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Author Topic: The Confederacy of Joukai  (Read 2525 times)

Offline Joukai

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  • Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界
The Confederacy of Joukai
« on: January 07, 2008, 01:41:56 AM »
Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界

The Conderacy of Joukai

Government of the Confederacy

The Confederacy of Joukai is a Confederacy of 15 independent clans who grew tired of constant internal warfare. After some time, they proposed a confederation of the clans which tried to work together and maintain peace while each clan retained its sovereignty and independence. The confederacy as a governing unit is rather weak, but the clans are willing to maintain peace and promote trade, the ultimate goal of the confederacy. There are 5 great clans which hold most of the power. Their lords control the direction of the confederacy.

- Coat of Arms of the Confederacy

Gichou no doumei 議長同盟
Mori Hideaki, Mori clan
"Chairman of the Confederacy"

 The position of Gichou rotates between the five great clans every three years. The position of the Gichou is to oversee the congress of the confederacy and to enforce the policies of the congress across the land. The Gichou also is the international representative of Joukai to any affairs and diplomatic relations.

Gikai no doumei 議会同盟
"Congress of the Confederacy"

The Congress of the Confederacy is a gathering of electors from each of the 15 independent clans of Joukai, with the 5 great clans elevated above the others. The 5 great clans may veto any measure passed no matter the majority, and lesser clans usually vote along the lines of the dominant clans near their region. The main purpose of the congress is to maintain peace between the clans, facilitate trade inside the clans, and unite the clans as a whole if threatened by war. The congress by no means is an administrative unit over an area. Administration falls to the clan leaders.

Seat of Congress: City of Hagi

Largest City: Yamagata, Ichiro Province, Oda Domain

Currency: Koku [Exchange Rate $1 US = K$2.72 Koku]

Official Language: Joukin

  • Joukin 88%
  • Houkin 10%
  • Other 2%

Population: 92 million
  • Mori Domain: 22 Million
  • Go-Hojo: 19 Million
  • Oda Domain: 18.5 Million
  • Takeda Domain: 15.5 Million
  • Sanada Domain: 13 Million
  • Minor Domains: 4 Million
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 02:35:48 AM by Joukai »
Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界

Mori Hideaki, Chairman of the Confederacy

Offline Joukai

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Re: The Confederacy of Joukai
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2008, 02:22:30 AM »
The Clans -

The Great Clans

Mori Clan

Daimyo: Mori Hideaki

Currently the Gichou clan, the Mori are fierce soldiers and live very simple family oriented lifestyles with the notable exception of their major cities which are massive industrial areas. The Mori produce most of the manufactured metal goods, including weapons and armor (as in tanks). The industrial powerhouse of the confederacy, producing most of the manufactured goods. The average Mori makes little and is happy with it. Very simplistic militaristic culture, even more so than the rest of Joukai. The Mori are known for excellent crafts and tradesmen. Crafts and trades are operated and passed down through families. The Mori are centered around Joru, a large fortress-city. Traditional enemies of the Go-Hojo, and ally of the Sanada.

- Joru Castle, Mori Seat of Power

Go-Hojo Clan

Daimyo: Hojo Ujinori

A people notable for their artists, the Go-Hojo live in urban areas and support themselves mainly through service industries. The Go-Hojo are the traditional enemies of the Mori, and natural allies of the Takeda. The Go-Hojo produce the finest aircraft in Joukai and often times supply them to the other clans.

- GH-38F, A Fighter designed by the Go-Hojo

Oda Clan

Daimyo: Oda Nobuo

The most technologically advanced of the clans, and the richest of the groups. Called the snake of Joukai by the other clans because of the history of betrayal and deceit by the Oda to their "allies". The Oda shift between sides in order to gain what is best for them. They live in dense metropolitan areas with an economy based on service industries. The Oda have the best scholastic institutes in Joukai, most well-to-do people attend a university in Oda territory. Very liberal in nature.

- Yamagata City

The Sanada Clan


Daimyo: Sanada Yukimura

The seafaring people of Joukai, they are skilled sailors and have adapted greatly to modern warfare. Most people fish for a living, though many farm and herd. They are skilled tradesmen, and many have far reaching economic empires supported on the backs of poorer people. The Sanada will often times hire out families of people to do labor for other clans. The Sanada have never lost an engagement at sea.

- Typical Sanada Fishing Village

The Takeda Clan

Daimyo: Takeda Shingen

The Takeda are also skilled soldiers, with an emphasis on fast paced warfare developed from a horse culture. The Takeda are also fiercely religious, and monitor the religious practices of most of the region. They live urban lives with a large middle class. They are by far the most conservative of the clans.

- Typical Takeda urban town in traditional style.
Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界

Mori Hideaki, Chairman of the Confederacy

Offline Joukai

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Re: The Confederacy of Joukai
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2008, 02:24:08 AM »
Social Nature of Joukai

Note - Joukai means "Sacred Ground, Amashita's Heaven, or paradise"

A culture of discipline and filial piety. A patriarchal society to the enth degree, to the point were women speak a different dialect than men. Great respect is given to elders who are revered as wise, and are looked to for leadership. A man will often learn one thing and devote himself to mastery of that one area. Cowardice is punishable by death and defense of one's honor is of major importance. Often one regains one's honor through a traditional duel using the razor sharp Katana of old. Sword play is still practiced by most men, and basic sword play is taught in school. Foreigners are frowned upon and often times find cold treatment from natives. Society is divided into a lose caste system, with Daimyo of great clans at the top and common garbage men at the bottom. Descendants of Samurai own the lands of their forefathers and govern it just as it has been done for hundreds of years. Those below the lowest level of Samurai are not permitted to carry Katana, but practice other martial arts for discipline and honor. Depending on the clan, commoners live poor oppressed lives, or pleasant middle class to wealthy lives.

Most wealthy and respected men have been so since birth. This same system of governing and society has been in place for a great deal of time.

Wars between neighboring clans or families are technically legal through feudal rights, thought most conflicts are settled through a single champion or small scale traditional battle between samurai and peasants. In one instance, an entire historical battle was recreated between the Takeda and the Mori. It was a bloody battle done in  in a very specific traditional style. Modern style of warfare is frowned upon between citizens of Joukai, though to stay fresh and to gain honor, soldiers are often times pitted in a high tech battle scenario that uses electronic suits and weapons down to artillery and aircraft. Electronic beams are sent to simulate were bombs would explode or guns would fire. Small shocks go where the pain would be, and depending on the severity of the wound, would be the severity of the pain. Eventually should one "die" their suit turns off and they are useless.

This style of mock combat is expensive but vital to the training of Joukai troops. It is an advanced version of laser-tag one could say.

People usually wear traditional garments because they are suited to the temperature of Joukai, and because of the highly traditional joukai society.

There are approximately 460,000 Samurai (1% of Population) of various ranks, most being low rung retainers. All samurai are required to have a great deal of military and administrative training preparing them for their many leadership and military roles they perform in their clans.

Standard urban home in Semi-traditional Style

Rock Garden in the Traditional Style

Ancient Manor House of a minor noble family.

Standard Dress and Landscape of Joukai (Despite the fact that they are westerners)

Samurai in his Hakama and wielding his Daisho (2 Swords)

Religion of Joukai

 The citizens of Joukai worship a number of spirits, gods, and totems along side ancestor worship and reverence to "The Enlightened One" (Think a mix of Buddhism and Shinto).The spirits are always associated with nature, with each natural thing possessing a spirit; such as a river spirit, tree Spirit, Spirit of the Forest, Spirit of the Mountain, Wind Spirit. There are also animal spirits and ghosts, such as a Fox Spirit, and each animal is associated with a certain characterization, such as foxes with guile and agility, Crane with majesty and grace. Spirits are referred to as Kami Then the gods are gods of ideas and concepts, such as Bishamonten, god of war.

 There are seven major deities who are worshiped throughout Joukai, excluding "The Enlightened One". They are called the Sichijin "Seven gods".
  • Ebisu - god of fishermen, good fortune, commerce, and honest labor (Patron deity of Sanada). Virtue: Candour
  • Daikokuten - god of Earth, Wealth, Prosperity, farmers, Flood Control, Kitchen(Patron deity of the Oda). Virtue: Fortune
  • Benzaiten - goddess of music, Fine arts, eloquence, literature (patron Deity of the Go-Hojo). Virtue: Amiability
  • Hotei - god of contentment of happiness. Virtue: Magnanimity
  • Fukurokuju - god of wisdom, longevity, fertility. Virtue: Popularity
  • Juroujin - god of Longevity. Virtue: Longevity
  • Bishamonten - god of treasure, god of war, god of warriors (Patron Deity of Mori & Takeda) Virtue: Dignity

 Each village and region has their own wealth of kami, gods, and totems to worship, and many vary from place to place. The 7 are the best known and most widespread. They believe in reincarnation, and the ability for men to become demons, ghosts, and spirits. They hold that the Spirits intervene in daily life and proper reverence to each according to their domain in very important. The religion is also very festival and ritual driven. Many festivals grace the Joukai calendar, with the most important being the Festival of the Dead, and the Festival of Light.

 Religion is very important to the people of Joukai, and they view atheism as ignorance. Since their religion is so broad and flexible, they easily accept other religions by adapting them to their own.

 "The Enlightened One" is the first man they hold to have reached Enlightenment, and the one who paved the way for the rest of the world. He aides his followers in breaking the cycle of rebirth and brings peace and nirvana to those who follow him closely. He teaches peace and reverence to life and nature and goodwill between men. His wisdom is often sought by performing various rituals in which the result shows his judgment. He is accepted by every citizen of Joukai and the most widely worshiped deity. His close followers follow their master's footsteps by living simple lives seeking knowledge and inner peace, they often remain abstinent their entire lives and scorn any luxury other than learning.

 Monks to the Enlightened One usually devote themselves to learning or the arts where they specialize in their particular art. They wear a variety of simple garments and traveling attire, but most simple country monks wear yellowish to orange robes while in the temple. Many sects however have their own dress code, these are usually large orders concentrated in one to two large temples.

Miyoshi Temple Complex, Bhuto Province, to the Emlightened One

Kamakura Island Temple, Major Site of Fukurokuju Worship. Deity and Kami temples and Shrines are marked by their iconic gates.   

Typical robes of a Monk of the Enlightened One
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 05:46:57 AM by Joukai »
Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界

Mori Hideaki, Chairman of the Confederacy

Offline Joukai

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Re: The Confederacy of Joukai
« Reply #3 on: January 07, 2008, 05:42:11 AM »
Military of the Confederacy
Dai-Joukai Rikugun 大浄界陸軍 - Greater Army of Joukai

 The Confederacy itself has a large corps of volunteers and conscripts from all the clans. This army forms the Army of the Confederacy, which comprises as the standing army of the Confederacy, charged with defense of the borders and peacekeeping. This force of 250,000 soldiers is loyal only to the confederacy, its members loyal first to the confederacy then to their clans. The officer corps has a large amount of commoners in it and most of the Samurai officers are the second and third born sons of Samurai families. This force is scorned by the upper crust of Joukai citizenry who view it as an uncivilized mob of armed thieves due to its diverse officer corps, the common peasant though views this force as a means of going places in the world since they have a merit based ranking system and free the person from clan duties. This force however is not the entire military power of the confederacy. In times of war, the clans are expected to levy troops to aide in the war and each clan maintains its own standing army.

Aircorps Ranks
Army Ranks
Navy Ranks
Naval Uniforms

I. Corps
Headquarters: Yorimoto Fortress
Commander: Rikugun Taishō Itoh Yoshi
-50,000 Soldiers
--35,000 Infantry
--10,000 Mechanized
--5,000 Armored

II. Corps
Headquarters: Yorimoto Fortress
Commander: Rikugun Taishō Itoh Yoshi
-50,000 Soldiers
--35,000 Infantry
--10,000 Mechanized
--5,000 Armored

III. Corps
Headquarters: Hagi Naval Base
Commander: Kaigun Taishō Mori Kyoshige
-50,000 Personnel
--10,000 Sailors
Naval Vessels - 113 (Numbers based on British Navy)
--20,000 Marines
--19,000 Support Personnel
--1000 Pilots

Onkei Battle Fleet
(click to show/hide)

Toukon Battle Fleet
(click to show/hide)

Confederate Supply Fleet
(click to show/hide)

Confederate Sea Patrol
(click to show/hide)

IV. Corps
Headquarters: Maruyama Air Force base
Commander: Isoroku Yamamoto
-50,000 Personnel
--1456 Pilots

(click to show/hide)

V. Corps
Headquarters: Oshima Fortress
Commander: Rikugun Taishō Itoh Yori
-50,000 Soldiers
--35,000 Infantry
--10,000 Mechanized
--5,000 Armored

Clan Forces

 Each Clan maintains a large reserve army and small standing army during peace time. Clans rarely engage in inter-clan warfare and their has been only one instance when modern weaponry was used in a clan conflict. Clan forces greatly outnumber that of the entire confederacy, and they operate as traditional forces as in each "officer" holds his position by birth and his command are the sub-officers who owe him military allegiance up to the highest ranking generals. Clan armies are done via feudal bonds, and thus the entire officer corps is made up of Samurai and commoners can only hope for positions as NCOs, though some are given positions as aides to their Samurai and thus have great authority. Clans devote a great deal of their funds to maintaining the cutting edge armies, trying to one up their rivals.

Combined Force of Clan Armies: 1,367,500 (Average 1.4% of Total Population)
Standing Forces: 170,500
Reserves: 1,197,000

Mori Forces:
440,000 Personnel
-50,000 Standing Army
-390,000 Reserves

Go-Hojo Forces:
190,000 Personnel
-20,000 Standing Army
-170,000 Reserves

Oda Forces:
277,500 Personnel
-30,500 Standing Army
-247,000 Reserves

Takeda Forces:
310,000 Personnel
-45,000 Standing Army
-265,000 Reserves

Sanada Forces:
90,000 Personnel
-15,000 Standing Army
-75,000 Reserves

Minor Clan Forces:
60,000 Personnel (Total of the various clans)
-10,000 Standing Army (Total of the various clans)
-50,000 reserves (Total of the various clans)
« Last Edit: March 17, 2008, 07:34:31 PM by Joukai »
Doumei no joukai, 同盟浄界

Mori Hideaki, Chairman of the Confederacy