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Author Topic: The Shadow Plane  (Read 1114 times)

Offline Valoron

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The Shadow Plane
« on: May 10, 2007, 01:19:26 AM »
A Visitors Guide To Valoron

When you visit the Shadow Plane of Valoron you may notice it's not like anywhere else in the world. It is a unique and colorful country but to visitors it could be potentially dangerous. To start below are a list of terms you'll need to know. Starting with the fact that we all have jet black skin, hair and all but the whites of our eyes. Alll because of things like.....

Kobra Rouge- A biological nerve gas wildly used in Valoron for civilian police as well as the military, mainly because of it's ability to settle within about two minutes and then become rendered virtually harmless. It's a thick bright red gas and you may be suffering form it if you have the following symptoms.
-Heavy deep coughing (possibly coughing up blood)
-Extreme Pain in any region of the body but especially the head and stomach
-Red or purple colored skin
-Blurred vision
What the gas really does it spike your overall blood pressure so all of the blood vessels in the body are under a tremendous amount of pressure and many, many will burst.

Sarin- This potentially deadly nerve gas is clear and instantly kills as well as taking a long time to settle, this neurotoxic wrecks havoc on the central nervous system and should be avoided at all costs.

You should also avoid all bio toxic or bio hazard signs as the military deploys a wide range of biological and chemical weapons in those areas, they may have been spilled, leaked or loose

The Society of Valoron

The people of Valoron are a colorful and rich culture famous for their paintings, plays, drawings and masters of all things culutral. The people place no threat on visitors but can be alarming to those unaware of the way of life the people lead. For example you will notice police are everywhere and so are cameras this ensure total securty. Do not be troubled by the officers machine guns and give them no reason to fire upon you. Also you may notice every civilian is armed to some degree. This is because gun ownership is compulsory in Valoron. We are all also bi-ligual and speak English as well as Valoric a language unique for our people. We remind all travelers that offending someones religouss beliefs is a crime in Valoron so talk of religon is best kept polite after all we are alll armed. The military may also be patrolling the streets, they are the ones in gasmasks, in peacetime they aid the police force in keeping law and order.

Creatures to Avoid

Fomac- a foamac walks upright and may be prowling the streets of Valoron performing simple tasks, to all visitors however an encounter with such a creature could be deadly. Foamacs look almost like greenish brown wrinkly almost hairlless wolves that walk upright, they have razor sharp claws and teeth and thick skin, they orginate form the land of Foamia, they were at one point people who were mutated by an odd sort of bomb. Due to Valoron science they sense the agent nightshade in our skins( Waht makes our skin hair and eye color black) and do not attack us. Visitors however could be. ther are over 3 millions Foamacs in Valoron be careful around them.

Worg- A worg is a common pet in Valoron a sort of large black almost wolf-like creature that was once our national animal. they are generally friendly but can be deadly if provoked.

That's all for this installment of a Visitors guide to Valoron more to come soon.

Offline Valoron

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Re: The Shadow Plane
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 01:20:14 AM »
he largest and most omnipotent installation in the country of Valoron is the industrial military complex. In simple terms the Army. Knowing the way the installation works is the first step in truly understanding Valoron. The Valoron military is divided into multiple divisions that vary widely in function and size. They are described below in your convenience.

THE COMBINE- the single largest branch of the Valoron military is the combine, comparable to the marines. A majority of the combine are privates, low ranking soldiers meant to serve as the gears in the Valoron war machine. All forms of infantry however can be found here, most notably the countries famous anti –tank rocketeers, also notable however are the combines scout snipers, explosive experts and world famous tunnel rats, who are responsible for the maintence and de trapping of all tunnels in and outside the country. These branches of the military are made up of over 600 divisions and are a force to be reckoned with in and of them selves.

THE BURNING LEGION- Infamously named the burning legion represents the rest of the Valoron army, particularly all forms of vehicles, being tanks, jeeps, armored carriers or helicopters. They are constantly called on to deliver a rain of artillery fire and heavy armor support to devastate the enemy. Most soldiers in this branch of the military are veterans but due to reforms in the education system that allow for quicker learning of engineering and vehicle operation and maintence the flaming legion is seeing a fresh new batch of mechanics and drivers capable of staying in the legion for longer periods of time. The second largest branch of the Valoron military also includes some infantry displaying more unique armor.

AIR CAVALRY- the most advance and destructive branch of the valoron military is by far the Air Cavalry, after receiving a re vamping after the war on petersville, the cavalry as it is called for short is used for reconnaissance as well as multiple bombing runs in any campaign, other more nimble fighters are meant for dog fighting. Regardless little is known about the air cavalry and despite it’s size very few pilots tell anything about what technology they have.

NAVY- This branch of the military is rarely called on but exists anyway in case the armed forces ever need to traverse water. The Shadow plane has a wide manner of advance carriers and battle ships that have been decommissioned but most members of this branch think that something big is about to happen and are looking forward for the opportunity to prove themselves and earn the respect form their fellow men at arms

Offline Valoron

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Re: The Shadow Plane
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 01:20:50 AM »
The Last and most horrible of all of these is the forgotten branch of the military industrial complex. A horror known only as the Crimson Death. The Crimson Death controls all aspects of chemical and biological warfare in Valoron. They were responsible for the production of Kobra Rouge. All manner of bio-terrorism and chemical warfare are run by this organization. These horrific men don blood red robes helmets and gas masks. Once you have entered the Crimson Death you are never aloud to leave. It is rumored these men are always creating more horrible diseases, contagions, drugs, and other agents designed to warp the mind and harm the body every day. All members of the Crimson Death outrank almost all other members with the exception of generals in any other branch of the military. Luckily they are rarely called upon.

Offline Valoron

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Re: The Shadow Plane
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 01:21:53 AM »
Public education in Valoron starts at the age of 4 like most modern educational systems. Unlike most countries however the military directly runs the system. In the earlier grades the children learn basic reading writing and math, as well as how to work with computers. In addition all students in grade school must partake in some form of martial art supplied by the school and 1 hour of physical activity a day. Once these basic skills are learned the children are expected to learn to express themselves through some form of artistic expression. Grade school is completed at the 5th grade and basic education is complete.

In what would be middle school students truly establish their individuality. During this time all students are mandated to take any number of classes that would teach life skills suck as cooking to more military oriented classes such as wilderness survival. These electives are extremely diversified and teachers have noted such a curriculum that establishes individual identity is unique in Valoron. Studies find it is helpful during "Transition School" to have such classes before their lives ultimately become more controlled in Finishing or High school. Of course martial arts and Physical eduction are still mandated to control obesity.

In High school a majority of classes are mandated and are designed for the compulsory military service all young men must serve upon graduation for 5 years. Martial Art classes are supplemented by classes like hand to hand combat applied. Younger students learn such techniques as the use of radar and gps, as well as traditional orienteering. Older students learn firearms and are offered such classes as demolitions, recon, construction,and field medicine. Traditional electives are still offered however so school has a total of 12 periods during these 4 years.

(It should be noted that girls are not required to attend firearms classes but can if they demand equality or simply show an interest of going into the military and aiding their male friends.)

This system although definitely unique and highly criticized does produce one thing, a people born bred and trained for war. Ultimately it produces soldier's completely desensitized to violence and proficient in all things military. Critics argue that due to the developed system Valoron's civilian population suffers but such arguments have always failed to compare Valoron's culture and breakthroughs in fields suck as the arts in sciences. Although we suffer in areas such as private business we fail to sense it's impact. Our economy is still frightfully powerful and thriving.

Some however argue still that these results are results of outside factors, still suspicious no doubt from our use of Agent Nightshade in the dominion. they also say the success is due to these factors.

1. No social classes in Valoron (100% Tax Rate)
2. No racial divisions
3. Totalitarian school discipline (Capital Punishment)
4. the children know not of any other system.

WE WILL NOT CHANGE our system however and feel it's effectiveness is good for the shadow plane. We hope you have enjoyed this informational presentation about the life of Valoron students.

Offline Valoron

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Re: The Shadow Plane
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 01:22:30 AM »
The children of Valoron are actually monitored far before the age of four, for as long as they can't remember the government starts, twisting their minds and bodies before they are even born.

All children in the Shadow plane must pass an inspection in early pregnancy to ensure that no physical or mental disablities are found. Any sign of mental or physical compromise can proke an investigation, if results are found conclusive the child is terminated.

Upon birth all children must be given three shots, one is a shot of agent nighshade. Without it the children would be at risk form the foamacs. The second is a growth development drug proven to help the child grow up about 20-30 pounds thicker in pure muscle by age 18, women see less of the effect seeing only 10-20 pounds of muscle tops added on. The third speed up metabolism to help fight obescetity.

More shots must be administered quickly throughout early childhood to prevetn infection form all manner of diseases and contagions. Both natural and man made. From there all childern must then go off to school.