THE ECO-REPUBLIC OF GIBIESKNative long name: Hrömichry Nyyrö Chiipiesyych
Native short name: Chiipiesyych
Capital: Ompynh
Official language: Gibiese
Demonym: Gibiese
Government:de iure Epistocracy (father knows best state)
de facto Single-party dictatorship
Area: 1-636-206
7 Gibiese mile circles (M°) = 575 303 km² = 222,138 sq mi
Population: 615-600-000
7 = 36 million
Density: 314
7 per M° = 63 per km² = 163 per sq mi
Currency: Mussel
49 mussels = 1 nugget, 49 nuggets = 1 diamond
Cash is being phased out. Bills (1, 3, 7 and 21 mussels), coins (1, 3, 7 and 21 nuggets) and traveler's cheques (1, 3, 7 and 21 diamonds) are still legal tender. But you are encouraged to use your debit card for all transactions.
Note about numbers:The Gibiese use a septenary system to count, indicated by a subscript
7. That means 10
7 is actually seven, 100
7 is fourty-nine (7*7), 1000
7 is three hundred and fourty-three (7*7*7).
Geography:Gibiesk consists of two main islands (Pyynhuucö, 498 517 km² and Chiniuup, 76 786 km²) and a few minor islands. On the west of Pyynhuucö, there volcanoes reaching up to 210
7 throws (3842 m = 12,605 ft). The other islands are mostly flat.
Climate:The Gibiesk lowlands have a tropical climate with rainfall every day. It is colder on the mountains. The lowlands on the lee side of the mountains are a savanna with a dry season and a wet season.
GOVERNMENTExecutive, Legislature, Judiciary:The three branches of power are not separated in Gibiesk. All power is combined in the Council of the Wise, which consists of party functionaries and experts (usually university professors) appointed by the party.
Political Parties:The only political party is The Green Party, which was founded during the 3rd Republic as a movement to reduce pollution and to save wildlife.
Administrative divisions:The country is divided into "eco-zones." Each eco-zone has its own Council of the Wise with autonomy over environmental, social and infrastructure issues. National legislation requires at least 25% of every eco-zone to be nature reserve areas, in which all human activity is prohibited.
Gender Equality:Most (but not all) decision makers in Gibiesk are female. Male used to have equal rights in the 2nd and 3rd Republic, but gender equality has been abolished - together with democracy and the separation of powers - in the Eco-Republic.
ECONOMYTransportation:Roadbuilding has been declared "harmful to nature." In consequence, roads in Gibiesk are few and do not have enough capacity for a huge amount of vehicles. Privately owned cars are rare anyway because of [horrendous] taxes. The preferred means of transport for both long and short-distance rides is the bus, which is well maintained by the government.
Note that vehicles do not pollute, as combustion engines are unknown in Gibiesk. Aircrafts are unknown, too.
Electricity:100% of the electricity produced in Gibiesk is emission-free, clean, green, CO
2-free, renewable. Gibiesk uses the forces of nature to produce electricity: sun, wind, tides, geothermal, lightning.
Burning wood or coal has been outlawed, petroleum is unknown. Nuclear sciences are not advanced enough to produce a controlled chain reaction.