that they had built and tested the their first Type 77 hand grenade http://www.sinodefence.com/army/small_arms/type77ihandgrenade.asp  . While primitive and underpowered, the Type-77 would be LA infantry first service hand grenade. Production is expected to start in two weeks.

Apr 29
Talmann Bolt Action Rifle Enters Service
 After several improvements and changes to the prototype design, the SRD-1 has receive its official design certificate and has enter production. The new factory is expected to turn up to 200 rifles each day, getting on the Defense Department's plan to arm the thousands of national militia units with firearms. The Bai Lon County's 1st Militia Group received the first production batches.


One major improvement was the addition of a ejection spring clip that solved the limitation of gravity drop ejection. The keyhole safety mechanism was also replace with a more sophisticated trigger safety. The locking lugs were also made bigger to increase durability. The single lug has been expanded to three as well. A modern sight has been incorporated with all versions of the SRD-1, which designers has copy from the imported M1 Garand rifle.

The Talmann has receive mixed opinions from troops, but most officers agree that it was a good start towards modernizing the primitive equipment of most of the country's militia units. In Mei for example, many of the rural militia lack even state issue crossbows; equipped with simple bows and blades, they suffer heavy casualties against regional bandits and organized gangs. This was clearly shown in the recent border skirmish between Black Cloud bandits and local militia units, where organized criminals with muskets completely overwhelm two militia groups. It took a day for regular troops from the LA to reach the combat zone; if it wasn't for the efforts of nearby Saletsian forces, the border would had been completely overran. Even though the Loyalist Army is undergoing major expansion, the majority of defense still depends on the presence of local militia units; a national necessity as well as a tradition.       
Apr 4
National Railway System Completed

"For the first time in the history of the Dominion of Chinese Loyalist, the major cities of Anyia, Mei, Gandao, Ni Yai, and Na Sui are connected by the new fast moving trains that facilitate trade and transport within the nation. The government can finally call on all the resources and people of the country quickly and efficiently, whether it be iron ore from Ni Yai or soldiers from Gandao."

With the final completion of the line connecting the agricultural center of Mei, the country is finally united in steel and steam. The massive influx of goods and people moving around the country have boast the economy to its highest levels ever. Every department in the government has receive massive increase in their budget as a result, and the new Public Transport division receives high priority funding. National industries have expanded to new heights and wages are more than ten times higher now. The yao exchange is at the miraculous new exchange rate of 4.5 yao to a dollar, its highest in history. For the new state agenda, the government plans to take advantage of the new exchange rate to purchase foreign arms and technology.

Mar 29
Industry Boom

Despite the recent economic downturn, state-run industries have finally broken through the technical and resource barriers that had held them down. With the advent of industrial steel production in the country, the other sectors of manufacturing have enjoy the benefits and growth.

While still small, the amount of household and light industry goods have raise by 70 percent. Machinery and Construction have also experience significant growth. New industries are also popping up, the major one being Precision Tools. The government is now currently trying to break into Arms Manufacturing.

Saletsian assistance has been crucial in the development of the industrial sector. The newly built APC plant in Gandao has provided not only introduce new technologies, but has given local workers much needed technical skills and experience. The first Type-63 APC is expected to roll out in a few days. The new rail system has provided country's first effective transport network and expand domestic trade. It has also allow movement of aid and imports into the country. While the line currently only connects the capital with Saletsian borders, the government are currently plotting rail lines to connect the rest of the Anyian rail system with the other major settlements of Gandao, Na Sui, and Mei. The impact of this project would be profound on the country's logistics and economy. SFCs in Anyia are working day and night to produce the enormous amount of steel rail tracks needed for this state venture.

The sole provider of aid has been Saletsia so far, but the Mercantilist States have recently bought land for tobacco cultivation in Na Sui. The jobs and port created were a enormous boast to town's economy. Na Sui is expected to grow into the DCL's major port.

Mining has not grown significantly, mostly due to the lack of resources and technical skills needed to mine deeper metal deposits. Fuel is still a issue, with most it stockpile in storage tanks in the Anyian Rail Complex. Coal consumption has grown thanks to increase demand for it in factories and trains.

If all goes well, the country is expected to become completely industrialize in several decades.

New Regiment Equiped with C7 rifles from Saletsia

A member of the new 1st Gandao Rifles Regiment standing guard outside the headquarters of the Loyalist Army, with one of 500 Diemaco C7 rifles purchase from Saletsia Arms.

Posted on: March 25, 2007, 05:04:49 PM
After several years of planning and construction, the Chinese Loyalist government unveil its first of many SFC (Steel Foundy Complex) that would make it possible for the first time for the large scale production of steel.

Seen here is one of three parts to the complex. Coal is transported from the Black Cow Mine by rail and unloaded here. The coal is then process in this part of the complex, into refined coke http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coke_%28fuel%29. The coke is then transfer to the secondary building next door, where it fuels blast furnaces to smelt pig iron from another mine near Anyia. At last, the pig iron would would be carried to the last building where it is process into low-grade steel by five large Bessemer converters. The estimate initial production level for this SFC would be around twenty-forty tons of mild steel a day. Future SFCs would have higher production levels and sophistication, but the three-part-process would remain the same for every foundry. Also, the factory complex is the first in the country to have electric power and lighting, thanks to a steam generator that uses the waste heat from the furnaces and coke ovens to create steam.

While inferior compare to other steel production in the other developed nations, the SFC has been a huge undertaking and achievement for the Chinese Loyalist State. The materials and technical information needed to build it were difficult to obtain, and economic slump threatened to stop the project. The steel rails for example had to be painstakingly fashioned by local blacksmiths with simple tools. The generator was bought by organizers from a scrap yard across the border in Saletzia. Everything took awhile to come together, and delays with supply and equipment were constant. But the end result....was spectacular, to both project managers and new workers.

"Holy crap, the place had LIGHTS!!!"exclaim one local worker who was thrilled by the new factory."It was all so amazing, I press this button on the wall, and the garage doors opens...ALL BY ITSELF. No need to lift it or anything! IT FREAK THE SHIT out of my friend Han Qi,...you should had seen the guy fainted...right there."

Anyian citizens hope that the new factory would continue to offer new jobs for residence and make steel goods readily available for the first time. When ask about the factory's first application for the new steel, Project Head Manager Vali Wong simply stated, "roof shingles". 

« Last Edit: June 17, 2007, 07:34:55 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

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Re: Chinese Loyalist Info Center
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2007, 07:35:54 PM »
Defense Spendings         Year 2007         

Total Budget (NS Tracker data): Y$253,407,453.60 (Mar-23)           
Administration Upkeep    Y$100,000,000 (Mar-23)       

Spending Budget: Y$153 407 453    


Items: Diemaco C7 Rifles
Amount: 500
Supplier: Saletsia Arms
Expenditure/Cost (yao):3 850 000
 ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/index.php/topic,1112.0.html

Funds Remaining: Y$149 557 453


Items: M939 Truck, +parts
Amount: 20
Supplier: Saletsia
Expenditure/Cost (yao):5 200 000

Funds Remaining: Y$144 357 453


Fuel Contract
"We would pay 6 yao (roughly 0.5 peso) per litre, for 1 million litres. This would be 6 000 000 yao. We would deliver the money now, and await for the fuel shipment to the future Anyia Rail Station complex."

Items: Coconut Oil Bio-diesel
Amount:1 000 000 litres
Expenditure/Cost: 6 000 000

Funds Remaining: Y$138 353 453


Item: 2000 M1 Garands and 800 Springfield rifles, plus munition
Expenditure/Cost: 13 376 000 yao + 1 760 000 yao (munition)

Funds Remaining: Y$123 217 453


Item: 1000 Volkswagen Kübelwagen (Administrative Uses)
Expenditure/Cost: 18 000 yao each Total 18 000 000 yao

Funds Remaining: Y$105 217 453 (transfer to R&D budget)


Spending Budget (Calculated as 25% of new Defence Budget): Y$609 485 448.77
(click to show/hide)

609 485 448.77-85 448.77 (move to end of RL month party funds)= 609 400 000
Item: 5000 FAL Rifles (Semi/Burst) + munition
Expenditure/Cost: 20 250 000
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/index.php/topic,1159.0/topicseen.html

Funds Remaining:Y$589 150 000

Item: Aircraft Material Transfer (Saletsian Arms)
Expenditure/Cost: 22 900 000

Funds Remaining:Y$566 250 000

Item: 10 000 M-97 Rifles + munition + 2000 M-97
Expenditure/Cost: 32 000 000
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/saletsian-arms/15/

Funds Remaining:Y$534 250 000

Funds Transfer to Transport Ministry: 350 000 000 yao (Fuel Contract)

Funds Remaining:Y$184 250 000

Items: 20 MBT-2000: 62 000 000 yao
          50 BMP-3:      93 000 000 yao
          Total:          155 000 000 yao
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/saletsian-arms/45/

Funds Remaining:Y$29 250 000 (transfer to R&D budget)


Spending Budget (Calculated as 25% of new Defence Budget): Y$16 081 830 871.47
(click to show/hide)

16 081 830 871.47-130 871.47 (move to end of RL month party funds)= 16 081 700 000

Item: MG42 Production Package + ten year liscence
Expenditure/Cost: 62 000 000 yao
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/saletsian-arms/45/

Item:500 Glock 17 with munition
Expenditure/Cost: 283 500 yao
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/hanso-arms-and-other-lethal-armaments/0/

Item: Neustrashimy class frigate (Destiny)
Expenditure/Cost: 1 890 000 000 yao
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/hanso-arms-and-other-lethal-armaments/0/

50 BrahMos mobile unit:1 575 000 000 yao
500 BMP:2 362 500 000 yao
10 JF-17 (permission to reverse engineer): 567 000 000 yao
munition: 2 000 000 000 yao

Total: 6 504 500 000 yao

Item: 18 month Fuel Contract Renewal
Expenditure: 2 000 000 000 yao
ref: http://forum.taijitu.org/treaty-conferencesorganisations/saletsian-ties/30/?topicseen

Item: 10 000 Jericho 941
Expenditure: 4 016 250 yao

Funds Remaining:Y$5 620 900 250 (Transfer to R&D budget)


Spending Budget (Calculated as 10% of new Defence Budget): Y$49 220 722 335.4
(click to show/hide)

Item: 500 000 IMBEL MD-97s + munition
Expenditure: $500 000 000 (943 500 000 yao)

Item: Renewal of Military Fuel Contract (same terms)
Expenditure: $Y5 000 000 000

Item: Vehicle Armour Technology Transfer
Expenditures: $Y500 000 000

Item: Advance Radar and Digital Electronics Technology Transfer
Expenditure: $Y 800 000 000

Item: Rocketry Development Contract
Expenditure: $Y 3 000 000 000

Item: Warship Construction Development Contract
Expenditure: $Y 5 000 000 000

Total: $Y 15 243 500 000 ($8 079 055 000)

Fund Remaining: 33 977 222 335.40 yao

Item: 100 Defenders
Expenditure: $600 000 000

Item: 10 Mi-8
Expenditure: $20 000 000

Total: $620 000 000

Item: http://forum.taijitu.org/rp-shops/takasia-arms-catalog/0/?topicseen
Expenditure: $12 336 000 000

Item: 16 Airbus A400M
Expenditure: $2 572 800 000

Item:50,000 m2 armoured glass       $ 2,250,000, Pure white phosphorus      $15,000,000

Fund Remaining: $18 431 172 335.40

« Last Edit: June 30, 2007, 11:45:03 PM by Chinese Loyalist »
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."

Offline Union

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Re: Chinese Loyalist Info Center
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2007, 07:36:26 PM »
Foreign Reserves

80 000 000 tallents
Posted on: March 29, 2007, 06:46:31 AM
Foreign State Investments

Sheelite Mine, Ni Yai

Partners: Collier

Investment Amount: 3 000 000 tallents 40 000 000 yao

State Budget Surplus Fund
(taken from government waste section of NS statistics and accounted every RL month)


Gift to Kingdom of Tagirstan: 310 000 000 yao

FR (Funds Remaining): Y$82 403 568 392
"Deception, Intelligence, Method, Execution, and Exploitation."