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Author Topic: The Beautiful and Most Noble Republic of Gnoled Ttam  (Read 752 times)

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The Beautiful and Most Noble Republic of Gnoled Ttam
« on: February 15, 2007, 03:29:36 AM »
Gnoled Ttam

For a more detailed and more up-to-date version, please see The Gnoled Ttam Wiki

In 1932, whilst the rest of the world was in a great economic depression, Gnoled Ttam was led by Prime Minister Gnoled Ttam.There was such admiration of him by the people of Ftanislovakia there was a so called “Gonled Ttam-movement,” that changed the nations name, and created a new constitution. The Gnoledttamish flag was designed to represent the change of national name. White represents the nothingness before, purple the suffering of many while those in Ftanislovakia flourished. Teal represents the new area under a new name, a new start.

Basic Information
Official Name: The Beautiful and Most Noble Republic of Gnoled Ttam
Short Name: Gnoled Ttam
Head of State:Prime Minister
Government:  Left-Leaning College State
Civil Rights: Superb
Political Freedoms: Below Average
Economy: Reasonable
Location: Yet to be determined
Official Language: English
Unofficial Language: Mirror English
Currency:  Thgink
Official Animal: Beaver
Population: 7,000,000+

Posted on: February 13, 2007, 07:59:20 PM


Gnoled Ttam works on an altered system of commonwealth and federalism that is very unique to Gnoled Ttam. Offically, Gnoled Ttam refers to itself as a republic.


First, a bill is submitted to the Prime Minister, who merely accepts the responsibility of executing the bill is passed into law.

  • If the bill is not signed by the prime minister, at all or within one week of landing on his desk, it goes into the Library of the Legislature. Once in the library, it must sit for 4 weeks. At that point, Any member of the House of Commons can submit it for the approval of 3/4 or the house for it to continue to the House of Superiors

  • If the bill is signed by the prime minister, it continues straight onto the House of Commons

Once in the House of Commons...

  • The bill must pass by simple majority (1 + 1/2) to continue onto the House of Superiors
  • If the bill fails to meet a simple majority (1 - 1/2) it is a dead bill and is placed into the Library of the Legislature. Once returning to the Library of the Legislature, it can be revived but three times, upon which time it is destroyed.
  • If the House of Commons is split completely, the Prime Minister will break the tie.

Once in the House of Superiors...

  • The bill must pass by simple majority (1 + 1/2) to continue onto the Supreme Magistrate
  • If the bill fails to meet a simple majority (1 - 1/2) it is a dead bill and is placed into the Library of the Legislature. Once returning to the Library of the Legislature, it can be revived but three times, upon which time it is destroyed.
  • If the House of Superiors is split completely, the Prime Minister will break the tie.

Once placed in front of the Supreme Magistrate...

  • The 5 Supreme Magistrates lay down a decision as to whether or not the bill is constitutional. They will not revise the bill, or send it to the Library of the Legislature. They simply send it back to the House of Superiors, who will make changes based on the decision given by the magistrates.
  • If no magistrates disagree with the legality of the bill, they each sign it into law regardless of personal feelings.

Execution of Laws

Because of Gnoled Ttam's small stature, no local police forces exsist. The Prime Minister is in charge of the nation's militant police state, which is surprisingly benevolent. This is basically no need for a military, for Gnoled Ttam's constitutions states that it will remain in a permanent state of isolation. The only time a military would be needed is if Gnoled Ttam was itself attacked.


Every Gnoled Ttam province has it's own court system, that consists of a criminal court, family, civil etc. However the only appellate court is the Supreme Magistrate, which is broken into 2 sects.

  • The Lesser Supreme Magistrate is made of 1 judge, who acts as judge and jury. If s/he feels the case cannot be decided by one person, they will send it onto the Absolute Supreme Magistrate.
  • The Absolute Supreme Magistrate is made of 9 rotating judges, 4 are jurors and 1 is the judge and every case, and those positions keep shifting.

Posted on: February 13, 2007, 08:46:12 PM

Within Gnoled Ttam, there is an intricate social class system. These are not “De Jure” classification, rather “De facto,” the classes form by themselves.
  • Thgink’ers- high class, extremely wealthy, and very highly taxed. In the liberal environment of Gnoled Ttam, it is acceptable for the righ to pay more, as they have more money to contribute to Society. Only 4% of the total population of Gnoled Ttam are in members of the Thgink class.

  • Middle Class- middle, comprised of people who make anywhere from (nuclear families [4 members])  ¤35,000-¤150,000 a year. Only the highest of the higher middle class must pay income taxes. The rest must only pay property taxes. 80% of Gnoled Ttam's population is in the middle class.

  • Low Class- low class, comprised of people who make just enough, is constantly in a state of flux. Thanks to the Social Welfare system in Gnoled Ttam, all members of the Low Class are able to make ends meet while still saving up to get back on their feet. Social Welfare has a built in defense to deter dead-beats. If the user of the welfare stops working for more than 6 months, Social Welfare will stop giving that person money.


The official main Language of Gnoled Ttam is English. However due to a very common genetic disease, "Visione Rispecchiata" or Mirrored Vision, found only in the peoples of Gnoled Ttam, much of the written language is in two forms - English and Mirror English.

Thgink = Knight
Noitacol= Location


The education system in Gnoled Ttam resembles that of the United States of America.

  • Pre-K 3-4
  • K 4-5
  • 1 5-6
  • 2 6-7
  • 3 7-8
  • 4 8-9
  • 5 9-10
  • 6 10-11
  • 7 11-12
  • 8 12-13
  • 9 13-14
  • 10 14-15
  • 11 15-16
  • 12 16-17

« Last Edit: February 22, 2007, 03:28:34 AM by Gnoled Ttam »