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Author Topic: The Kingdom of Tagirstan  (Read 711 times)

The Kingdom of Tagirstan
« on: March 18, 2007, 05:45:56 PM »
Capital: Tagshknet
Language: Tagirc ( A combination of Tagmenic and Irataish.  Resembles RL Arabic.)
Religion: Islam- 75%, Christianity- 20%, Iratarism- 5%(Hinduism in RL)

Tagirstan is a medium sized nation in the North.  Tagirstan shares a border with Fenixa.  Tagirstan is ruled by a king.  The Kings power is checked by the Tagir Royal Council.  The current king of Tagirstan is HRM King Tarih ibn Gamal al-Rashid al- Tagmenenrac.  The Queen of Tagirstan is HRM Queen Fatima al-Jamil al-Iratator.

The Kingdom of Tagirstan is a liberal nation.  The State Religion is the Religion of the reigning Monarch.  Women may rule Tagirstan also.  There has even been a gay kng he was King Ghoration IV he was married to Prince Ragthoren II.
We walk not on our legs but on our wills.
-Sufi Proverb