A Visitors Guide To Valoron
When you visit the Shadow Plane of Valoron you may notice it's not like anywhere else in the world. It is a unique and colorful country but to visitors it could be potentially dangerous. To start below are a list of terms you'll need to know. Starting with the fact that we all have jet black skin, hair and all but the whites of our eyes. Alll because of things like.....
Kobra Rouge- A biological nerve gas wildly used in Valoron for civilian police as well as the military, mainly because of it's ability to settle within about two minutes and then become rendered virtually harmless. It's a thick bright red gas and you may be suffering form it if you have the following symptoms.
-Heavy deep coughing (possibly coughing up blood)
-Extreme Pain in any region of the body but especially the head and stomach
-Red or purple colored skin
-Blurred vision
What the gas really does it spike your overall blood pressure so all of the blood vessels in the body are under a tremendous amount of pressure and many, many will burst.
Sarin- This potentially deadly nerve gas is clear and instantly kills as well as taking a long time to settle, this neurotoxic wrecks havoc on the central nervous system and should be avoided at all costs.
You should also avoid all bio toxic or bio hazard signs as the military deploys a wide range of biological and chemical weapons in those areas, they may have been spilled, leaked or loose
The Society of Valoron
The people of Valoron are a colorful and rich culture famous for their paintings, plays, drawings and masters of all things culutral. The people place no threat on visitors but can be alarming to those unaware of the way of life the people lead. For example you will notice police are everywhere and so are cameras this ensure total securty. Do not be troubled by the officers machine guns and give them no reason to fire upon you. Also you may notice every civilian is armed to some degree. This is because gun ownership is compulsory in Valoron. We are all also bi-ligual and speak English as well as Valoric a language unique for our people. We remind all travelers that offending someones religouss beliefs is a crime in Valoron so talk of religon is best kept polite after all we are alll armed. The military may also be patrolling the streets, they are the ones in gasmasks, in peacetime they aid the police force in keeping law and order.
Creatures to Avoid
Fomac- a foamac walks upright and may be prowling the streets of Valoron performing simple tasks, to all visitors however an encounter with such a creature could be deadly. Foamacs look almost like greenish brown wrinkly almost hairlless wolves that walk upright, they have razor sharp claws and teeth and thick skin, they orginate form the land of Foamia, they were at one point people who were mutated by an odd sort of bomb. Due to Valoron science they sense the agent nightshade in our skins( Waht makes our skin hair and eye color black) and do not attack us. Visitors however could be. ther are over 3 millions Foamacs in Valoron be careful around them.
Worg- A worg is a common pet in Valoron a sort of large black almost wolf-like creature that was once our national animal. they are generally friendly but can be deadly if provoked.
That's all for this installment of a Visitors guide to Valoron more to come soon.