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Author Topic: The Holy Empire of Abed-Nego  (Read 813 times)

Offline Abed-Nego

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The Holy Empire of Abed-Nego
« on: July 16, 2007, 02:16:53 AM »
The Holy Empire of Abed-Nego

Monarch: Shadrach Knight
Chancellor: Meshach Ramadon
Legislative Branch: The Black Council
Capital: St. Elsewhere
Goverment: Monarchy
Offical Language(s) Swahili, Inglish

The Imperial Family

His Holy Majesty, Emperor Shadrach Knight

Her Holy Majesty, Empress Delilah Knight

His Imperial Highness, Crown Prince Noah Knight

His Imperial Highness, Prince Elijah Knight

Her Imperial Highness, Princess Lillth Knight


His Excellency, Lord Chancellor Meshach Ramadon

Imperial Military
Military Strength- 300,000

The Imperial Army:

General  Betzalel Kingston

Lieutenant General Zephaniah Mamatobi

Major General Raamiah Blackthorn

Brigadier General Judas Barkley

Colonel James Rihanna

Lt. Colonel Jahovah Congo

Major (All Foot Soldiers)

Captain Abraham Joel

1st Lieutenant Sheba Saria

2nd Lieutenant Sodom N. Gomorrah

Army Equipment-
PKM (machine gun)
T-72 (main battle tank)
T-62 (main battle tank)
BMP-1 (infantry fighting vechile)
BTR-60 (armored personal carrier)
M109 (self-propelled artillery)
Mi-24 Hind (heavy attack helicopter)

The Imperial Navy:

Naval Ships-
Kiev-class aircraft carrier (2)
Sovremenny class destroyer (7)
Jiangwei class frigate (5)

The Imperial Air Force:

Su-25 Frogfeet
B-52 bomber
Spectre gunship

Special Forces:

The Zulu (with war elephant)

The Anasazi (with war boars)

« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 06:52:48 PM by Abed-Nego »