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Author Topic: New Delfos stats  (Read 8834 times)

Offline Delfos

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New Delfos stats
« on: May 12, 2007, 08:08:29 AM »

Full name: The United People's Council of New Delfos
Head of Council: President Delfos
Head of Council full name: Lex Kazi Delfos
Capital: Delfingrado
Official language: Língua Portuguesa.
Regional Capitals: Delfingrado, Bud'yiengrado, Muharraf, Kazjkien, Sbbasburg.
National Animal: the furball.

Satellite Image of New Delfos: Capital; Regional Capitals; Important Cities; Landmarks.

Satellite Image of New Delfos: Capital; Regional Capitals; Regions.

Satellite Image of New Delfos: Capital; Regional Capitals; Important Cities; Main Transport Ways.

Important transport station names:
-New Delfos International Airport (NDDA)
-Muharraf Emirate International Airport (NDMA)
-Kazjkien City International Airport (NDKA)
-Al-Birkah Airport (NDBA)
-Sharjah Fartahomed Airport (NDSA)
-Sbbasburg International Airport (NDGA)
-Bijsk Island Airport (NDBA)
-Birkov Airfield (ND35)
-Sharjah Airfield (ND36)
-Kujsk Airfield (ND15)
-Zabid 15th of May Train Station
-Delfingrado International CGV Train Station
-Portimão-Cross Train Station
-Delfingrado Royal Docks
-Sharjah Comercial Docks
-Sbbasburg City Docks
-Sharjah Shipyard
-Sbbasburg Shipyard
-Navirsk Military Shipyard
-Navisk NDNF Boyenivish Base
-Al-Birkah NDNF Tauros Base
-Bijsk Island NDNF Gullivish Base
-Kujsk NDRA Goshawk Base
-Delfingrado NDRA Leopard Base
-Muharraf NDRA Lizzard Base
-Kujsk NDAF Base
-Birkov NDAF Base
-Zabid NDAF Base

Offline Delfos

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Re: New Delfos stats
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2007, 04:40:10 AM »
Major Cities

[National Capital, Regional Capital] Delfingrado, Delfo Region, New Delfos
The name was given by the Communists in the Revolution of Boyenivish as a non-official name, formerly known as Porto-Seguro. The name Delfingrado was officially given after the Thyr Revolution, also known as Revolution of Hygor Thyrman.
Since the Theocracy of Delfos have reached the Virit Line during the war against the Virit Empire, Delfingrado was chosen by the Delfos Royal Family as Capital of their territory, so they could manage better the front-line and the rest of the territory, that became too large for so few people. During the dictatorship of Thyrman, Delfingrado was not the capital, Thyrman chose what is now known as Portimão for his Thyrmopolis.
Heavily populated, this capital is the cultural center of New Delfos. The mix of cultures, religions, and basically everything made this city prosper, having a neutral influence towards it's people.
The most common religions here are the Buddhism in large number, and Islam being a big influence from northern regions.

Here are the most important buildings:

The Palace of Light, built recently to renew the Delfos Royal Family residence.

New Delfos Council building, formerly the Delfos Royal Family residence, is now transformed into a conventions-center, also used for the Supreme Council of New Delfos.

Hygor Thyrman Plaza, built during the dictatorship of Thyrman, soon converted into a public square, giving space for public street market.

Thyr Bay Fields, formerly known as Royal Serenity Fields, was originally built as a tourism resort, now it was recently built the Embassy Complex of Delfingrado.

[Regional Capital] Bud'yiengrado, North Boyen, New Delfos
This city is named after Soy Bud'yienivish, who is currently the president of North Boyen region and Vice-President and Councilor of New Delfos. Bud'yienivish is a politician that renewed the communist party in North Boyen, when the Boyen Union fell after the Social Democrats have split the territory for South Boyen. Bud'yiengrado has an average population being so recently made capital, since the former capital was Boyengrado, which is massively populated. The most common religion is the heavily spread Buddhism, there's also traces of Myrorian Catholicism.

Here are the most important buildings:

Soy Bud'yienivish Statue in the North Boyen Conventions Center

Boyenivish Statue in front of the North Boyen Parliament


Boyengrado, North Boyen, New Delfos
The metropolis of Boyengrado is the birthplace of Sullon Boyenivish, also point of origin of the communism in New Delfos. This origin made the Catholic Kingdom of Delfos split in half on what is now the Boyen Forest. This heavily populated metropolis is mainly Buddhist, known as political and commercial center, was once the Capital of the Boyen Union.

Here are the most important buildings:

Boyenivish Statue in the Boyen Revolution Square, in the back we can see the former Boyen Union Parliament, transformed in a museum.


[Regional Capital] Sbbasburg, South Boyen region, New Delfos
This city is known a the heaviest commercial center in New Delfos. Founded during the Boyen Union, but then controlled by the Social Democrats after the split for the Republic of South Boyen, the city prospered and became an international recognized commercial port. Sbbasburgers faith goes mainly for Buddhism, specially because of the majority of Buddhism in whole North and South Boyen, but the Myrorian Catholicism is heavily supported, coming in second.

Here are the most important buildings:

Boyenivish Statue in the Red Square.

Sabbas Chopper, factory that builds transport helicopters.
Sbbasburg Shipyard, important for the cruiser industry.
Sbbasburg City Docks, the most important commercial gateway of New Delfos.


Kujsk, South Boyen region, New Delfos
Kujsk is a recently built commercial city. This city outskirts is filled with New Delfos military fields, airfields and the helicopter factory.

Here are the most important buildings:

Boyenivish Statue in the city center.

SBHF Factory, South Boyen Helicopter Factory builds new tech attack helicopters and secret projects for the New Delfos Air Force.


Portimão, Delfo region, New Delfos.
What was once the capital during the dictatorship of Thyrman, named Thyrmopolis back then, is now a prosper city in the middle of New Delfos territory. It is known for the cross roads passing by Portimão, from all ways of transport, transforming this city in an interior trade center, also checkpoint for any police force to intervein against smuggling.

Here are the most important buildings:

Monastery of Portimão is the resting place of most of Delfos royalty.


Zabid, Mahara region, New Delfos


[Regional Capital] Kazjkien, Kazjko region, New Delfos


Al-Birkah, Kazjko region, New Delfos


Sharjah, Kazjko region, New Delfos


Al-Hariib, Kazjko region, New Delfos


Yabrin, Kazjko region, New Delfos


Navirsk, North Boyen, New Delfos

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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2007, 12:48:52 AM »
*Seafood (Sardines, Shrimp, Tuna)-> Kazjko Sea
*Vegetables (Peanut, Tomato, Chile Pepper)->Mainly in the North
*Animal (Sheep, Pig, Cow)-> Mainly in the South
*Grains (Rice, Corn, Wheat)-> Mostly everywhere
*Fruits (Grape, Watermelon, Olive)-> Mainly in the Center
*Lumber-> Mainly in the South
*Natural Gas-> Few gas bags in the center but mainly in the northwest
*Water-> Everywhere
*Iron-> Everywhere
*Natural Rubber-> Mainly in the South

*Manganese-> Everywhere
*Inland Oil-> Mainly in the North

Not listed are other not important resources as other fish like cod, and other industries, like wolframium for tungsten.

(A) Manganesium Mines
(B) Wolframium Mines
(C) Rice Plantations
(D) Silver Mines
(E) Wheat Plantations
(F) Lumber Mills
(G) Corn Plantations
(H) Natural Gas Chambers
(I) Animal Pastures
(J) Inland Oil Exploration
(K) Peanut Plantations
(L) Rubber Tree Fields
(M) Sardine Fish Spots
(N) Grape Plantations
(O) Tuna Fish Spots
(P) Olive Tree Fields
(Q) Shrimp Spots
(R) Watermelon Plantations
(S) Cod Fish Spots
(T) Chile Pepper Plantations
(U) Iron Mines
(V) Tomato Plantations

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New Delfos Flag
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 01:45:59 PM »

A new flag has born from the last one, this will be the defined flag of New Delfos representing every region, history and geography.

The moon-like red shape symbolises the shape of our coast, the moderated Islamic representation, and the sun-set over the sea, that is very present in our history, following the model proposed for the flag of the New Delfos Republic/Council:

All this with a white five pointed star over the red, symbolising the Communism and it's history in our nation, also peace and union of all five regions.
The blue stripes symbolise the sea and territory, since we have more maritime territory than land, and our history is very developed from the sea, also the main food resources. And being five for the five regions owning the territory together, not excluding the Mahara region that has no maritime border.
This togetherness is also represented in the red shape, embracing the sea as an open palm for dependence and gratitude with the sea. Finally, the white background represents peace and prosperity.

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cool waving flag
« Reply #4 on: June 18, 2007, 02:46:33 PM »

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« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2007, 02:42:28 AM »
New Delfos Military

-50 Infantry Divisions = 5 Million Standart Infantry Soldiers
-200 thousand units in illegal militias
-25 thousand Volunteers, normally represented in Peace-Keeping Forces

-425 thousand Airborne in 17 divisions
-875 thousand Marines in 35 divisions
-200 thousand Mechas (Mechanized Infantry) in 20 divisions
-5 thousand Combat Engineers in 5 divisions
-5 Special Force Divisions, 1000 each:
* Phantoms (Secret Special Force)
* Lizards (NDRA Amphibious Mechanized force)
* Leopards (NDRA Special Operations force)
* Fuzileiros (NDNF Marine Special Force)
* Goshawks (NDRA Helicopter Operations force)

[Goshawks force attacking BSC missile factory, Mahara region, New Delfos]
* Precursores (NDAF Airborne Special force)

[Precursores / "Precs", New Delfos Landing Zone - Llanydern, Llanydern Border War.]
-25 logistic divisions

XA-01B|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
XA-01C|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
XAP-01|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
XA-02|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
XA-02P|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
XA-03|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
AK-47|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
AK-101|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
AK-103|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
AKS-74U|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
G36A/C/E/K|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos

Personal Defense Weapon - SMG
XAP-04|Xavier Arms|Piódão/Kujsk, New Delfos
MP7|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
UMP|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
PP-2000|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos

RPK-74|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
MG36|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos
HK21|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos
MG4|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos

M.444|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
N.446|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos

Sniper Rifles
SVD|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos

Other Weapons
Saiga-12K|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
HK SL-8|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos
RPG-7|Golmert Guns|Muharraf, New Delfos
UAV|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos

Scud A/B/C/D|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
ZMI-R7|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Fajr-3|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Shahab-5|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
ZMI-ICBM3|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Arrow|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
S-400|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
AIM-120 AMRAAM|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos

New Delfos Royal Army (NDRA)

Tanks (250)
Challenger 2|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
MBT 2000|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
Type 99|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia

Light Tanks (1250)
ERC-90|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
AMX-10RC|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos

Self-Propelled Artillery (500)
2S19 Msta|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
PzH 2000|Canadian|Canada-Quebecois Empire

Mobile Anti-Aircraft (150+500)
Unimog ZU-23|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
Tunguska|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
Shilka|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
AML 60 S530|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
Flakpanzer|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos

Infantry Fighting Vehicle and APC (2500+10000)
Strf 90|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
WZ-551|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
BTR-90|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
BTR-94|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos
BMP-3|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
Panhard AML|Hariibish Armor|Al-Hariib, New Delfos

Mobile Launchers (500)
SA-8|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
SA-11|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
SA-20|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
SA-21|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Ural-4320|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
BM-30|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos

Other Vehicles
GAZ 39371|Golmert Vehicles|Muharraf, New Delfos
FAV M151|Golmert Vehicles|Muharraf, New Delfos
Ultra AP|Yattalok Motors|Zabid, New Delfos
DPV|Yattalok Motors|Yabrin, New Delfos
MX6|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
VehBLY|Yattalok Motors|Yabrin, New Delfos
VABY|Yattalok Motors|Yabrin, New Delfos
Sherpa 2|Yattalok Motors|Yabrin, New Delfos
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 05:07:39 PM by Delfos »

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military +
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2007, 02:13:45 AM »
New Delfos Air Force (NDAF)

Fighter Aircrafts (150)
* 85 Multi-role Fighter Aircraft
MiG-29|MQ Fusion/Saletsian Arms|Sharjah, New Delfos/Saletsia
MiG-35|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
Ku-24 Rafale|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfighter Typhoon|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos
* 10 Interceptor Fighter Aircraft
MiG-31|MQ Fusion|Sharjah, New Delfos
* 50 Fighter-Bomber Aircraft
Fatan Q-5|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Xian JH-7|Zabid Missile Industry|Zabid, New Delfos
Delfighter Tornado|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos
* 5 Electronic Countermeasure Aircraft
Delfighter Tornado ECR|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos

Long Range Bomber (20)
Tu-22M|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
Tu-160|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos

Sentry AWACS aircraft (20)
Ku-22|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos
Ku-25|Zabid Missile Industry|Kujsk, New Delfos
R-99|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
Ku-27 Beriev|Birkov+ZMI|Kujsk, New Delfos

Tankers (3)
A330MRTT|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
KC-767|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos

Helicopters (300)
* 120 Combat Helicopter
Delfocopter Tiger UHT|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter Tiger HAP|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Mil Mi-28|SBHF|Kujsk, New Delfos
Mil Mi-24|SBHF|Kujsk, New Delfos
* 70 Large Transport Helicopter
Mil Mi-8|SBHF|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter EC 725|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Mil Mi-171sh|SBHF|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter NH90 TTH|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter AS 532 AL|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Ka-226|Sbbas Chopper|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
* 80 Small Transport Helicopter
Delfocopter AS 555|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter EC 635|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter AS 565UB|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
* 30 Anti-Submarine Helicopter
Delfocopter NH90 Naval|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter AS 565MB|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos
Delfocopter AS 532SC|Delfocopter|Kujsk, New Delfos

Airlift Cargo Aircraft (20)
A400M|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
C-295|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
Tu-95|Birkov|Al-Birkah, New Delfos

Launchers (~100)
Rocket Launcher|New Delfos|Zabid/Kujsk, New Delfos
Missile Silo|New Delfos|Zabid/Portimão/Boyengrado/Kujsk, New Delfos
« Last Edit: September 24, 2007, 04:07:02 AM by Delfos »

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military ++
« Reply #7 on: August 22, 2007, 03:49:27 AM »
New Delfos Naval Force (NDNF)

Frigates (20)
* 3 Anti-Air Frigates
Sachsen class|Yabrin Shipyard|Yabrin, New Delfos
Cassard class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
Horizon class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
* 3 Anti-Submarine Frigates
Koni class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
Brandenburg class|Canadian|Canada-Quebecois Empire
Knox class|Yabrin Shipyard|Yabrin, New Delfos
* 8 Multi-Role Frigates
Krivak class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
Neustrashimy|Alland Shipyard|Takasia
Tourville class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
* 4 Guided-Missile Frigates
Bremen class|Yabrin Shipyard|Yabrin, New Delfos
* 2 Stealth Frigates
Fayette class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
-NDS Avalon (Kryvak class)
-NDS Goal (Neustrashimy class)
-NDS Gukag (Koni class)
-NDS Freud (Sachsen class)
-NDS Hesse (Brandenburg class)
-NDS Pollock I to IV (Bremen class)
-NDS Picasso (Knox class)
-NDS Mondrian (Cassard class)
-NDS Gaugin I and II (Fayette class)
-NDS Satre I to VI (Tourville class)
-NDS Socrates (Horizon class)

Fast Attack Crafts (25)
* 25 Missile Bearing Fast Attack Crafts
Gepard class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
-NDS Borgov I to X
-NDS Mujahin I to X
-NDS Vladimir I to V

Aircraft Carrier (1)
* 1 Light Aircraft Carrier
Navirsk Carrier|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
-NDS Narvirsk Carrier

Amphibious Carrier (3)
Sharjah LST class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
San Giorgio class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
Osumi class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
-NDS Pronto (San Giorgio class)
-NDS Goshawk (Sharjah LST class)
-NDS June (Osumi class)

Large Amphibious Transporters (6)
* 5 Amphibious Transporter
LKA-114|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
LKA-117|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
Bay class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
Albion class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
* 1 RO/RO Vehicle Transport Ship
Akklan class|Al-Birkah Shipyard|Al-Birkah, New Delfos
-NDS Kandinsky (LKA-114)
-NDS Monett (LKA-117)
-NDS Bay I and II (Bay class)
-NDS Catapult (Albion class)
-NDS Akklan (Akklan class)

[NDNF Akklan II in New Delfos Landing Zone, Llanydern - Llanydern border war]

Small Landing Craft (100)
Jurmo class|Litar Shipyard|Litar, New Delfos
-NDS Yuri *marine squad*

Mine Warfare Vessel (15)
* 10 Mine Hunter
Frankenthal class|Litar Shipyard|Litar, New Delfos
Kulmbach class|Litar Shipyard|Litar, New Delfos
* 5 Mine Sweeper, Drone Guidance
Ensdorf class|Litar Shipyard|Litar, New Delfos
-NDS MH-1 to MH-7 (Frankenthal class)
-NDS MH-8 to MH-10 (Kulmbach class)
-NDS Sweeper I to V (Ensdorf class)

Attack Submarine (5)
Lada class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Type 212|Saletsian Arms|Saletsia
Walrus class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
-NDS U-1 to U-3 (Lada class)
-NDS Alqizir (Type 212)
-NDS Walrus (Walrus class)

Logistics High-Speed Catamaran (1)
HSV-4676|Litar Shipyard|Litar, New Delfos
-NDS Rose

Battleship (1)
Boyenivish class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
-NDS Boyenivish (Boyenivish class)

Battle Cruiser (1)
Pyotr Class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
-NDS Magalhães (Pyotr Class)

Cruiser (7)
Kara Class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Kynda Class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Slava Class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Kresta I Class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Kresta II Class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
R9|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbaburg, New Delfos
C610|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbaburg, New Delfos
-NDS Navirsk III(Slava class)
-NDS Navirsk I (Kresta I class)
-NDS Navirsk II (Kresta II class)
-NDS Sbbasburg I (R9)
-NDS Sbbasburg II (C610)
-NDS Navirsk IV (Kara class)
-NDS Navirsk V (Kynda class)

Hospital Ship (2)
AH-17|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbaburg New Delfos
AH-20|Sbbaburg Shipyard|Sbbaburg, New Delfos
-NDS Buddha (AH-20)
-NDS Aid of Boyenivish (AH-17)

Destroyer (3)
Kujsk class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
Kashin class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Udaloy class|Navirsk Shipyard|Navirsk, New Delfos
Lütjens class|Sbbasburg Shipyard|Sbbasburg, New Delfos
-NDS Grieg (Kujsk class)
-NDS Mozart (Kashin class)
-NDS Chopin (Lütjens class)

Patrol Missile Boat (50)
* 10 Missile Hovercraft
Bora class|Sharjah Shipyard|Sharjah, New Delfos
* 30 Conventional Patrol Missile Boat
Gumdoksuri class|Yabrin Shipyard|Yabrin, New Delfos
Kuang Hua VI class (ROCN)|Yabrin Shipyard|Yabrin, New Delfos
* 10 Stealth Patrol Missile Boat
Skjold class|XMS|Xyrael
-NDS APUnit-1 I to X (Bora class)
-NDS APUnit-2 I to X (Gumdoksuri class)
-NDS APUnit-3 I to XX (Kuang Hua VI class)
-NDS APUnit-4 I to X (Skjold class)

*NOTE!»Some of the items are entitled from allied nations, I had already choose all this items long time ago, but since it's unrealistic having all Made in New Delfos, i researched for those allies who already had this vehicles. If you are not pleased, please tell me so, and I will change.*
« Last Edit: September 17, 2007, 03:08:46 AM by Delfos »

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White Heart
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 03:24:07 PM »
White Heart Committee, Organization and Foundation

-protect human life and health
-ensure respect for the human being
-prevent and alleviate human suffering
-without any discrimination based on nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions

-This is an independent private non-profiting organization, cannot be associated with any military or national organizations beside the national divisions of the same organization.
-Donation of rations, equipment or money are at all times accepted from individuals or collectives, creating a fund for the White Heart Committee.
-Respect the neutrality of this organization, if in war theaters, no White Heart shall be target of fire of any kind.
-No White Heart shall carry a weapon, and they will never discriminate any side of a war.
-White Hearts shall have access to a national health care system in case of emergency.
-Suggesting that signing entities should comply for donation and promoting it.
-Establish White Heart Committee stationary buildings in national soil.

Principles of the Committee:
-monitor compliance of warring parties with the Boyengrado Convention
-organize nursing and care for those who are wounded on the battlefield
-supervise the treatment of prisoners of war and make confidential interventions with detaining authorities
-help with the search for missing persons in an armed conflict (tracing service)
-organize protection and care for civil populations
-act as a neutral intermediary between warring parties


White Heart Foundation funds:
-§ 105'500'000

White Heart Equipment status:
-Air Vehicles (In need)
-Ground Vehicles  (Enough)
-Water Vehicles (Enough)
-Offices (3)
-Manpower (In need)
-Medical Equipment (Some)

White Heart Committee Offices:
-Boyengrado and Delfingrado, New Delfos
-Federation of Terrangar

White Heart Working spots:
-POW camp, Fenexia
-NDS Aid of Boyenivish, delfian hospital ship.
-NDS Buddah, delfian hospital ship.
-TNS White-Heart, terrangar hospital ship.

Emergency Attendance spots:
-Litar, New Delfos (Explosion in military docks)
-Tarah, New Delfos (Plague in the South)

Vehicles (Origin-New Delfos):
 *5 - Delfocopter AS 365N3
 *2 - Delfocopter Super Puma  AS 332L1
 *3 - Delfocopter EC225
 *4 - Delfocopter EC 135
 *2 - Delfocopter EC145
 *2 - Mi-8
 *1 - Mi-171v5
 *2 - Ka-226 EMS
 *(armored service)
  *2 - VehBLY
  *5 - Vodnik
  *2 - VABY
 *(civil service)
  *3 - OKA 4WD
  *10 - Sprinter
  *20 - ECRV
  *2 - E70
  *10 - White Heart Unimog
  *1 - Jurmo class
  *10 - RHIB
  *5 - Severn class

Vehicles (Origin-Terrangar):
 *1000 - UAZ-469
 *1000 - ZiS-151

Vehicles (Origin-Canada):
 *25 - C-130
« Last Edit: September 10, 2007, 07:17:55 PM by Delfos »