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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: The Allied States  (Read 7857 times)

Offline Bustos

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The Allied States
« on: January 04, 2007, 10:28:32 PM »
The Allied States Factbook

Basic Information

Official Name:  The Allied States of Bustos-21
Short Name:  Bustos
Common Name:  The Allied States
Head of State:  Chairperson of The Board
Government:  Megacorporation
Civil Rights:  Superb
Economy:  Frightening (Capitalist)
Political Freedoms:  Very Good
Official Language:  English
Unofficial Language: Inglish
Currency:  Gold
Official Animal: Lion
Population: 300,000,000+

Quick Links

Any questions or comments, please PM me or send a telegram.  Please dont post here, thanks.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 08:58:59 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2007, 10:33:14 PM »

The high regard of personal civil rights has extended into a certain patriotic fevor amongst the people to protect their rights from outside aggressions. They also view their lives as morally correct and any trampling of civilian rights to live as they please as evil.  Along with the right to bear arms, there is an unoffical militia amongst the populace, majority of members being ex-military.  Incase of invasion, they can support Bustian troops and form resistance cells in enemy occupied territory.

The Allied States military is actually a congolomerate of mercenaries. These "mercenaries" are home grown Bustian citizens with a desire to protect their country. Some become career soldiers and some just serve for a tour of five years (includes the "Hades Twelve") to earn citizenship.  The Allied States military rejects no one from joining.  The Allied States Army, Allied States Navy, Allied States Air Force, Allied States Marines and Allied States Stragetic Force have cornered the market in providing a unified national military congolomerate for the Allied States.

In addition the military offers many job training programs that are taught to soldiers for their service in the military.  These skills are useful and highly regarded outside of the military in many different areas of the job market.

Allied States Army/Air Force Rankings
General of the Army/Air Force
Lieutenant General
Brigadier General
Lieutenant Colonel
Sergeant Major
Master Sergeant
Sergeant First Class
Private First Class

Allied States Navy Rankings
Admiral of the Fleet (Fleet Admiral)
Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral
Master Chief Petty Officer
Chief Petty Officer
Petty Officer First Class
Petty Officer

Army:  96,000 Combat Effectives led by a Lieutentant General (4x Corps)
Corps:  24,000 Combat Effectives led by a Brigadier General (4x Divisions)
Division:  6,000 Combat Effectives led by a Colonel (2x Legions)
Legion:  3,000 Combat Effectives led by a Lieutentant Colonel (2x Brigades)
Brigade:  1,500 Combat Effectives led by a Major (3x Battalions)
Battalion:  500 Combat Effectives led by a Captain (2x Companies
Company:  250 Combat Effectives led by a Lieutenant (5x Platoons)
Platoon:  50 Combat Effectives led by a Sergeant Major (5x Squads)
Squad:  10 Combat Effectives led by a Sergeant First Class (2x Fire Teams)
Fire Team:  5 Combat Effectives led by a Corporal

Allied States Military Forces

Total Personnel: 3,000,000
--Support: 1,860,000
--Combat Effectives: 1,140,000


Combat Effectives: 630,000

50x Motorized Divisions (Identified as 1st through 50th)
50x Mechanized Divisions (Identified as 1st through 50th)
17x Airborne Brigades (Identified as 1st through 17th)
90x Special Forces Platoons (Identified as 1st through 90th, never forms larger than a platoon)
(click to show/hide)

(Coast Guard falls under the Navy but, is granted its own subdivision)
Combat Effectives: 210,000

50x Pegasus' (Upgraded version, Coast Guard)
13x Allied Carrier Battle Groups (Identified as 1st through 13th)
50x Ohio-class Tactical Tridents (Multi-role)
(click to show/hide)

Usually attached to a Fleet
Combat Effectives: 150,000

12x Marine Expeditionary Divisions (Identified as 1st through 12th)
(click to show/hide)
Air Force

Does not include airplanes or helicopters in the Army, Navy, or Marines
Combat Effectives: 150,000
(click to show/hide)

Stragetic Forces/Nuclear Arms
(click to show/hide)
*Note:  This list does not include support personnel or equipment.

Defense Systems

In addtion to the Allied States Military are Automated Defense Batteries, or ADBs.  ADB platforms are hidden beneath the ground that can be brought into the open as needed.  Each ADB is connected to multiple supercomputers with friend and foe recognizition software.  These supercomputers are also connected to the Land Based Radar Network and Military Satellite Network to keep any eye on the borders at all times.

DEFense CONdition ONE:  [Maximum Force Readiness] Reserves are called up, all military forces are active and ready to be deployed, increased security and intelligence, possible curfew, complete aerial coverage, possible wartime economy, and nuclear armament prepped.
DEFense CONdition TWO:  [High Force Readiness] Reserves are readied for duty, all military forces are active and ready to be deployed, increased security and intelligence, complete aerial coverage, and nuclear armament prepped.
DEFense CONdition THREE:  [Increased Force Readiness] Active military forces are on standby for service, increased security and intelligence, and complete aerial coverage.
DEFense CONdition FOUR:  [Peacetime, Increased Measures] Active military forces are free to go on leave, increased security and intelligence, and partial aerial coverage.
DEFense CONdition FIVE:  [Peacetime] Nothing other than standard measures.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 09:04:22 PM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2007, 10:34:11 PM »
All of the following is classified information.
Military History

Mission:  Operation Sustaining Sovereignty
Status:  Ongoing
Result:  Momentary Success

This is a standard ongoing operation. Operation Sustaining Sovereignty is a general mission that encompasses nearly every military action and most other operations. Its basic goal is maintaining the Allied States and its power economically, militarily, and politically. How any of its goals are carried out is within wide range of tactics from the subtle cover operation to an all-out military offensive.  The Allied States stands at DEFCON FOUR.

Ghost Legion

Known simply as Ghosts, these soldiers are bred, raised, and trained for completion of off-the-record missions.  Ghosts are clones of genetically enhanced embryos that develop in surrogate mothers.  Some genetic variety is allowed, to give possibiliy of better genetics as well as a variety of physical characteristics, including gender.  If any clone shows reduced effectiveness, it is neutralized, usually during its educational periods.  From birth, they are fed into the GHOST program that consists of six levels of programming.

With the programming, they recieve focused general education, or FGE, in diverse areas from mulitple languages to the history of the Allied States to various piloting skills.  FGE also involves physical education that includes gymnastics, acrobatics, boxing, and various martial art forms.  At the age of 13, the FGE is then shifted to focused military education, or FME and the GHOST program continues.  FME brings individual to legion-sized military training and know-how.  Such training combines the skills of the Airborne, Rangers, SEALs, and EA agents.  They learn advanced combat skills, infiltration, intelligence, marksmanship, medicince, stealth, survival, tactics, along with many other skills.

Throughout both focused education systems, requirements are to be met and evaluations are to be passed.  Those that fail are neutralized.  By the age of 18, a series of final tests must be passed.  These are usually scenarios that range from successful infiltration and exertion to crossing difficult terrian and living off the land.  From birth to completion, only 1 in a 100 clones complete the programming and training.  Once completed, the clone is marked as a Ghost.

GHOST Programming Levels [6]

ALPHA:  Regarded as "general" or regular programming within the base control personality; characterized by extremely pronounced memory retention, along with substantially increased physical strength and visual acuity.  Alpha programming is accomplished through deliberately subdividing the victims personality which, in essence, causes a left brain-right brain division, allowing for a programmed union of L and R through neuron pathway stimulation.

BETA:  Referred to as "sexual" programming.  This programming eliminates all possible learned moral convictions and stimulates the primitive sexual instinct, devoid of inhibitions.

DELTA:  This is known as "killer" programming, originally developed for training special agents or elite soldiers (i.e. EA, Rangers, SEALs, etc.) in covert operations.  Optimal adrenal output and controlled aggression is evident.  Subjects are devoid of fear; very systematic in carrying out their assignment.  Self-destruct or suicide instructions are layered in at this level.

GAMMA:  A form of system protection is through "deception" programming, which elicits misinformation and misdirection.  This level is intertwined with theology and tends to regenerate itself at a later time if inappropriately activated.

THETA:  Considered to the "psychic" programming.  Various forms of electronic mind control systems were developed and introduced, namely, bio-medical human telemetry devices (brain implants), directed-energy lasers using microwaves and/or electromagnetics.  It is reported these are used in conjunction with highly-advanced computers and sophisticated satellite tracking systems.

OMEGA: A "self-destruct" form of programming, also known as "Code Red."   The corresponding behaviors include suicidal tendencies and/or self-mutilation.  This program is generally activated when the victim/survivor begins therapy or interrogation and too much memory is being recovered.
« Last Edit: February 12, 2008, 04:23:04 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2007, 10:35:32 PM »

A resident or citizen of the Allied States.

Criminals, according to many nations in the Taijitu, are the average Bustians that know that each person's life is their own.  This philosophy has pushed away people that try to force their beliefs upon them from the Allied States.  A Bustian citizen is typically proud and headstrong, having devoted a portion or all of their lives to military service.  They also have high confidence in their government due it's non-interference policies in their lives.  Approval ratings have always been above 92%.  Since there is no government welfare system, Bustians learn to be independent and hunger is a strong motivator to get a job.


Civil freedoms are very highly regarded.  This has led many laws to have either been abolished or to never come into effect. Drugs laws, prostitution laws, weapon laws, gambling laws, traffic laws, even business and environmental regulations are nonexistent. The decriminalization has allowed for time, money, and manpower to focus on crimes that violates those civil freedoms.  Although the allowance of the residents' and citizens' right to bear arms have empowered the people to defend their property and lives from criminals. A criminal is more likely to be shot and killed by his/her potential victim(s) than the police.

"Give us liberty or give us death," is the unofficial slogan of Bustian residents and citizens.

There are basically two types of people that live in the Allied States; residents and citizens.  Any person residing in the Allied States is a resident and lives their life as any other person.  A citizen is a person who has served for at least one tour (five years) in the Bustian military.  This awards the person the right to vote in elections and run for a political office once honorably discharged.

Everything, from the government to road maintenance, is privatized.

The nation has long since run on nuclear power.


As with any modern capitalist country, growth is a factor in the Allied States.

*Life Expectancy: 90 years
*Growth Rate: +.27% per year
*Current Population: 300+ Million
Age Structure:
-0-14: 23.1%
-15-64: 56.2%
-65+: 20.7%


Since the Allied States welcome anyone into their country, it is extremely difficult to try to keep record of the various nationalities and races within the Allied States.  Coupled with the beliefs of race- or nationality-superiority as ignorant societal concepts, the government does not bother to create a census that includes such factors.  Thus only keeping track of gender percentages when coming to demographics.

Female - 54%
Male - 46%


As the Allied States grows, its people know the value of advanced skills in the modern world.  Initially the government did not have any public education system at all, so Bustians had to rely on private education systems or learning on the job.  As society continues to advance, so does the pressing demand for educated and skilled workers.  This has led to a government funded education system, where Bustians can study for their desired field.  Once they have a job, they then can pay back the government for their educational support.  Many corporations will often pay for the education received from the government, pending the potential employee work for an agreed amount of years, knowing they are hiring a very skilled employee.

The military is another alternative for an education.  The English language (including speaking, understanding, reading, and writing) and basic math in addition to advance skills are taught to soldiers for their service in the military.  The English language and basic math teaching add a year to the first tour of service.


100% of the population in the Allied States is literate.


English is the official language of the Allied States.  Being one of the dominant languages in the Taijitu, Bustians have little to no problems communicating with non-Bustians.  If a non-Bustian visitor doesn't know English when visiting the Allied States, unless the visitor has someone to translate for him/her, the visitor will have a difficult time getting around.

Bustians that know more than one language, or continue traditions from their past before becoming Bustian residents or citizens, often teach their children the language and traditions of their former country.

*English - 98%
*Others - 2% (Visitors, new residents, etc)
*Knows more than one language - 72%


Since many religions impose limitations on what a person can do, many Bustians are atheists.  In general, there is strong opposition to religions that preach enforcement and imposition of their beliefs on everyone, whether wanted or not.  This does not mean there are no religious Bustians but a majority of them have learned to keep to themselves.

*Atheist - 87.6%
*Christian - 4.9%
*Jewish - 3.3%
*Islam - 2.1%
*Other - 2.1%


Without a strong economy, the Allied States would not be where it is today.  As a capitalist, free market, business owners can run their businesses as they see fit.  Due to strong competition and desire to make money, very few business survive using discriminatory practices or creating a hostile workplace.  Many business people know it is the person's skills that matter, not nationality, race, or gender.  However there are still some small businesses that are extremely discriminatory and still turn profit, however they never grow as many customers find such businesses repugnant and do not want to support them.

It is said anything can be bought or sold in the Allied States.  The only known thing not for sale in Bustian markets are people.  Slavery is viewed as an abhorrent practice and is outlawed under the penalty of death.  Many items and services that are illegal in other nations, such as weapons, recreational drugs, gambling, and prostitution, are sold in the open.

The economy is based on the gold standard.  Alan Greenspan, one of the most famous Bustian economists in its history, wrote an essay titled "Gold and Economic Freedom" which has been the basis for following and keeping the gold standard.

Leading industrial power in the world, highly diversified and technologically advanced; petroleum, steel, motor vehicles, aerospace, telecommunications, chemicals, electronics, food processing, consumer goods, lumber, mining

GDP: $13,210,000,000,000.00 (13.21 trillion golds)

Government Budget: $3,585,200,000,000.00 (3.585 trillion golds)

Education (15%): $537,780,000,000.00  (537.78 billion golds)
Defence (39%): $1,398,228,000,000.00  (1.398 trillion golds)
Law and Order (27%): $968,004,000,000.00  (968.004 billion golds)
Commerce (19%): $681,188,000,000.00  (681.188 billion golds)


Conviction of a capital crime warrants a public execution within a week.  The execution is always televised to national and local media.  Capital crimes include, but are not limited to, murder, kidnapping, rape, slavery, and assault.

Conviction of a non-capital crime warrants physical punishment and/or labor in various industries within prisons for a certain period of time.  Non-capital crimes include, but are not limited to, theft, destruction or defacing of property, resisting arrest, invasion of privacy, and harassment.

A convict loses all freedoms and rights entitled by the Allied States for duration of punishment.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2008, 09:08:56 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2007, 10:38:08 PM »


The Allied States, in it's simplest from, is a megacorporation with a monopoly on the law.  Democracy and representative governments have been tried in the past, always succumbing to the rule of the mob.  The Bustos Family, disgusted with increasing regulation and restrictions imposed by the government, used the military to seize control of the nation.  A corporate dictatorship was the only solution the Bustos Family could agree on and has worked for over three hundred years, creating a Bustos Dyansty as its members are continually elected as Chairperson.

Chairperson of The Board
Chairperson of The Board Rhett Bustos

The Chairperson of The Board of the Allied States is an office for life.  The office is commonly referred simply as the Chairperson.  Until the current Chairperson dies or retires, there are no means of replacing him or her.  The Chairperson's authority is nearly absolute.  Unless The Board gains at least a 75% majority agreement, no one can override the Chairperson's decrees.  No Chairperson has ever had his decree overturned.  The pride of the Bustos Family is to maintain the rights of the individual above all else and thus every Chairperson has persued their office to that end.

The Board

The Board of the Allied States is an advisory board to the Chairperson.  These positions are also elected offices for life.  Office holders tend to be large business owners in various industries or ex-high ranking military officials.  They work together with the Chairperson in the decision making processes of the Allied States.


The Directors act as advisors of their respective offices to the Chairperson and The Board.  They are consulted for their expertise in their fields.

Office of Defense

Director of the Office of Defense of the Allied States, General of the Bustian Military, Jessica Rearick is the supreme commander of the entire Bustian military.

Office of External Affairs

Director of the Office of External Affairs of the Allied States, Jean Raneau is the head of the Bustian intelligence agency.  Known to foreign intelligence agencies simply as EA, for short.

Office of Internal Affairs

Director of the Office of Internal Affairs of the Allied States, Travis Fisher is the Chief Supreme Court Justice of the Bustian justice system.

Office of Public Relations

Director of the Office of Public Relations of the Allied States, Patrica Belkin is the premier ambassador of the Allied States to all foreign heads of state.

Office of Commerce

Director of the Office of Commerce of the Allied States, Cherub Redstone manages the finances of the Allied States as the treasurer.

Office of Resources

Director of the Office of Resources of the Allied States, Apollo Lucitonis tracks the assests of the Allied States.

Office of Education

Director of the Office of Education of the Allied States, Debra Lafave oversees the government education system.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2015, 09:07:27 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2007, 03:49:50 PM »
Policies and Affairs

Politics and Policies


While the most powerful corporation in the Allied States, and arguably, the world, its governmental controls are very limited.  Empowering the people and placing the responsibility of their well-beings in their own hands, leaves the Bustian government to focus primarily on matters of defense, international relations, and commerce.

Any one who votes or runs for an elected office has to be a Bustian citizen.  Anyone can become a Bustian citizen simply by serving at least one tour (five to six years depending on educational background) in the Bustian military.  It is a widely held belief that in order for people to rule a nation, they also must be willing to defend it.  Participation in the military to earn citizenship provides this measure.

Thus those in elected positions are often in strong support of the military and commerce.

Political Policy

Earning citizenship teaches the value of a citizen's voting power.  The government has become a powerful business built on protecting and representing civil rights.  As long as the government continues to do so, it will stay in business.

Civil Policy

Residents and citizens are responsible for their own well-being.  Their success and failures are entirely theirs.  The government has no welfare system to support the unemployed and/or poor.  As long as a resident and/or citizen does not harm or interfere with other resident and/or citizen, he/she can live as they please.

Foreign Policy

The Allied States seeks to build relationships and expand its business dealings to become bigger and more powerful.  Whether this be creating a defense alliance, trade agreements, or liberating a fallen nation, each endeavor is projected in costs and profits.  As a general rule, they adopt the "Leave me alone and I'll leave you alone" policy.  Diplomatic immunity is not granted to anyone from any nation.  The Allied States does not expect to receive diplomatic immunity for any of their diplomatic representatives in return, for no one is above the law.

Economic Policy

Growth of the economy is the main goal of the Allied States in all endeavors, domestic and foreign.  As it is in the Allied States, all trade is free trade.  There are no tariffs imposed on imports and the same is expected of Bustian exports.  Trade barriers are a rare occurrence and only imposed against a nation that poses a threat to national sovereignty or regional stability.

Military Policy

As the goal of any military is to defend the nation.  If everyone was a true Bustian, the need for a military would cease.  However there are people who are irrational and will attempt to use force against others.  Thus the need exists for a military and much money is poured into maintaining a strong military.  It is the stance of the Allied States to defend its people and their allies.  It is not the stance of the Allied States to go to war without provocation.  In an exclusive military contract with Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing, or CAM, the Bustian military is receives military hardware and software at discounted prices.



Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing is the largest and thus, most powerful arms manufacturer in the world.  Not only building and developing arms for the Allied States but, also for and injunction with foreign governments and private persons in Taijitu.  As such, military hardware has become the number one export of the Allied States.  Another top export are pharmaceuticals, medical and recreational, as they are all legal in the Allied States; majority of which are actually exported to foreign markets.  None of our exports are considered illegal and thus are sold openly.  We hold no responsibility for private persons bringing in Bustian exports considered illegal in foreign markets.

Natural Resources
Coal, copper, lead, molybdenum, phosphates, uranium, bauxite, gold, iron, mercury, nickel, potash, silver, tungsten, zinc, petroleum, natural gas, timber

Agricultural Products
Wheat, corn, other grains, fruits, vegetables, cotton, beef, pork, poultry, dairy products, fish, forest products

Finished Goods
agricultural products (soybeans, fruit, corn), industrial supplies (organic chemicals), capital goods (transistors, aircraft, aerospace, and motor vehicle parts and equipment, computers, telecommunications equipment, military hardware, nuclear equipment, steel, superalloys), consumer goods (automobiles, medical and recreational pharmaceuticals)

agricultural products, industrial supplies (crude oil), capital goods (computers, telecommunications equipment, motor vehicle parts, office machines, electric power machinery), consumer goods (automobiles, clothing, medicines, furniture, toys)

Foreigners and Immigration

With no Immigration and Naturalization Service, or similar organization in existence, all people are free to come and go as they please.  All those entering the Allied States are expected to know and understand the laws and customs of the land.  Any violation of Bustian law will compel the arrest, trial, and enforcement of punishment in the Allied States.  The Allied States has no extradition treaties with any nation for many crimes in foreign nations are not recognized in the Allied States.  Again, the Allied States offer no diplomatic immunity to any member of any foreign nation.  However, they will accept the request of asylum if the Chairperson and The Board approve of it.

Allies and Enemies


The Embassy Complex

Known Allies


Known Friendlies




Military Occupation Zones




Known Enemies

« Last Edit: December 15, 2014, 09:53:46 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #6 on: January 17, 2007, 10:47:49 PM »
Places of Note

Cities of the Allied States of Bustos
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 07:55:58 PM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2007, 12:09:50 PM »
Known Images of the Allied States
« Last Edit: December 05, 2014, 12:58:34 AM by Bustos »
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Re: The Allied States
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2007, 04:29:59 PM »
Weapons and Technologies
Exclusive to the Allied States

XM8 Modular Assault Rifle

OS-120 Titan Main Battle Tank

Ghost Program

Liquid Armor

HE-101 TpC Mark I (In junction with High Evermore)
« Last Edit: February 15, 2008, 03:55:11 AM by Bustos »
Allied States of Bustos (WIP)

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