The government of Latia Nova is one made up of many laws and customs, not all of which are officially written down. In fact, Latia nova has no real Constitution, relying on the 12 Tables and their interpretation by the Supreme Court. Officially, Latia Nova is a fully democartic republic, in reality, only the upper class is largely represented.
When the republic first began, there was no written law and no records of government decisions, leading to vast corruptibility among politicians. Eventually, the plebians demanded the laws be written and they appointed a man, Celucious, to write them down. Thus was born the 12 Tables of the Law or the 12 Tables.
Later, in response to the gain of plebian power, the aristocratic elite passed through the Senate a law establishing the Consuls, who have remained in almost continuos power to this day. This eventually led to plebian uprisings, but at first the Counsuls were regarded as heros of Latia Nova's deomcratic process.
However, the plebians eventually rebeled. This became known as the War of the Classes, the resolution of which resulted in the Tribunes. Tribunes at first, had very little power, but have today usurped the Consuls as the peoples voice.
Consuls: Octavian Caesar, Vibius Athenicus
Tribunes: Marcus Aerilius, Laticus the Bald