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News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!

Author Topic: Hakhamanishiyan  (Read 808 times)

« on: June 15, 2007, 09:40:52 PM »
 Government Statistics
Gross Domestic Product (Official): $1,288,507,083,859
GDP Per Capita (Official): $11,303
Income Tax Rate: 57%
Government Income (% of GDP): 58.3%
Private Consumption: $554,531,846,132
Government Budget: $748,004,893,434
Administration (13%): $96,268,229,785
Welfare (24%): $177,725,962,680
Healthcare (11%): $81,457,732,895
Education (20%): $148,104,968,900
Religion and Spirituality (0%): $0
Defence (0%): $0
Law and Order (0%): $0
Commerce (5%): $37,026,242,225
Public Transport (9%): $66,647,236,005
Environment (7%): $51,836,739,115
Social Equality (11%): $81,457,732,895
Government Waste (1%): $7,480,048,934

 Vital Statistics
Population: 114,000,000
Government Category: Left-wing Utopia
Civil Rights: Superb
Economy: Good
Political Freedoms: World Benchmark
Government Priority: Social Welfare
UN Status: Non-member

 UN Estimates
Exchange Rate: 1 riyal = $0.58
GDP Per Capita (Estimated): $11,596
Black Market (Estimated): 2.53%
Black Market Product: $33,445,397,786
Black Market Breakdown:
Basic Necessities: 0%
Healthcare: 0.71%
Education: 0%
Transportation: 1.11%
Luxuries: 0.71%
Recovered Product: $0
Worker Enthusiasm: 89%
Government Efficiency: 99%
Consumer Confidence: 84%
Unemployment: 25.79%
Population Growth Rate: 5.13%
Literacy: 100%