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Author Topic: Irnotian Empire Previews  (Read 1105 times)

Offline Ranholn

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Irnotian Empire Previews
« on: January 10, 2007, 05:08:56 AM »
I havnt Finished the Details yet, So ill be putting previews.
The first is... Goverment Agencies. All Real World Goverments have them, just no one has ever botherd. Well I did. here they are over 100 goverment Agencies
~these are called the Ordinance Agencies, Those who have the ability       
    To use Armed Force for what their Goals are. Local Police are Also
    Ordinance but are not listed hear.
National Police Force: NPF
Anti-Terrorist Task Force: ATTF
Internal Security Division: ISD
International Intelligence Service: IIS
Firearm Explosives Force: FEF
Irnotian Security Agency: ISA

~Internal Narcotics Service (INS)
~Multi Regional Homicide Task Force (MHT)
~Missing Victims Unit (MVU)
~Organized Criminal Sector (OCS)
   -Gang Investigation Sector (GIS)
      ~Undercover Gang Investigations (UGI)
      ~Gang Relations Observatory (GRO
   -Mafia Investigation Sector (MIS)
      ~Undercover Mafia Investigations (UMI)
      ~Mafia Relations Observatory (MRO)
      ~Outfit Surveillance Investigation Unit (OSIU)
         -Tony Accardo Specialized Division (TASD)
   -Organized Criminal Weapon Facilities (OCWF)
   -Criminal Narcotics Division (CND)
~Inter Regional Robbery Investigations (IRRI)
~Heinous Crime Unit (HCU)
~Suspect Witness Transportation Protection Services (SWTPS)
~Department of Correctional Facilities (DCF)
   -Section of Criminal Incarceration (SCI)
      ~Advisory of Capital Execution (ACE)
      ~Maximum Security Administration (MSA)
   -Division of None Criminal Incarceration (DNCI)
      ~Psychological Studies Center (PSC)

~Para Military Security Section (PMSS)
~Lone Agent Recovery Agency (LARA)
~International Terrorist Operations (ITO)
   -Terrorist Extraction Assault Recon (TEAR)
~Terrorist Financial Observatory (TFO)
~Hostage Recovery Service (HRS)
~Possible Advisories Observatory (PAO)

~Illegal Alien Apprehension (IAA)
~Dissident Observation Unit (DOU)
~Counterfeit Surveillance Division (CSD)
~Explosive Situation Negotiation (ESN)
~Dieses Control Section (DCS)
   -Sexual Transmitted Dieses Task Force (STF)
~National Guard (NG)
   -Rescue Operations (RO)
   -Border Patrol (BP)
~Military Budget Control Center (MBCC)
   -Military Contract Advisory (MCA)

~Weapon Smuggling Sections (WSS)
~Explosives Control Agency (ECA)
~Exotic Weapon Control (EWC)
~Individual Firearm Agency (IFA)
~Irnotian Munitions Testing Facility (INTF)

~Embassies Organization Center (EOC)
   -Misplaced Nationals Service (MNS)
~Counter Espionage Office (CEO)
   -Foreign Agency Database (FAD)
~International Information Gathering Services (IIGS)
   -Counter Intelligence Spikes (CIS)

~Bureau of Internal Ethics (BIE)*
   -Self Examination (SE)
   -National Police Force Ethical Investigations (NPFEI)
   -Firearms Explosives Force Ethical Investigations (FEFEI)
   -Anti Terrorist Task Force Ethical Investigations (ATTFEI)
   -Internal Security Division Ethical Investigations (ISDEI)
   -International Intelligence Services Ethical Investigations (IISEI)
   -Police Internal Review (PIR)
   -None Ordinance Ethical Investigation (NOEI)
   -Internal Taxation Services (ITS)
   -Voting Regulation Commission (VRC)
      ~Political Ethics Commission (PEC)
   -Foreign Persons Regulatory Commission (FPRC)
      ~Student Visa Commission (SVC)
      ~Working Visa Commission (WVC)
      ~General Visa Licensing (GVC)
         -Visitation Tourism Regulations (VTR)
         -Temporary Foreign Arrivals (TFA)
   -Passport Authentication Services (PAS)
      ~Lost Passport Regulation (LPR)
      ~Fraudulent Passport Force (FPF)
      ~Passport Issuance Services (PIS)
   -Citizenry Division (CD)
      ~Equestrian Investigation Unit (EIU)
   -Anti Identity Theft Division (AITD)
      ~Digital Identity Services (DIS)
         -Financial Recovery Unit (FRU)
      ~Stolen Citizenry Recovery (SCR)
~Stock Regulatory Commission (SRC)
~Corporate Sector Investigations (CSI)*
   -Corporate Ethics Bureau (CEB)
      ~Executive Ethical Bureau (EEB)
   -Business Registration (BR)
      ~Business Bankruptcy Division (BBD)
   -Patent Office*
   -Product Quality Regulation (PQR)
      ~Product Fault Liability Division (PFLD)
      ~Product Testing Centers (PTC)
      ~Drug Regulations Center (DRT)
         -Drug Regulator Testing Facilities (DRTF)
   -Corporate Merger Observatory (CMO)
      ~Monopoly Regulatory Committee (MRC)
   -Labor Relations (LR) *
      ~Discriminatory Ethic Section (DES)
      ~Union Relations Section (URS)
         -Union Ethics Division
         -Union Regulatory Commission (URC)
            ~Free Enterprise Services (FES)
      ~Quality of Life Division (QLD)
         -Wage Regulation (WR)
         -Benefit Regulation (BR)
            ~Unemployment Services Systems (USS)
         -Hour Reinforcement (HR)
   -Corporate Relations Division (CRD)
      ~Contract Litigation Department (CLD)
   -Insurance Agency Ethical Services (IAES)*
      ~Medical Insurance Sub-Section (MIS)
         -Case Violation Investigations (CVI)
         -Experimental Emergency Medical Services (EEMS)
      ~General Insurance Sub-Section (GIS)
         -Insurance Fraud Investigations (IFI)
   -Carnal Services Registry (CSR)*
      ~Client Heath Provocation (CHP)
         -Dieses Isolation Division (DID)
      ~Ethical Services Section (ESS)
~Collositic Athletics Ethics Committee (CAEC)*
   -Licensing Registration Division (LRD)
      ~Gladiator Registration Section (GRS)
   -Blood Entertainment Ratification Section (BERS)
      ~Recovery and Crowd Safety Task Force (RCSTF)
~Media Regulatory Agency (MRA)*
   -Advertisement Ethics Section (AES)
   -Printed Media Bureau (PMB)
      ~Newspaper Regulation committee (NRC)
         -Newsprint Conglomerate Control (NCC)
         -Factuality Investigations (FI)
            ~Slander Inquest Division (SID)
      ~Literature Registry (LiR)
         -Plagiarisms Investigations (PI)
         -Division of Classical Prosperity (DCP)
      ~None Fiction Registry (NFR)
         -Historical Verification Department (HVD)
         -Irnotian Historical Foundation (IHF)
   -Televised Media (TM)
      ~Televised Rating Board (TRB)
      ~Intelligent Properties Protection Agency (IPPA)
      ~Media Forums Advisory (MFA)
         -Cross Forum Investigation (CFI)
      ~Telivised News Licensing Format Branch (TNLFB)
         -News Liability Ethical Observitory (NLEO)
   -Large Screen Production Advisory (LSPA)
      ~Rating Regulation Boards
      ~Humane Filming Regulation Board (HFRB)
   -Audio Media Formation Section (AMFS)
      ~Radio Regulation Division (RRD)
         -Radio Freedom Concervation Section (RFCS)
         -Radio News Licensing Branch
            ~News Authentication Service (NAS)
      ~Music Regulitory Committee (MRC)
         -Copy Right Protection Group (CRPG)
~Praetorians *
   -Vip Devision
~Trade Regulatory Division (TRD)*
   -Protective Marketing Advisory (PMA)
   -Export Licensing Registry (ELR)
   -Import Inspection Investigators (III)
      ~Import Quality Control (IQC)

Non Ordinance Agencies
~These are Agencies with out an Armed Division of any kind

Postal Service
~International Delivery Section

Irnotian Wine Regulation (IRW)
~Division of Wine Purity
   -White Wines
   -Red Wines
   -Mixed Wines
   -Table Wines
~Division of Wine Quality
-White Wines
   -Red Wines
   -Mixed Wines
   -Table Wines
~Division of Wine Marketing
   -White Wines
   -Red Wines
   -Mixed Wines
   -Table Wines

Irnotian Engineering Core
~Road Maintenance Core
~Building Core
~Historical Structure Division

Educational Control Center
~Acadamia de Roma
~Private Education Licensing

Edited, more Agencies to ignore
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 08:13:09 PM by Ranholn »
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2007, 05:10:11 PM »
Some More Previews... This Time Some of the Industry of The Empire, here are ads from two diffrent Companies
« Last Edit: January 11, 2007, 08:11:11 PM by Ranholn »
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2007, 09:37:39 PM »
some more previewing, the class structure of Irnotian Empire, a preview

Class Structure
One of the Most Important things In Irnotia Is your Class. Those at the bottom had few rights and no political power, those at the top Enjoy great benefits, rights and political opportunities. At the Very Top of the Class Structure is the Domus, Those who can Trace their Line to the Immortal Imperia.

Below the Domus is the Senatores, these are the families that Can Show that They have had a Senator in their family. If you have not had one for 200 years or Become poor this title is Stripped from you by the Census. They must prove to have a Stable weath of at least 5 million Sesterces, If you drop below that for two takings of the Census in a row your family is investigated into weather you should be dropped a rank or not.

Equites are the next rank down the rung. This was a purely Economical Class. To be part of this you just had to prove a Stable wealth of 1 million Sesterces, then you would be considered for advancement. Few of this rank do not own at least a small vineyard, and many purchase or build one and do not apply for Review until they have wine to give to those doing the Investigation from their own Vineyard. Getting to this Rank allows you to Enter Politics as a Candidate.  If you fall below 1 million you are investigated into losing rank, If you fall below 500.000 for what ever reason you are dropped immediately barring High Intervention.

Prenteria is an unofficial class, they are actually part of the Plebs but are ones with money and business. Also any who own even the smallest of wine creation ability. These are often families that are close to applying for investigation or have once been of higher rank.

Plebs is the largest class in society, they are anyone who was born in this nation and on the Registration. In the past people of this class could only vote as Tribes, or sections of them set up by the Census, this was removed by Imperator Venito, and Immortal Imperia Julius in IB 3201. Now each person gets one vote for local, and each family gets one vote for Senator Confirmation Elections.

Prenitori is an unofficial Title of anyone who can Trace their Family back to IB 0 as citizens of the Empire. It is a rank that can be used at any class to make yourself and your family of higher status then other of the same class as you are, it is very hard to prove and if you do your finding are verified by the EIU.

Libertini these are any people of Foreign Birth who is granted Citizenship, they are not allowed to vote or move up in any class rank. But this allows their children to be born of Citezens making them Plebs.

Servi These are anyone who makes less then 1,000 Sesterces a year. They are the second lowest of all people in the nation. In fact they are named for what was once the Slave class before slavery was abolished in IB 2023.

Peregrini are the lowest of the low, and are mistrusted by all and often abused openly if they do not have wealth to offer. These are people not born in the Empire, the high nationalism and Xenophobia of the general people leave to very anti immigrant views. The abuse strangely often leave upon becoming a Libertini, and if you are born in the Empire it is very rare, at least currently. A Peregrini forging Citizenry on any level is always punished the same, Death.
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2007, 02:10:52 AM »
this is an incomplet detial on military break up, mostly just amount of infintry, the Irnotians primary military focus, it dosnt yet have starderd and optional military load out gear, or much detail in equipment. Dont worry, I plan on full load out of the gear down the the pointless numbercrunchy details.
Grand Legion of Irnotia: This is the name of the entire military
Ground Forces
Legatus Legionis
~This is the Leader of all Armed Forces of the Empire
High Level
~this is the general in charge of each of the Legions.
Tribunus Laticlavius
~the second in command of a Legion
Tribuni Angusticlavii 5 per standard legion
~Staff officers of the Legion, they also will be put in charge of                                                 
     Smaller forces that are sent off for short times
Praefectus Castrorum
~The Leader of Camp and the True Second in command he would be
    Main battle leader out ranking all but the Dux and Legatus Legionis     
     In times of battle.
Primus Pilus
~The Highest Rank a Career Officer could get with out Birth or Special
   Appointment. He was the most veteran and skilled Centurion, and   
    was Given command of the 1st Century  of the 1st Cohort the legion.
     This Century also included the Second Century
Mid Level
Primus Prior
~The leaders of the 9 best Centuries of the 10 Cohorts of the legion.
   During times of battle they were the commandor of the Cohorts
    With the other 9 Centurions of the Cohort working as lieutenants
    The Primus Pilus lead the First Century of the First cohort
~The Leaders of Each Century. 59 in total, 6 for each Cohort, save the 
    First that only has 5 (the Other century lead by the Primus Pilus
Primi Ordines
~The 5 Centurions of the first Cohort, this included the Primus
    Pilus. They outranked all Centurions save the Primus
    Pilus and Primus Prior
~Appointed by each Centurion he was the Secound in command to
   Him in a Century. leads a Decadious
Low Level
~the second in command to the Optio Leads a Inagio
~lead a Tent group, much like a Squad leader

Military Break up
Ground Legions
~the entire force of 10 Cohorts
Cohort I: Was made up of the elite troops. Its direct commander was the Primus Pilus, the highest ranking and most respected of all the Centurions. Holds 18,000 troops Elite

Cohort II: Consisted of some of the weaker or newest troops. 9,000

Cohort III: No special designation for this unit. 9,000

Cohort IV: Another of the four weak cohorts.9,000

Cohort V: Again, no special designation. 9,000

Cohort VI: Made up of "The Finest of the Young Men". 9,000

Cohort VII: One of the four weak cohorts and a likely place to find trainees and raw recruits.9,000

Cohort VIII: Contained "The Selected Troops". 9,000 Elite

Cohort IX: One of the four weak cohorts and a likely place to find trainees and raw recruits. 9,000

Cohort X: Made up of "The Good Troops".9,000 Elite

~6 in each, the 1st Cohort had double Strength
   Normal 1500 1st Cohort 3,000
~holds  500 troops.
~100 men
Tent group
~10 men sections 10 per Inagio

Alea Lead by a Centurion Miniour
1000 Made up of Specialists and Heavy System infantry
       They have the same structure for Optio and Tesserarius as a
       Normal Cohort.

Total 100,000 men
32,000 elite 1000 Specialized (Changes based on legion) 67,000 Legionaries

100 ground Legions for total of
3,200,000 Elite
100,000 Specialized
6,700,000 Legionaries
100 Dux *200,000
100 Tribunus Laticlavius 150,000
500 Tribuni Angusticlavii 110,000
100 Praefectus Castrorum 110,000
100 Primus Pilus 90,000
900 Primus Prior 75,000
400 Primi Ordines 67,000
4,600 Centurions 60,000
20,000 Optio*55,000
100,000 Tesserarius*50,000
Total Officers
Decurion is form the men thus amount is included in normal listing above
1,000,000 Decurion *2,000
Total man power in main legions

5 Legions of the Gods
Each Triple Size for a total of
480,000 Elite
15,000 Specialized
1,005,000 Legionaries
5 Dux
5 Tribunus Laticlavius
75 Tribuni Angusticlavii
5 Praefectus Castrorum
5 Primus Pilus
45 Primus Prior
20 Primi Ordines
230 Centurions
3,000 Optio
15,000 Tesserarius
Total officers
150,000 Decurion

10 lesser Legions of double size
640,000 Legionaries
1,340,000 Regulars
20,000 Specialized
10 Dux
10 Tribunus Laticlavius
100 Tribuni Angusticlavii
10 Praefectus Castrorum
10 Primus Pilus
90 Primus Prior
40 Primi Ordines
460 Centurions
4,000 Optio
20,000 Tesserarius

Reservist Army
1 Dux Minor
20 Tribuni Angusticlavii Minor


Auxilia- Air force

Auxilia- Naval
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2007, 11:16:03 PM »
New resources brought into the market by companies
Seafood (Uichi Ryan Turtle *elephant sized lake turtle*, seaweed, crocodile)
Fruits (orange, pomegranate, strawberry)
Grain (rice, sugar, coffee)
Grain (cocoa, bamboo, wild rice)
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 10:31:29 PM »
Military break down comming soon
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Offline Ranholn

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Re: Irnotian Empire Previews
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2007, 05:41:55 PM »
Calender system
3278 BUE- earliest documentation of the Three tribes (date debated)
21BUE War of Unification starts
3 BUE- brotherhood formed
0UE- Treaty of Three tribes
15Bue -brotherhood appears
684 UE-War of the Empire
0 IE- Empire is formed
431 IE- 0 ACE
883 IE- Phelimarian Revolution
892 IE- Augustus crowned Emperor 0- AR
1558 AR- Current Immortal Imperium comes to power
1556 AR-2007 ACE
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