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News: Long live the Glorious Revolution!

Author Topic: Dervmark  (Read 764 times)


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« on: February 12, 2007, 06:18:43 PM »
Devmark Geranl Info
Devmarkis a Nation south of Russany and East of Flemingoia. During the Early Stages of Terrazac, it had many names, Hanzac,Kanzac,Dervzac,Dervkar but the peolpe of Dervmark now agree on Dervmark.Dervmark is a strange contruy in a few ways. it has had 4 revoltions, it has been in 2 world wars, has been in 14 wars and the rulers thorgh out Terrazac history have never been perdmolity any skin color.When Desribing the Peolpe of Dervmark you call them Dervish. In the noterhen regions of Dervamark, there is a mainly shperad society. in the southern part of Dervmark, there is manily farming and fishing scoiety

Dervmark Miltiary Info
Dervmark are dived into 3 main callses
1)Land Forces
3)Air Forces
4)Naval Forces.

This is the Army's Symobl
the land forces are traied up to morden Greek Soldier standrads. here is a phto of a morden soldier in the Dervmark Nationl Army(T.N.A)

The D.N.A has these wepons at hand
Assualt Rifle= Ak-47/M14
Anti-Tank = Carl Gutuas 81mm
Light Machine Gun = Bren
Heavy Machine gun = M1917 Browning machine gun on a M2 .50 cal mount
Pistol = Colt 1911 A1
Sniper Rifle = Springfiled 1914 M80
Artillery Peice = 76.2mm M1942
Morar = 81mm model 1933
greande = MK2 "Pinapple Greande"
Sudmachine Gun = Thosmapn/M3 "Grease Gun"

Tank = Sherman Firefly/T-62
Vhicle mounted gun = DShK
(Mounted like this)

The Navy has these
15 Dreadnght
2 Aircraft
850 Higgins boat
3 Cursiers

The Air Force is Repsetced thorgh out the region
Also, this is the Air Forces Elbem for the D.A.F

Fighter = Su-37 "Flanker-F"

Bomber = B-25B Mitchell

Transport/Cargo = C-54

Most of Dervmark looks like this,

Dercmark is mostly hills that are wooed and some flat land colser to the Sea. But is the NW region it looks more like this

Those are the Yaka mountions. in the Yaka mountions, there is a mostly Extrme Buddshit socitey. They are so extmre, they kinda resmle jonestwon in a way because they folow thses one central person. Heck, he is so reverd that only the  peolpe in the Yaka mountions know he is there.

Terrazac has these polctions
Leader of Dervmark, Prime Chairman Garret Corso

This is the Forgion Realtions Minster(Forgion Minster), Jocaob Evans

This is the Defense minster,Major Colonel Sparrow

This is the Trade and Finace Minster,Albah Cane

This is the Vice Chariman,Jane Stone(there is no Personal realtionship between the Prime Chairman and the Vice chariman)

« Last Edit: February 12, 2007, 06:21:00 PM by Dervmark »