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Author Topic: The Mercantilist States  (Read 3995 times)

The Mercantilist States
« on: February 10, 2007, 10:45:09 PM »
Head of State: President Anthony J. Washington

National Motto: "One army, one dominion, one dream."

National Languages: English, British English, Southern English

National Anthem: Maritime March

National Animal: Terrapin

Capital: Decartes

Currency: Tallent

« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 05:20:59 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Map of the Mercantilist States
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2007, 08:34:36 PM »

Seafood (tilapia, salmon, shrimp)
Grain (barley, wheat, hops)
Fruits (apple, orange, mango)

Oil (offshore)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2007, 10:06:19 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Articles of Confederation
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2007, 05:36:28 AM »
Updated my wiki...

Articles of Confederation

The Mercantilist Articles of Confederation is the governing document of the Mercantilist States. It establishes the capital as Decartes, Decartes and a governing body known as Congress. Each state is given one seat in Congress and determines how its represenative is selected. In all cases it is the chief executive and/or head of state of the government.

The Congress convenes at the beginning of each year and is responsible for electing the President. The person who recieves the most votes becomes the President. It then reconvenes at the discretion of the members. The President serves as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces and is vested with supreme executive authority. He can be removed from office by a 3/4 vote of Congress.

The Congress is also responsible for electing the Supreme Court. It serves as the court of last resort and is made up of 7 members, with at least one member from each state. The Court has the authority to review the actions and declare unconsitutional the actions of the President. How or what exactly would happen after this is unclear and has never happened in Mercantilist States history.

Congress is often referred to colloquially as BOGSAT (bunch of guys sitting around a table) because of its small size and boardroom-like meeting place. Its discussions are often also shrouded in an air of secrecy, and members often meet informally and without aides.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 05:21:34 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

« Reply #3 on: February 19, 2007, 05:08:51 AM »
Merchant Defense Force

The Merchant Defense Force is made up of the Mercantilist Navy (MSN), Mercantilist Army (MSA), Mercantilist Air Force (MSAF), and Mercantilist Subcorps (MSC). All military bases are shared by the four divisons.

The Mercantilist States is notable for its compulsory military service, with all male citizens over the age of 16 lifetime members of the Merchant Reserve and required to serve at least two years of military service.

Mercantilist Navy

The Navy is third largest division of the MDF, accounting for roughly 25% of the military budget. It is made up of Merc class Destroyers, Essex class aircraft carriers, Duke class frigates, and Maritime class auxiliary ships.

Recent purchases will expand the navy even further with aircraft carriers larger than anything currently in production by the Mercantilist States.

Mercantilist Army

The Mercantilist Army is by far the smallest divison of the MDF, and is made up entirely of personnel. However, the Army is also responsible for training the all the conscripts. Thus the Army represents the greatest number of the military personnel in the MDF, but only accounts for roughly 10% of the military budget. The Mercantilist Corps of Engineers is also under the command of the Army.

Mercantilist Air Force

The Mercantilist Air Force is the second largest division of the military, accounting for roughly 30% of the defense budget. The MSAF is under the command of the Admiral of the Navy and all its actions are coordinated with the Navy. Thus, Air Wings are based out military bases and off of aircraft carriers. The primary aircraft of the MSAF is the M-16 Spider, a lightweight, medium range, multi-role fighter jet and the F-4 Phantom II. It is supplemented by the MH-44 Terrapin class attack and transport helicopter and the B-17 Flying Fortress.

Recent purchases from the Allied States have expanded the MSAF production lineup to include the F-35 JSF.

Mercantilist Subcorps

The Mercantilist Subcorps is the underwater defender and first line of defense of the Mercantilist States. It accounts for the largest portion of the military budget, roughly 35%. It is comprised of Mercwolf and Los Angeles class submarines. Recent purchases will expand the subcorps to include ballistic submarines.
« Last Edit: February 19, 2007, 07:54:17 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Heads of Government
« Reply #4 on: February 19, 2007, 07:09:57 PM »
President of the Mercantilist States, Anthony J. Washington
Ambassador from the Mercantilist States, William Jackson IV

Prime Minister of Jazzo, James T. Gardener
Ambassador from Newsouth, William Xavier
President of Wikitree, Devin Wikii
Governor of Decartes, Robert G. Bush
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Re: The Mercantilist States
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2007, 10:19:49 PM »
Major Corporations

The largest corporation in the Mercantilist States is the Mercantilist Brewing Co., an alcohol and tobacco producer with a worldwide distribution network. Their assets are spread throughout the Mercantilist States. Their beer is known to be found in the taverns across the unclaimed lands.

The Northrup-Mercantile Company is the major arms manufacturer in the Mercantilist States. It does 80% of its business with the Mercantilist States Government. It is responsible for the development and production of the bulk of the Merchant Defense Force military equipment.

The DeWi Diamond Trading Company is the exclusive supplier of diamonds in the Mercantilist States. All of their assets are located in Wikitree.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2007, 02:42:13 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Political/Resource Map
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2007, 10:23:36 PM »
The Mercantilist States

Green dots represent military bases
Blue triangles represent uranium mines
White traingles represent diamond mines
Orange triangles represent gold mines
Yellow represents oil wells
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Obtaining Resources
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2007, 08:02:00 PM »
Resouce extractors...

DeWi Diamond Trading Company, Wikpedia, Wikitree

Kerst Gold Inc., Redwood, Tenokee
Jennings, Hamilton, Bryan, and Co., North Pass, Tenokee

Mercantilist States Navy, Decartes, Decartes
Merchant Oil, Decartes, Decartes
Valdez-Mobil, Jazzville, Jazzo

Mercantilist States Army, Pentagon City, Jazzo
Jenison Mines Inc., Jamestown, Jazzo
Templeton Mining Co. Templeton, Newsouth
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Re: The Mercantilist States
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2007, 06:25:37 AM »
New posts to this thread will reflect events from this thread and the current Ginto Dispute (first posts in the Downfall of the King and Supremo threads; and subsequent Ginto Islands vote).

Updated the Mercantilist States Wiki, and further updates forthcoming...

(which means most of the previous posts in this thread are now outdated)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 06:34:33 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Military Expansions
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2007, 06:29:35 AM »
March 29, 2007

MDF Commissions Battleship Line
Ushers in a "New Generation" of naval capability

JAZZO (Jazzo Informer) - The Merchant Defense Force announced they were commissioning a new line of battleships today. It was designed by the Northrup-Mercantile Company, who is also responsible for its construction. The first ship, the MSS Jazzo is scheduled to be completed within the next 3 years.

"The Mercantilist States Navy is entering a new era of naval capability," said MDF spokesman Col. Anthony Powell. "This new generation of battleships will be comparable to anything on the seas today."

The ships are intended to supplement naval fleets who are forward deployed in Dominion and non-Mercantilian waters.

However, top ranking government officials and naval theorists have questioned the effectiveness of such battleships in this era of aircraft carriers.

"This is an utter waste of money," one official said speaking on the condition of anonymity.

Powell maintained that the battleships are not intended to replace aircraft carriers as the primary naval actor, but supplement them.


To:  Jeff Crane
Secretary of Defense
From:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
Subject:  Additions To Your Order

Total current price is $592,500,000,000.00.  The DPR for the RQ4A Global Hawk comes to $84,000,000,000.00 creating a grand total of $676,500,000,000.00.  Deduct the 10% discount and final price is $608,850,000,000.00.

We will start accepting payments as we begin construction and delivery of your order.  The DPRs will be brought to your nation via an escorted courier to meet with your offical representative.  The five Nimitz-class aircraft carriers will take about three years to complete and have upon your shores.

Thank you for your business and have a good day.


To:  Carol Black
CEO of Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing
From:  Jeff Crane
Secretary of Defense

After being pleased with the performance of the Ohio-class submarines we previously ordered, the MDF would like to purchase:

9 Ohio-class SSBN Trident
4 Ohio-class SSGN Tactical Trident

Additionally, our army is also expanding for the first time our land-based forces and would like to purchase the DPR to the M3A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle, AN/VLQ-7 Stingray, and the Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank.

After 10% trading partner discount, the total comes to $58.815 Billion. Thank you.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 01:00:45 PM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Heads of Government
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2007, 08:00:00 PM »
President of the Mercantilist States, Anthony J. Washington
Ambassador from the Mercantilist States, William Jackson IV

Secretary of Defense, Jeffrey Crane, Jr.
Secretary of Commerce, Alexander Wallis
Secretary of Education, William Xavier
Secretary of Health, Environment, and Welfare, Cameron Dunn

Prime Minister of Jazzo, James T. Gardener
Ambassador from Newsouth, John Kantano
President of Wikitree, Devin Wikii
Governor of Decartes, Robert G. Bush
Governor of Tenokee, Marcel Lock
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

The Mercantilist States
« Reply #11 on: April 24, 2007, 01:05:30 PM »
Mercantilist States

Each state is essentially an independent actor complete with its own laws; however the Mercantilist States Supreme Court serves as the court of last resort. Each has its own National Gaurd fleet under the command of the chief executive of its state.


Decartes is the capital state of the Mercantilist States. Its capital city is Decartes which also serves as the capital city of the Mercantilist States. It is the location of the Decartes Stock Exchange (DSE) and the location of the President's residence, the Cerulean House. It is also the home of the flagship university of the nation, the University of Old Mercantilism. Its national animal is the monkey.

Its government is made up of a popularly elected Governor and a unicameral legislature elected on a national party-list system.


Founded by settlers from South Nashville, its capital city is Newsouth. Consequently, its Constitution features a bicameral legislature with a popularly elected Ambassador, who serves as the representative in Congress, and a popularly elected Governor, who serves as the chief executive. Its national animal is the mockingbird.


Jazzo is the largest state in the Mercantilist States. Its capital is Jazzville and its national animal is the brown recluse. Its government is a unicameral legislature with a Prime Minister serving as the chief executive and elected by the Jazzan Parlaiment. Its representatives are elected from single member districts.


Wikitree is notable as the only state not to have a federal military base and to not enforce compulsory military service for its citizens. Its islands are known for rich diamond fields which supply all the diamonds in the Mercantilist States. Its capital city is Wikipedia and its national animal is the wikoctopus.

Its government has a bicameral legislature with the lower house elected from single member districts and the upper house made up of representatives from the largest corporations in the state. The lower house elects the President who serves as the chief executive.


Tenokee was the fifth state to join the Mercantilist States. Called a "Mercantilian birthright" by President Washington, it was settled primarily by Newsoutherners and Jazzans. Its Constitution and form of government is very similar to Jazzo's with the exception that the Governor is popularly elected. It was given a fast track to statehood by Congress following the ratification of its Constitution and election of its Governor.

« Last Edit: April 24, 2007, 01:07:44 PM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Mercantilist West O Company
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2007, 03:23:40 AM »
Mercantilist West O Company

The Mercantilist West O Company is the second largest corporation in the Mercantilist States headquartered in Decartes, Decartes. Similar to the Easteros Merchant Co., it was created to represent Merchant interests on the O continent, primarily in the Ginto territories. However, like with the Easteros Merchant Co., as the government’s stake decreased, it expanded its business model to a multinational holdings company that now makes up the majority of its business. Today, the Mercantilist States Federal Government holds about a 25% stake in the company.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Easteros Merchant Company
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2007, 04:16:00 AM »
Easteros Merchant Co.

The Easteros Merchant Co. is the largest corporation in the Mercantilist States complete with its own private army and police force. Headquartered in Jazzville, Jazzo, it was created by the Easteros Merchant Act to represent Merchant interests on the Easteros continent. In accordance with the Mercantilist Companies Act, it was created as a public-private partnership with the Mercantilist States Federal Government as the majority share holder to gradually reduce its stake as the company found investors. As the government’s stake in the company decreased, its scope expanded to acquiring controlling interests and investing in companies primarily in the Mercantilist States and its Dominions. The Mercantilist States Federal Government still holds about a 20% stake in the company.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook

Executive Branch
« Reply #14 on: May 01, 2007, 06:56:46 AM »
Executive Branch

The Executive branch, in addition to the President, is made up of the Department of State, Department of Defense, Department of Commerce, and then a number of lesser departments. The Ambassador from the Mercantilist States serves as the head of the Department of State and is appointed by the President. He outranks everyone except the President. Additionally, he often serves as the President's right hand man and speaks for the Mercantilist States in international negotiations.

The Department of Defense is the branch of government with control over the Merchant Defense Force and is based in Pentagon City, Jazzo. It is the location of the offices of the Secretary of Defense, Admiral of the Navy, and General of the Army; who together make up the core of the President's War Staff.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2007, 06:59:15 AM by Mercantilist States »
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

Wiki|News|Department of Commerce|NationStates Page|Factbook