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News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!

Author Topic: Aragan  (Read 966 times)

Offline Aragan

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  • Posts: 59
« on: April 11, 2007, 07:53:49 PM »
From http://www.sunsetrpg.com/economystatistics.php?nation=aragan

Gross Domestic Product (Official): $53,054,483,009,961
GDP Per Capita (Official): $11,449
Income Tax Rate: 100%
Government Income (% of GDP): 100%
Private Consumption: $-16,202,553,285,240
Government Budget: $58,949,425,566,623
Administration (0%): $0
Welfare (1%): $530,544,830,100
Healthcare (5%): $2,652,724,150,498
Education (7%): $3,713,813,810,697
Religion and Spirituality (5%): $2,652,724,150,498
Defence (30%): $15,916,344,902,988
Law and Order (32%): $16,977,434,563,187
Commerce (9%): $4,774,903,470,896
Public Transport (9%): $4,774,903,470,896
Environment (1%): $530,544,830,100
Social Equality (0%): $0
Government Waste (10%): $5,894,942,556,662
Population: 4,634,000,000
Government Category: Father Knows Best State
Civil Rights: Some
Economy: Frightening
Political Freedoms: Rare
Government Priority: Law & Order
UN Status: Non-member
Exchange Rate: 1 Florin = $1.84
GDP Per Capita (Estimated): $31,468
Black Market (Estimated): 63.62%
Black Market Product: $92,768,496,557,199
Black Market Breakdown:
Basic Necessities: 13.21%
Healthcare: 12.64%
Education: 12.35%
Transportation: 12.07%
Luxuries: 13.35%
Recovered Product: $26,717,327,008,473
Worker Enthusiasm: 72%
Government Efficiency: 90%
Consumer Confidence: 76%
Unemployment: 2.3%
Population Growth Rate: 0.13%
Nation Age: 792 Days