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Author Topic: The Myrorian Catholic Church - Our Teachings and Beliefs  (Read 653 times)

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The Myrorian Catholic Church - Our Teachings and Beliefs
« on: February 14, 2007, 09:29:57 PM »

The Myrorian Catholic Church, despite it's name, is not at all like it's Roman counterpart. Compared to the Roman Catholic Church, the Myrorian one is much more liberal in terms of what's heretical and what's not. Here's some stances that the Myrorian Catholic Church takes on issues, and feel free to post your own questions without restriction.

Nature of God
There is no God but God. Jésus, Moseah, and Muhammed are all his prophets.

The Myrorian Catholic Church is radically different from other Christian sects in that it considers all Abrahamic Gods to be the same. The Myrorian Catholic Church, though believing that Jésus (Jesus) is God's son and most important prophet, considers Moseah (Moses), Muhammed, and Jésus to all be his prophets. Catholics believe that Jews, Muslims, and Christians are all non-heretical and will all go to heaven. HOWEVER, the Church believes that all non-Abrahamic religions (Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.) are heathenous and their followers will go to Hell. Which leads us to our next point...

Nature of Hell
Eternal condemnation is heresy. A mortal cannot be punished eternally for a lifetime of sin.

Catholics believe that Hell is a punishment, much as Purgatory is considered a punishment. According to the first pope, Saint John, a mortal cannot be punished for all eternity if he committed sins for a limited time. There are four types of sins: Minor sins, Major Sins, Mortal sins, and Eternal sins. Minor sins are punishable by 5 years in Hell before ascending to Heaven. Major sins are punishable by 25 years in Hell. Mortal sins are punishable by a lifetime in hell (for instance, if a person who committed a mortal sin was 75 when he died, he would be in hell 75 years). Eternal sins are extremely rare, and must be differenciated from mortal sins by the pope himself. Eternal sins are the only time a human can be in hell for all eternity.

Examples of minor sins

Examples of major sins

Examples of mortal sins

Examples of eternal sins
Murder of the pope (unless pardoned by the pope himself)

Minor and major sins are confessable. Mortal sins may be under extreme circumstances, and since eternal sins are determined by the pope himself, a pardon can be given by him.

"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."