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Author Topic: Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia  (Read 1230 times)

Offline St Oz

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Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
« on: July 13, 2007, 02:46:49 PM »
Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
il'Terav nae'darshipev

Offline St Oz

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Re: Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2007, 02:50:58 PM »
Branches of Military- Ozian Police, Blue Army, Blue Air force, Blue Navy, STIA, SOSOT, Lanaepiro, Fre'zhi, Ozian Rats
Population Fit for Service- 2,907,626,453 People
Amount in Service- 89,527,261 People
Division of Service- 3,346,982 Administration of Ozian Armed Forces, 5,585,191 Supply and Transportation Forces, 59,974,237 Ozian Police/Civil Defenses/Radar, 12,596,346 Blue Army, 1,402,349 Blue Air Force,  1,003,975 Blue Navy, 392,543 STIA, 40,192 SOSOT, 923 Lanaepiro, 5,184,523 Fre'zhi Forces, Ozian Rats (Conscripts)-2,818,099,192 People

Basic Structure of the Ozian Military
1000 Ianuav (Headed by Admivi)
250 Selon = 1 Ianuav ~25,000 people=Ianuav (YAH-nu-AHV)
10 Destae = 1 Selon 100 people = 1 Selon (Headed by Pri'sel)
10 People = 1 Destae (Headed by Pri'tae)

(Pai'hulu is a type of Material for Insulating Warmth and is a White sort of Color. Usually lined within cloth.)
Ozian Police
Any age can recruit for Police but if over 12 must have 6 years of Training. Those who were recruited under 12 years old went strict training in Martial Arts, Weapons, Sociology, and Advanced Police tactics. Some go into other special programs such as Hackers, Computer Ops, Cartography, Forensics, and Weapons designs. Officers are chosen by the Adult supervisor of the under 12 groups. Those who are over 12 have a harder chance of becoming an officer or part of administration, but can still be such occupations with dedication. Part of training is killing all nerves in legs and arms to reduce pain when in Melee Combat. Those of the police must meet Physical Fitness requirements in order to hold their jobs and once they are unable to can work in other fields or retire from the force.
Ozian Short Blade
ISZ-24 (Pistol)
I-19 (Assualt Rifle)
I-19c (Commando Varient)
I-19LMG (Light Machine Gun Varient)
IA-7M (Sniper)
Verinz Beriev Model (Patrol Car)
HFZ-52 (Personnel Carrier)
HT-93 (Tank)
Black Ushanka with Red Star Pin
Green Pai'hulu Trench Coat
Black Gloves
Black Boots
Standard Police forces are often seen in full uniform, armed with their I-19 and ISZ-24, and often emotionless.

Blue Army
TrainingThere is no Recruitment age, unless impaired by a disability or illness. Those babies that are given to the government to be raised as warriors are guaranteed an officer position and most Admivis were administered into the army before they were 12. Though there is the rarity because of favor from the Sanct that one becomes an Admivi. At 0 - 3 years old, the recruits are brought into a nursery and are checked for any disabilities that may develop in infancy. If severe mental illness is found, child is killed, and if it is a minor disability, child is returned to home or in an orphanage if parents cannot be found or refuse said child. At 4 - 5, child is taught basic math and how to read and write. At 6 - 9, children go through excessive physical work and undergo intense study in all subjects. At this time second, third, and sometimes fourth languages are taught to recruits. Inglish is the primary secondary language that must be taught to all soldiers. At 10 - 12, the children are tested not only physical strength but leaders are pointed out and there is a split in training. Those who undergo Engineering and Science go to the Science Section and those who undergo History, Literature, Tactics, and Languages go to the other. 13 - 14, children are taught how to operate machinery, fire IA-7s , and basic tactics. 15 - 16, Children are taught how to drive vehicles, leaders are chosen, and several different fields are introduced to the recruits. At 17, recruits that were in the program since pre - 12 gain their rank and placement in Army. Those plus 12 are given Placement in army. Those who join the Army at 17+ take 1-2 years of intense heavy training   
Ozian Blade
IA-7 and variants
I-19 and varients
ISZ-24 and Varients
Mortars, Frag Grenades, etc
IIN-5 and Varients
PP-6 (Military Shotgun)
Supply Trucks, Portable Bridges, etc
Construction Vehicles and equipment
Verinz Beriev Model (Patrol Car)
HFZ-52 (Personnel Carrier)
HT-93 (Standard Tank)
HT-84 (Older Effective Tank)
HT-73 (Even Older Effective Tanks)
HT-007 (Modern Tank)
Black Ushanka with Blue Star Pin, Dark Navy Blue Pai'hulu Trench Coat, Black Boots

Blue Navy
See Blue Army

Blue Air Force
See Blue Army

Academically Trained in Administration, Finance, Languages, Coding, Cartography, Tracking, Electronics, Engineering, Espionage, Science, Law, Political Science, Medicine, Communications, Computers, and Programming.
There only weapon is their Eyes. ;)
Known for Tracking people down, observing, and counter-espionage. Manage the Mental Illness Control center. Track down targets for SOSOT and enjoy their Space station

Taken at Age Two. Training Unknown
Ozian Short Blade
ISZ-24sup (Suppressed Pistol)
I-19c (Commando Variant)
I-20 (Next Generation Assault Rifle)
IIN-5sup (Suppressed SMG)
IA-7M (Sniper)
IA-7Msup (Sniper Suppressed)
FFD-227 (RPG)
Sarlev-55h (Transport Helicopter)
Ozian AEGIS Cruiser Class Vasov
"Jumper" Class Submarine (Attack Submarine)
Commando: Black Padded Helmet, Padded Armor, Black Pai'hulu Tunic, Black Pai'hulu Cargo Pants, Optional: Black Pai'hulu Trench coat, Leather Black Boots (Imagine SWAT)
Traditional: Black Ushanka with duel sword cross pin, Black Pai'hulu Trench Coat, Black leather boots
Assassins, Sabotage, Special Ops, Dirty Work, etc

Taken at Age Two. Training Unknown.
Ozian Short Blade
ISZ-24 (Pistol)
IA-7 (Bolt-Action Rifle)
I-19 (Assualt Rifle)
Black Ushanka with Bright Yellow Circular Pin, Pai'hulu Trench Coat, Black leather Gloves, Black boots

Arctic Nomadic Training.
ISZ-24 (Pistol)
IA-7 (Bolt-Action Rifle)
I-19 (Assualt Rifle)
Frag Grenades
Brown Fur Ushanka with no pin, Natural Color padded Pai'hulu Trench Coat, Duzhu/Rubber Boots with Pai'hulu Material. A
Known for popping out of the ice from no where, Hiding in Snow, and enduring the worst possible Conditions. Many Fre'zhi are even known to be making camp on the Northern Polar Ice Caps.

Ozian Rats
What Training?
Pistols of any kind
I-19 (Assault Rifle)
IA-7 (Bolt Action Rifle)
Improvised Explosives
Any Personal Weapon
Civilian Clothes
Main tactic is Guerrilla warfare in the Arctics, Guerrilla Warfare in Urban Areas , Sabotage, Mass Charges, overrunning, and Swarming. 
« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 11:26:43 PM by St Oz »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2007, 02:51:24 PM »
Population- 6,815,000,000
Nationality- Ozian
Ethnics- Ozians(79%), Moacians (18%), Inglish (2%), Other (~1%)
Religions- Gaeanism- (79%), Atheist (20-21%), Other (<1%)
Languages- 83.4% Ozian, 12.23% Moacian, 4.25% Fre'zhi languages, <1% Other
Ozian Citizenship Literacy- 100%
Age structure-
0-14 years: 20%
15-64 years: 72%
65 years and over: 8%
Population growth rate- 1.06%
Sex ratio-
at birth:    1.01 male/.99 female
<15 years:  .98 male/1.02female
15-64:       .97 male/1.03female
65+:        .914 male/female
Infant mortality rate- 2.03 deaths/1,000 live births
Life expectancy at birth: 83.235 years (male- 81.13) (Female- 85.34)
Total fertility rate: 2.75 children born/woman
AIDS- 0.0012% (~13,528)
AIDS Deaths- (~13,528)

Ozians Common Ozians are usually 5'0''-5'9'' in height, this shorter people have brown to black hair, facial structure of Earthian Japanese, usually slender bodies, darker toned skin, and oddly colored eyes. The Eyes can vary from Navy Blue, Maroon, and Violet. 

Fre'zhi Ozian(Arctic wastelands)- These peoples are nomadic Ozians who herd Pai'hulu, Duzhu, and Elk as a way for survival. Those born are examined for defects and are tossed if a defect is found. If a Mother is known to bear 4 children with defects she is often shunned of sexual relations because her womb is defected. Some Fre'zhi have a dialect similar to Ozian by local clan use but all speak Ozian. They construct temporary houses out of Pai'hulu, Duzhu, elk, and wood materials. They're houses are known for their insulation as is their clothing. Some have said being inside these temporary houses, it's the same warmth as being on the beach. Clans are often One Male at the head with at least 3 wives. Sons when full grown start their own clans while daughters are taken to other clans to become a wife. Though the male is the leader, both genders partake in all roles such as cleaning, hunting, cooking, and raising children. Fre'zhi children at 9 are tested for their Nomadic ways by killing a wolf with an IA-7 to protect the lone trapped elk, pai'hulu, or duzhu.

Dormatov Ozian(east-west)-Mainly Urban Ozians who have the bloodlines of the more northern Ozians. These Ozians are like all normal Urban folk, their cities are based on three levels, the bottom level, the middle level, and the top level. The bottom level is a connected Concrete tubing system to every building in the area. Known to help families transport to safe ground and get to shops easily for food easily when the middle level was covered in snow. The middle level is the streets, sidewalks, etc of the city where unless is full of snow and ice is used frequently. The top is the system of tubings that connect houses, stores, and buildings with inside walkways that people walk across of. The top level of transportation is a new feature and allows more fluid movement around the Area in more climate controlled envirorment rather than the cold wet tubing system at below the surface. The life of the Dormatovs are not quiet and the cities are often packed with people at each level of the city. Children enjoy going to school however there is the rare occasion when a child is snatched by STIA for the Government's uses. The concern of each Ozian's health and welfare has become a major concern of the current government as most Ozians enjoy their universal healthcare, advanced hospitals, free public schools, and free college.
Seda Ozian (Southeast)- Mainly Agricultural Ozians who have the bloodlines of the southern Ozians. These Ozians enjoy a more quiet life and work the fields to feed the great population of Ozia. Unlike the Dormatov and the Fre'zhi the Sedas have a quiet, comfortable life in the southeastern portion where they enjoy a milder winter than the areas of the Dormatov and the Fre'zhi. Many Seda form communities of farms where a family is in charge of a portion of the farmland and their children all go to schools and they have a local hospital. These places are often sneered on as Collective Farms but much of it is voluntary as it provides a cheaper effective way to bring schooling and healthcare to the argicultural areas. Though many Sedas are starting to go to the cities it's still keeping production high as Seda's produce many children and usually have one child left to take care of the farm.
Moacians Common Moacians have similar features as Ozians but are often lighter in skin tone and have Bronze colored eyes (often mistaken for Maroon)

Free Moacians (Western Ozia)- After the war many Moacians were managed to stay free and they enjoy their lives as the common Dormatov. Many Moacians work as factory workers and are known to be scumb of society for their poorer standards of living.
Laborer Moacians (Arctic Ozia)- Those who became political prisoners of St Oz after the Ozian-Moacian wars ended with Moacia's demise are still in camps out in the arctic that produce simple products for the goverment, such as parts for Arms, bullets, cars, other vehicles, and processed Iron. Some camps even use them for mining gems, gold, and other minerals.

Terrorist Groups-

Non-Violent Nuclear Stance
Since the first Nuclear Test in the 1960s CE, the nation's people have felt that the weapon has hurt the spirit of Gaea and so did many of the scientists. Except they found a blessing from this destructive property, it made all the energy they could ever need. Right then the Res'shev ordered the construction of Nuclear Power Plants and a promise to the Ozians and Taijitu that they would never use the radiation to destroy but to grow. Ozians grew to a realization that it not only destroyed people but the radiation destroyed the spirit of things. The area tested on had no birds, plants, or anything alive and there was only the soft radiation hum. This was seen to as destroying Gaea and as such the Nation has undergone a Non-Violent Nuclear Stance by not creating any Nuclear warheads but only creating cells for power plants, ships, etc.

« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 11:03:21 PM by St Oz »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
« Reply #3 on: July 13, 2007, 02:51:47 PM »
Basic Economy
Currencies: Pei (元) (USD1.75=1 Pei)
Gross Domestic Product (Official): 元73,126,926,350,000
GDP Per Capita (Official): 元10,730.29
Private Consumption: 元32,641,396,681,725.71
Distribution of Labor: Agriculture(12.3%), Industry(43.9%), Services and Commerce(43.8%)
Labor Force: 5,111,250,000 People
Unemployment: 7.3%
Population below poverty line: 9.3%
Government Budget
Income Tax Rate: 67%
Government Income (% of GDP): 76.3%
Government Budget: 元97,141,393,506,647
Government (4%): 元3,885,655,740,265.88
Welfare and Healthcare (22%): 元21,371,106,571,462.34
Education (28%): 元27,199,590,181,861.16
Armed Forces and Police(20%): 元19,428,278,701,329.40
Infrastructure(18%): 元17,485,450,831,196.46
Reserved (2%): 元1,942,827,870,132.94

Roads: Information N/A
Airport: 49,923
Railways: 1,903,000km
Pipelines: 1,056,000km
Merchant Ports: 93
Commerce Ships total: 41,595 ships
Waterways: 102,000 km

Code: .oz
Users: ~4 billion
Hosts: ~47 million

« Last Edit: August 15, 2007, 11:02:46 PM by St Oz »

Offline St Oz

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Re: Sanct'zhizi Demporav dev Sanct Ozia
« Reply #4 on: July 13, 2007, 02:52:16 PM »
History, Geography, Other
Pre History- 300 BCE
300-200 BCE
200-100 BCE
100 BCE - 0 CE
0-100 CE
100-200 CE
200-300 CE
300-400 CE
400-500 CE
500-600 CE
600-700 CE
700-800 CE
900-1000 CE
1000-1100 CE
1100-1200 CE
1200-1300 CE
1300-1400 CE
1400-1500 CE
1500-1600 CE
1600-1700 CE
1700-1800 CE
1800-1900 CE
1900-2000 CE
2000-2100 CE
« Last Edit: July 13, 2007, 04:11:11 PM by St Oz »