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Author Topic: Lardouc  (Read 839 times)

Offline Lardouc

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  • Posts: 3
« on: March 08, 2007, 04:26:46 AM »
Full name: The People's Republic of Lardouc

Short name: Lardouc

Population: 25 million

Lardoucy- 100% (all immigrants are required to have knowledge of the language before entering)
English is the primary second language learned in schools.

Lardoucan - 99%
Other - 1%

Government system: Democratic Socialism with a 300-seat parliament that only votes on issues considered "too close to call" after the people have voted (48-52 margin or less), and on issues considered to be too insignificant by the general public. There is also various government institutions that run certain aspects of society (like health care, law enforcement, etc.). The Junazh, or President, supervises everything and is the representative of the state in international meetings. The President also comes up with most of the issues for people to vote on.

Parties in Parliament
Liberal Party - 35 seats
Conservative Party - 180 seats
Centrist Party - 85 seats

Top Government Officials:
President: Belo Redavashen
Vice President: Sinde Lovar
Nation Treasurer: Peskal Tyvar
Military General: Greskin Kesalopo
Chief of Healthcare: P.Jalo SuHnen
Chief of Education: BaHan Juvar
Chief of Law Enforcement: Zezem Iloivar
Chief of Language Conservation: Labedezh Vmipo
Chief of Immigration Commission: Cilsdla Waglen
Chief of Foreign Affairs: Elvak Koslar
(the suffixes for last names, -en, -ar-, and -po come from the coastal, central, and mountainous regions of the country respectively)

More to come.