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Author Topic: Yangland  (Read 740 times)

Offline Yangland

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  • Posts: 38
  • My homie
« on: February 11, 2007, 01:02:02 AM »
Yangland is a conglomerate of space stations located just outside of Taijitu's apmosphere.It is connected by binary data stored in the main CPU uplink held in the Endaku station core mainframe.Additional CPU uplinks are held in each of the stations.To transport yourself to the other stations or down to the planet's surface,you would use a teleporter linked to the CPU on that station to convert your mass into binary code to be transferred to the selected CPU system selected by typing in the code listed on the CPU hard drive.Some stations consist of lust forests conserved due to the constant deforestation on the planet surface.The  country has made it so that you may enter a virtual world granted you can only do so by loging into the main CPU uplink mainframe.Yangland is also known for it's space-age military technology.It's sattelites can fire a beam of hyperelectric energy to the given coordinates.The national language is Yanglandian.But the inhabitants must also learn Binary Code,Monkey,CPU code,and Aquarian(sea tounge).The national animal is the Yang Koi,which frolics freely in the forest stations.Small,Electrically powered hover cars are used by authorised personel only.Amusement parks are located in the entertainment section of the stations located near the inner most areas of the orbiting stations.Crime is unknown.The presidential area is located in the Endaku station to the far right.The water supply is recycled through large water treatment plants and distributed by teleportation.The waste is dumped into the soil of the forest for fertilization.Food is cryogenically grown in nutrient rich water.Toxic waste is treated and broken down into it's primal elements using advanced technology and put into different items used by the public.Other waste is used on the public wishing to donate their live bodies to science.The mutation genetically alters their bodies to boost their streangth,agility,speed,etc..Meat is given by transforming plant matter by radioactive rays to give their genetic structure the appeal of meat.Religeon is free to the public's dicision.Power is generated by hydroelectricity created by artificial damming and biomass of garbage and humanely killed wood.The pollution is maintained,filtered, broken down into it's main elements,and used for other materials.People are barcoded on their right arms and scanned while going through certain corridors.If the code is invalid in rank then the person is asked to leave the premisis.If it happens again,then the person is sent to a mind scanner to completely whipe the memory of the premisis from that person and make it so that person will not want to enter that corridor again until scanned by the corridor again with the valid code.I hope you liked my Yangland presentation.By the way,Yangland is only made of 20 stations in orbit.Quote me for your thoughts.Thanks.
Yang-Yang ;D