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Author Topic: The Rif War  (Read 2979 times)

Offline Aquatoria

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The Rif War
« on: June 16, 2010, 11:17:29 PM »
The capital of Nihon was bustling. Massani had been the capital of the Nihonite Hegemony for over seven hundred years. Zog had enjoyed the towering spires and temples of the old era and the newer contructions of the new era. But Zog was always a supporter of the old ways. He was a in'jarra or an embalmer. Nihon was built on a heirarchal caste system based on family and it's patron god. Zog's family's patron god was In'Jarha, or the God of the Dead. As a member of the in'jarra, Zog was high on the heirarchal standing, below only, military leaders, priests, and politicans. But like all in'jarra, he was also a cold and quiet person. He prayed before every battle and after, as well as is the last to leave the battlefield. Zog stood tall with his dark black hair and deep blue eyes. On his left cheek was the symbol of In'Jarha, burned into his cheek at a young age. The scar as well as the black hair was a symbol to whom he worshipped and his profession. Zog dressed in the black uniform of the Keepers, and carried a long black cape to show his position as a high rank. He had just gratuated from the Temple of In'Jarha's Talsha In'jarra Rite and was now going to meet his new leader. The city was filled with people from all castes, high and low. The lower castes moved out of his way and many bowed to him. Higher castes just moved out of the way and Zog motioned a slight nod. The Followers of the Dead were not a caste to question, and not to confront. Zog knew his place in the world, but even the higher castes had a great deal of respect and fear for them. Merchants and ambassadors from other parts of the world were also in the city but they seemed uncomfortable in this enviroment. The strange gods and the strange lifestyle of the Nihonites had made them almost seem barbariac in the eyes of the world. But seventy years ago, the Nihonites had become a modern nation, but they still refused to change many of their ways. The Elu and Melkor religions of the northern countries had taken a foothold here, but the still powerful Pantheon was the primary religion here. Zog chuckled when he saw white skinned Inglish and Austrasians at the harbor. He found them strange, he was more comfortable with the Haradrim, for though they were different people, they shared a similar skin color.

Zog arrived at the In'Jarha Palace. The great building was once a great palace, but was converted to both a tomb and a temple for In'Jarha. Two statues of the jackel-headed god stood at the door. Zog made a swift prayer to the statues, both of which were In'Jarha. All of Nihon's gods were animal-headed and in contrast, those animals were respected by their castes. Jackals were kept in the temples of In'Jarha and treated as princes. Zog made his way through the dark building. The palace had few windows and was painted in black and dark red. He made his way to the central chamber where a great golden statue of In'Jarha stood and underneath the statue was a single man praying. The man was dressed in the black uniform and cape but also wore a black ceremonial helmet that resembled the top jaw of a jackal. As he turned to Zog, Zog bowed low. "Hegemon of the Lord of the Dead Urien, I have arrived as you ordered. I am ready to serve my god."

Urien was a tall man with multiple scars on his face and a heavy limp. He allowed Zog to stand. "Lesser Embalmer Zog, I am glad to see you arrived on time." Zog noticed that though Urien was glad, he didn't seem to show it. It was the same neutral doomed face that every in'jarra had. "I want to speak to you of a dream I had. I believe that the great god In'Jarha was giving me a vision. We need to conquer the Rif. South of the Haradrim Empire in Libia. I have already gone before the Grand and Great Council of the Hegemons and they agreed with me. We have a powerful military and now we need to use it against a real enemy. The coastal strongholds of the Rif people have always been places of anarchy and heresy. But we will bring the heretics into the Pantheon and the Hegemony by force. I have ordered the Navy and the Army to attack the cities and crush all resistance, but I need an embalmer to join with the commander to lead the land forces. I have chosen you."

Zog felt a wave of pleasure and pride inside himself, but he held those emotions from showing. "Yes, Hegemon. I accept this position. I will help bring the Rif into our Empire." All Urien did was nod and handed him a folder.

"These are your orders. The Navy and the Naval Infantry will assault the Rifi by sea, but you will join Banner Captain Khemu in his assault of the smaller villages and holdouts. You will leave tommorrow morning. For the Hegemony, the Pantheon, and In'jarha."

Zog bowed. "For In'jarha." As Urien left, Zog prayed in front of the statue of In'jarha for hours until finally sleep took him and he went to bed.
« Last Edit: June 18, 2010, 07:20:24 AM by GCE »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2010, 05:21:28 PM »
Khemu was glad to finally be off the ocean liner that brought the battalion from Nihon to the Rif. He was a Banner Captain, the highest of the three captain ranks in the Nihonite military. The military rank system of Nihon were a little different then the other modern countries, because many of the old ideas were merged with the new. Khemu was dressed in the dun colored uniform of the army. Over his right shoulder was a golden epaullette shaped like his patron god, Tifon. Tifon was the god of storms and deserts. His animal was the Nihonite greyhound which had been bred in this region for millenia. It was known to have a longer snout then other dogs and had tall rabbit-like ears. Khemu like all the soldiers in the Nihonite Army were Ni'Tifon, or the Followers of the Lord of the Desert. He was armed with both a native Nihonite khopesh sword and an Inglish-made revolver. Khemu had red hair that all ni'tifon did so they could resemble their god and his red fur. He looked back at the thousand men he had on the beach. They were in ranks and look extremly organized. One face stuck out though. An in'jarra had been sent by the Great and Grand Council of Hegemons to be on Khemu's command staff. A battalion of Nihonite soldiers always had a small priest contingent for religious purposes and a embalmer unit to oversee the bodies of the dead. It was Nihonite tradition that a soul never went to Injarha and his Field of Reeds unless one of his followers properly blessed and embalmed the body. In ni'tifon tradition, the body was burned if they were away from home in battle. The priest and the embalmer walked up to Khemu. He noticed that they were both dressed in their traditional garb, the embalmer in his black uniform and cape. The priest was in a white and gold robe with a ram-shaped helmet and mask. Priest were called ji'omun or the Followers of the God of Piety, the ram-headed Omun. He remembered their names. Zog was the embalmer and the older priest was named Nanish. Khemu never liked the idea of priests and embalmers on the battlefield, but they served the will of their gods as much as Khemu did which meant that he couldn't openly argue. He looked back at the Rif. It was hot and covered in dunes further inland. The coastal areas were more rocky, but just as desolute.

"Men, the Hegemons of our great nation have seen fit to send us to war, and here we are. Ready to fight, ready to defend Nihon, the Hegemony and the Pantheon."

The soldiers cried out in unison. "For we are the Sons of Tifon!"

Khemu smiled. "That's right. We are the Followers of the Lord of the Desert. We are His Sons, His Sword, His Shield, and His Army. Tifon watches over us, like he watched over our ancestors in ages past and in the beginning, when he led our armies to conquer Nihon. We will give our blood and our lives to make Him proud. In the Field of Reeds we will meet again under the watchful eye of the Jackal Injarha."

Again the soldiers in unison. "We will meet again in the Field of Reeds."

With that, the army mounted their horses and waited their banner captain's orders. The banner of the Nihonite Hegemony; a flag with a white sun on blue; and the banner of the Army; a red flag with Tifon's symbol were raised. They marched along the road. Nanish and Zog were on both sides of him. It was going to be a long ride to the nearest village.
« Last Edit: June 26, 2010, 06:04:46 AM by GCE »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2010, 04:13:33 AM »
The little village beofre them was hidden in a valley between two rocky hills. Khemu was looking from his horse through his binoculars. Embalmer Zog was beside him waiting for orders. "How many soldiers?" The in'jarra had become imersed in the art of war. Khemu kept him close at all times. Khemu could see many robed men running to the edge of the town. They jumped into ditches and behind ancient stone walls. They were armed with both swords and older muskets, as well as a few modern bolt-action rifles. These were most likely militiamen who were called up by the local governors to hold back the army. From reports Khemu recieved by courier, most if not all the Rif armies, if army is the proper term, were defending the coastal stronghold cities like Bey and Yia. Bey had fallen two days earlier and now supplies were coming in. But the other coastal cities were putting up tougher fights. The capital of the Rif States, Geers, was still no besieged and wasn't going to be any time soon. Not with half the Rif fleet stationed there. The Nihonite Assemblage of Military Talent had ordered that the navy must starve out Geers by taking the other cities. Either, the Lord of the Rif was going to launch a counterattack or he would just stockpile his capital for a siege. But either way, the Assemblage was confident that the Rif would fall.

"I would assume three hundred defenders. We should be able to take them. If we do this right, you and the other embalmers won't spend too much time getting the bodies ready for the Field of Reeds." He ushered Zog back to the army. The men were ready. Khemu ushered over a pair of light field guns. They were small enough that they could be drawn by horses, but Khemu did have problems with them as their wheels sould get stuck. He originally started out with three, but the third lost a wheel and with no replacement parts, it was left in a ditch. The guns were brought forward to the top of the hill overlooking the town. Khemu breathed deeply. "Tifon watch over us and guide us....Fire." The guns fired their first volley. One shell slammed into a building behind the defenders' line, and the other actually hit the wall. A few militiamen were killed and flew in various directions. As the volley continued, Khemu checked his revolver and turned his head back to his men. "Forward!" The cavalrymen kicked their horses to a walk and then to a trot. Rifles were pulled out of their holsters, and as they neared the bottom of the hill, Khemu signalled for a full head long charge. The militiamen fired wildly. Khemu saw two of his men fall. The forward rank of horsemen fired their guns in return and Khemu was sure he saw some militiamen fall. He fired a few rounds from his revolver, and then pulled his khopesh. Others around did the same while others kept their rifles. They headed for a break in the ancient wall. This part of the wall had collapsed in a previous siege. The horses jumped the wall as the militiamen ran. Khemu slashed and cut down three Rifi. But that was all he got. His men had chased after the fleeing militiamen or were battling the brave ones who stood to the last. He was surprised. The battle was over quickly. The speed of his cavalry, the accuracy of his field guns and the lack of experience of the militamen just made this a victory. But Khemu didn't care. This wasn't a great battle, but just a skirmish. But still, a victorius skirmish.

He looked at the buildings. The village was indeed old. Many of the buildings dating back hundreds of years, back when great kings ruled these lands, not petty lords. Zog rode up to him. The in'jarra had not fought in this battle, but was now getting ready to embalm those men who had died for Nihonite. The bodies of the Rifi were simply burned. Khemu did not order a sack of the town, but iunstead ordered that the army camp outside. "Zog, I see there will be much for you to do tonight."

"Yes, there will be. The great Injarha will indeed enjoy the newcomers to the Field of Reeds."

Khemu smiled. "Yes, and Tifon will be proud of our victory."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Myroria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2010, 05:08:22 AM »
To: His Majesty Urien, Hegemon of the Lord of the Dead, or recipient/external affairs secretary

From: Her Excellency Morvene Novrovth, Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing His Imperial Majesty Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth, King of Resdaynea, Empeurer of Myroria and Her Dominions

His Imperial Majesty would like to say a few words to the Nihonite government concerning the recent war on the western coast of Rif.

While His Majesty understands that the Nihonite people have a deep wish for an empire, and such ambition is not iniquitous, he must temper this enthusiasm with a fair degree of criticism for the methods by which the Nihonite armies are attempting to build this empire. The Rif are a sovereign state, ruled by a government, and any government, no matter how fragmented or torn apart, does - and by all rights aught to have - control over their own land. The Rif are not some tribespeople on the Australisian continent with little culture and no coherent government. The Rif are a people with a culture as old as Nihon's or Myroria's, and it is the right of no nation to infringe upon another's land without just cause.

Such aggression is a crime against peace, according to the Novrith Convention (1864), Article 1, Section 4. While Nihon was not a signatory of this treaty, Myroria obviously was, and if this aggression continues His Majesty may enact more severe penalties as a result of this aggression, including, but not limited to, economic sanctions and possible expulsion of diplomatic personnel from the Myrorian Empire.

His Majesty would also like to extend his congratulations for the recent victories and would like to commend the bravery of both Nihonite and Rifi soldiers.

Representing His Imperial Majesty, Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth,

Morvene Novrovth

His Imperial Majesty, Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth

« Last Edit: July 02, 2010, 07:19:08 PM by Myroria »
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2010, 06:28:24 AM »
To: Her Excellency Morvene Novrotvth, Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing His Imperial Majesty Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth, King of Resdaynea, Empeurer of Myroria and Her Dominions

From: His Excellancy Thoth, Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars, Neth, on behalf of the Great and Grand Council of Hegemons of the Nihonite Hegemony, and His Most Highest Supremecy Hegemon-Above-All Osiana

We understand His Imperial Majesty's position on this war that has erupted on our coastline. We thank him for his congratulations and it will be expressed to our soldiers, sailors and marines. The Rif are a people with a culture as old as Nihon, but the Rif are also a nation of pirates. For centuries, our commerce has been attacked and stolen, our coastal towns have been raided, and piracy has plagued this region. I am not saying that the Rif government is to blame directly for these attacks, but they indirectly supported these pirates by offering them safe harbor, in exchange for tribute. In recent years, I will admit that the coastal assaults have ceased since Nihon has become a modern nation with law and order, but the piracy still continues. On many occasions, I personally have asked that the Rif government stop the support of the pirates to no avail. They are a sovereign state, however they are still an anarchist state. Pirates pay off government officals and we have had enough. So if the Rif will not stop these attacks, then we will.

If the Rif government however, agrees to our demands which include immediatly recognizing the corsairs as bandits and thus enforce removal from their shores as well as the demand that the Nihonite army stays to oversee these changes, then on my honor and before my god, Neth, Scholar to the Great Sun God Heru, we will not forcibly remove the Rif government and that it will be kept in place under the protection of the Nihonite Hegemony. All we want to see is a harmonious sea, a string of pearls. We wish to not anger the great Empire of Myroria nor any other nation, so we will accept if Myroria wishes to perhaps send a diplomatic envoy to cease hositilies and to bring peace to the region.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 05:11:49 AM by GCE »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2010, 05:58:28 AM »
To: Banner Captain Khemu, Loyal Son of Tifon and Servant to His Most Highest Supremacy and Demigod, Hegemon-Above-All Osiana
From: His Excellancy Subekh, Hegemon of the Lord of the Desert, Tifon, on behalf of the Great and Grand Council of Hegemons and the Assemblage of Military Talent

Most faithful son, I am ordering your battalion to organize and head for the outskirts of Geers, the capital of the so-called Rifi States. You will be joined by another full battalion as well as Field Master Ibian. This combined force is to besiege the city from the south and east while the navy blockades the harbor from the west and the naval infantry attacks from the north. After the encirclement, we will starve the defenders into submission. We are attacking Geers now, because His Excellancy Thoth, Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars received a letter from the Myrorian Empire asking us to cease our invasion or sanctions will imposed. This has become too political. If the Myrorians force sanctions against us, soon the Inglish and the other Northern Powers. We recieve trade mostly with the Coalition of Carth and if sanctions are forced on us, our economy will be threatened. So, before the Myrorians arrive to meditate peace, you will besiege Geers and with that, we will be able to force the Rifi to our terms, if not full annexation which seems doubtful to instead satelitte status. The String of Pearls will begin here. May Tifon protect you and if He doesn't, then I will see you in the Field of Reeds under the watchful eyes of Injarha.

Khemu had to be feeling the heat. That would be the only explanation. The Nihonite Hegemony bowing to the wishes of a northern heretical nation. But Khemu was a soldier. It was not his place to question the in'nethi or the scholars. And certainly not the Great and Grand Council. The men were gathered around their spent fires as the first rays of sunlight peaked over the mountains. He smiled. "Heru bless us with a new day."

"Attention!" The men of the battalion jumped to attention. Khemu looked them up and down. "The Assemblage of Military Talent has ordered us to move out to the outskirts of the capital of Geers. We are to assist a siege of the city alongside other Nihonite soldiers. We will prevail. The Rif will belong to us." No need for fancy speeches. It just wasn't the ni'tifon way. Glory wasn't in speeches, but in battle. The soldiers mounted their horses and Zog rode beside Khemu.

"The final battle, I feel it. Many men will go to the Field of Reeds soon." The gloomy and doomful embalmer seemed to raise the the spirits of the battalion commander.

"I am not afraid of death. We ni'tifon relish in pleasing our god and if we have to sacrifice ourselves, then so be it. I am sure an in'jarra feels no fear for death."

Zog nodded. "We are a glommy and independent caste. Death comes to us all, and we must understand that life is short." He swept his black cloak over the dun-colored uniform he wore. "Death shows you who you really are. The Sons of Tifon, like you, are a powerful caste and a lifetime of warfare makes you a brave people."

Khemu laughed. "Well, I never thought I would get a compliant from a in'jarra. That is a first." Khemu could hear the distant boom of artillery in the distance. "We are getting close."

The embalmer checked his pocketwatch. "When will the attack begin?"

Khemu smiled and showed two rows of pearl white teeth sharpened to a point. A rite of passage for a ni-tifon. "Tifon is the Lord of the Desert, and the God of Chaos as well as the Night Sky as His brother Heru is God of the Sun. We will attack at night where we are at the advantage."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Myroria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2010, 08:29:02 PM »
OOC: We can assume this reply was sent before the siege of Geers just so I don't inadvertently make your plan completely pointless. Also, I'm assuming from your posts that this war takes place before the Great War? If I'm wrong, just tell me and I'll change the steamer's course.


To: His Excellency Thoth, Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars, Neth, on behalf of the Great and Grand Council of Hegemons of the Nihonite Hegemony, and His Most Highest Supremacy Hegemon-Above-All Osiana

From: Her Excellency Morvene Novrovth, Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing His Imperial Majesty Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth, King of Resdaynea, Empeurer of Myroria and Her Dominions

I have spoken with His Majesty and he has granted me permission to accept these terms. Myroria will send a diplomatic envoy under Sera Divayth Belletrith on the steamer HIMS Bay of Novrith, through the Ozian Strait and into port in the north of Nihon. Sera Belletrith and his entourage will provide themselves with transportation and accommodations in the city of your choosing. His Majesty would like to commend the government of Nihon for their openness to peace on the coasts of Rif.

Morvene Novrovth

His Imperial Majesty, Nelvil II Moomintroth
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2010, 10:56:39 PM »
OOC: This war does take place before the Great War. Just trying to flex the old RP muscles, lol  ;D

To: Her Excellency Morvene Novrovth, Minister of Foreign Affairs, representing His Imperial Majesty Serjo Nelvil II Moomintroth, King of Resdaynea, Empeuror of Myroria and Her Dominions

From: His Excellency Thoth, Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars, Neth, on behalf of the Great and Grand Council of Hegemons of the Nihonite Hegemony, and His Most Highest Supremacy Hegemon-Above-All Osiana

We are glad to hear that His Imperial Majesty has accepted our terms for peace. We cannot wait to see Sera Divayth Belletrith and we will recive him in our capital of Massani in the north of our country. I however regret to inform you that I will not personally oversee the conference, but my successor, Tia Nonquith, Tui of the Scholar of Scholars will recieve your delegation at the City of Hegemons. You will be escorted to the City by a section of an'akari guards to the city since lesser castes are not allowed in the City. May your journey be safe and may the Sun God Heru watach over you.

Khemu hated the seige. They had only gotten into the outer communities, but the city of Geers itself had only been bombarded by the navy. But the battalions were closing in. All roads had been closed and garrisons had been placed in defensible areas to further close any alternate routes that the Rifi Army might take. Khemu and a lance of soldiers held one of the highest hills in the eastern front. A lance of ni'tifon numbered about fifty and they were led by a Lance Leader or lieutenant. Khemu could see the city of Geers and the coast from the hill. This was the perfect position as his artillery was able to reach the city and cover the valley below. He could also make out sillouittes of ships farther out. Every now and then, one of the sillouittes would flash and a following explosion from Geers would be seen. Khemu's artillery battery would also respond by firing into the city. The battery now numbered four guns now, the two original ones he had from the beginning, as well as two older captured howitzers from the Rifi. The landscape was filled with rich farmland. Though not a politican, Khemu knew that this was going to be the breadbasket of the Hegemony if they win the war. The Lance Leader, a young woman named Kona ran up to him.

"Sir, we have a courier from Field Master Ibrian riding fast in our direction." Khemu thanked the Lance Leader and watched as she headed back to her position. He couldn't help but stare. Women in Nihon dressed in trousers and that always made an impression on both native and foreign man alike. The courier was a young man with a cleanly shaven beard. His horse was a Nihonite breed, black with black and white legs. Khemu motioned to the rider to stay on the horse. He took the letter from the young man. The courier without a word, but a sharp salute, turned and rode off. Khemu opened the letter. It had the seal of the Assemblage of Military Talent on it. He read the letter and just shoke his head. Zog and Kona walked up to him.

Zog asked in his doomful voice. "What is it, Banner Captain?"

"A letter from the Assemblage of Military Talent stating that we are to hold our positions and to halt all attacks on Geers. The Rifi government has responded to our government's request for a ceasefire due to the coming of the Myrorian delegation. It also states that we are to not allow any supplies get through to the city. We are to only starve the defenders until the peace conference is ended."

Kona nodded. "Well, I will inform my section leaders."

As she left, Khemu only shook his head. "Our government better be right in this decision. If the conference goes our way, we will be an empire, but if it fails then war will continue and the world may take more notice."

Zog smiled, the first ever as far as Khemu knew. "Well, this conference will put us in a positive light to the rest of the world. We are forced to war after diplomatic ways fail, and then we call a ceasefire and peace talks to the beaten enemy."

Khemu laughed. "If you weren't an embalmer, you could be on hell of an ambassador." Even Zog chuckled.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 07:01:05 AM by GCE »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2010, 03:17:24 AM »
The Sacred City of the Hegemons was the center of government in Nihon. Built along the River Wadjet, the Sacred City was also the center of Massani. Once a powerful fortress and palace, the Sacred City was filled with government buildings, the Assemblage of Military Talent, homes of the Hegemons, and obelisks. The great wall that surrounds the City was heavily guarded by the fearsome an'akari. The Palace of the Great and Grand Council was the cross of a palace with the center of the building being a pyramid. The top of the pyramid was made of glass. The an'akari were the Children of the Serpent God of Protection, Akarian. They were each dressed in ornate black armor. The helmet of the an'akari was a golden cobra upper jaw. The cobra tail snaked around the armor to the left leg. The an'akari were armed with both khopesh swords at their belts and rifles slung over their shoulders. Tia felt secure and safe under their watchful eyes.

Tia was dressed in blue trousers and a blue tunic. Overtop of the tunic was a violet cloak. Her brown hair was done up with gold earrings and embroidery. In her hand was a staff tipped with an ibis' head, the sacred animal of Neth, the Scholar of Scholars. Only one thing really impressed and frightened foreigners was that she was not only the heir to the Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars, Tia was also sixteen. In Nihon, advancement was given based not only on experience but more importantly, ability to lead. Tia's gentle olive colored face smiled as she saw the Myrorian delegation arrive. They worked their way to the top of the great steps. The Sacred City was not only just the seat of government, but was the greatest monument in the Hegemony. Though made up of different buildings, high walls, and tall stairs, it was supposed to resemble a giant pyramid.

"Well, here they are. Just on time." Tia looked at the man standing tall beside her.

Khemu nodded. "Myrorians are indeed precise as they say." He checked his crimson and gold armor. Khemu had been promoted for his honor and bravery in the Rif War. He was now the youngest Banner Leader in the Nihonite Army. His armor was beautifully designed and his helmet which by law was to stay on when he was on duty was also wonderfully designed. His face was not be shown now that he was a Banner Leader The helmet was that of a Nihonite greyhound, Tifon's sacred animal. His face however was covered with a mask. A crimson cape was slung comfortably on his shoulders. "Before the delegation gets here, I just need to say this openly. I do not approve this promotion. I would feel better being on the front leading my soldiers if this gets out of hand."

The young ambassador smiled. "I am sorry, Banner Leader. But it is not my call. The decision was passed by the Assemblage of Military Talent. They believe you have what it takes to lead a banner into war." Tia was impressed by the young military officer. He was only thirty-three and he had already reached one of the highest ranks in the military. Of course he had been in the military since he was seventeen. Of course it would only take fifteen years to reach the rank of Banner Leader. She heard Khemu sigh.

The Myrorians had arrived to the top of the stairs. They seemed like they were out of breath. Tia laughed inside. Foreigners. They will indeed not enjoy the stairs. She and Khemu crossed their arms and bowed to the delegation. Eight an'akari flanked both sides of the delegation.

Tia opened up first in the language of the Myrorians. "I am glad to see you here, Sera Divayth Belletrith. I am Tia Nonquith, Tui or Heir to the Hegemon of the Scholar of Scholars." Turning to Khemu, Tia continued. "This is the newly promoted Banner Leader Khemu Yalish, a commander in the White Banner. I believe that the Inglish translation is Brigadier General. Our Banners are similar to your Corps in your military. I was hoping to take this delegation to the Gardens of Nian near the Hegemon Square. The Rifi delegation is waiting for us. But before we enter the Sacred City, I must inform you of our rules. We do not allow your personal guards in, as well as no weapons. You must hand your weapons to the an'akari. Only the an'akari are allowed to carry weapons within the City walls and they are also the only guards allowed within the Sacred City. Now that we have that out of the way, follow me and Banner Leader Khemu to the Gardens." She saw astonished looks on the foreigners' faces. They seemed to realize they were talking to what their culture still considered a child. All except Sera Divayth Belletrith. She found him interesting. He didn't seem to mind speaking to Tia.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2010, 08:23:37 PM by GCE »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2010, 04:32:59 PM »
"Ah ... yes," began Divayth. He looked among his party and saw that most were discussing among themselves what to make of such a young girl holding such a prominent position in Nihon. Sighing under his breath, he decided it was his responsibility to lead them in correct protocol - one would think such men had never once learned proper diplomatic intercourse! Divayth unbuttoned his tailcoat and pulled out his dagger - in Myroria, rather than the sword disappearing completely from formal wear, it merely got shorter and shorter until it was little longer than a steak knife. The Sera handed his dagger to one of the an'akari present and turned back to look at his party. One or two of them - the smart ones, in Divayth's mind - were likewise removing their daggers. The rest almost had to be prodded on by the others. Soon though, all the party had disposed of their weapons, at least temporarily, and Divayth turned back to Tia.

"We are ready, Your Majesty."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #10 on: June 25, 2010, 05:06:33 AM »
Tia almost laughed, but she held it in. "Please, I am not the Hegemon-Above-All. Just Your Honor for me."The gardens were filled with exotic trees and plants from all over the Hegemony, from towering palm trees, to small bright red flowers known as Tifon's Roses. Tia had a table set up in the center of the gardens overlooking the Hegemon Square. The Rifi were already there waiting in their chairs. The Nihonite chairs were different from other chairs in the sense that they had no back. It was just a seat and armrests. The Rifi delegation was actually just one man. He was covered in the robes that the various Libian people wore on the continent. Even his face and eyes were covered. The Myrorian delegation waited outside of the meeting area. Only Tia, Khemu, Divayth and the Rifi diplomat were allowed in the meeting area. They sat around the table and got ready. Tia pulled out a few papers and Khemu just sat in his chair waiting silently. Tia began by introducing the Rifi ambassador. "This is Prince Hait Jalam, one of the various princes leading the Rifi States. Your Highness, this is Sera Divayth Belletrith of the Empire of the Great Houses of Myroria, and this is Banner Leader Khemu of the White Banner of the Army of Thoughtful Grace." The various delegates shoke each others' hands and then sat. Tai began the diliberations. "So we have been brought here to bring an end to the Rif War, which began six weeks ago. As the representative of the Nihonite government, I will speak first. We do believe in peace, but we will not allow the Rifi to continue their proxy wars against us with corsairs and pirates. We have asked you on more then one occasion to cease support, but you are more concerned with fighting each other then finding peace with Nihon. We will no longer have any of that. We have waged war against you and you have fought valiantly, to your end. Geers, your capital, is under blockade and your navy has scattered, broken and defeated. We demand peace."

Prince Hait Jalam replied angrily. "We have not commited any action against the Hegemony! We did not send the pirates or corsairs against you. You have just used old incidents to forge your imperialist ambitions. It is no secret to the world that Nihon dreams of an empire across this ocean. We will not give up our independence to a nation of theocratic barbarians."

Khemu slammed his hands on the table. The force behind it and his armor left two small impressions in the table. "You call us barbarians!? While the Libians were still running around in loincloths with no homeland, we had developed writing. We have turned our country from a backwater group of islands to a powerful nation-state with laws and order. What have you done? If we are nothing more then barbarians, then why have we nearly beaten your so-called soldiers. I have seen your army. They are nothing more then farmers with hand-me-down muskets and camels."

As the Rifi and Khemu rose to continue their rant, Tia motioned them to sit. Khemu did so with no questions while Prince Hait took a little longer to think about it. But in the end, he took his seat. "I believe that it is the Myrorian delegate's turn to speak."
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2010, 01:44:12 AM »
Divayth adjusted his glasses and ran his hand through the thin wisps of gray hair on the side of his head. He was an old man, and above all conservative: he finally switched to trousers 30 years after breeches were out of style. The Sera looked at his wrinkled hands before beginning.

"I understand that many cultures have differing opinions on matters, and perhaps no matter causing greater division between two people is a war. At..." at this point Divayth looked at Khemu - "At this point in time Nihon stands victorious over the Rifi. It would not be without historical precedent for your nation to demand thousands of acres of land as tribute and reparations. That being said, I can assure you that my Empeurer and his government do not support Nihon's war in the Rif States. And neither do many Myrorians in general - and if Myroria does not support this, then none of the Northern Powers are likely to. The question then becomes, sir, if your nation is willing to deal with not only ethnic strife and revolt, but international condemnation of your empire. But dealing with all of these would assure your nation greater prosperity - empire is in many ways both a blessing and a curse.

"I am acting as a representative of the Myrorian Empire in these negotiations. I do not want to make Nihon's decisions for her. And thus Myroria does not want to make Nihon's decisions either; however, I can assure you that neither myself nor Myroria will agree to unfair terms for either party involved in these peace talks."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2010, 05:13:27 AM »
Tia nodded as Divayth spoke about Myroria's and the Northern Powers' position on the war and Nihon's violent pursuit to empire. Khemu had his face hidden, but she could feel that he was not pleased. Calm down, Banner Leader. I will resolve this. She pulled out a map of the islands of Nihon and the Rifi States. She knew that an occupation of a defeated people would make the the Nihonites villans to the world and would also infuriate the Rifi people against the Army. Tia was about to throw out what the Americans say, an ace in the hole. A way for both people to benefit and for Nihon to save face in the eyes of the international community. And if this ploy worked then the Nihonites will have their empire. She rolled out the map on the table and the delegates each held down an end. "This, my honorable guests, is the Nihonite government's peace treaty for the Rifi States. You fight for your lands, keep them. My government has planned what they call the Greater String of Pearls, an economic and and protectionist alliance of nations in the Nihonite Ocean. You will continue to have your government, and your military. We will protect each other from outside interference from other foreign powers. We will not force our religion or way of life on you. You will remain independent, and your economy will explode with trade between our nations, plus with our militaries standing against foreign powers, we will be protected. I am sure your generals would like to have an army that is as well trained as the Nihonite Army."

 Prince Jalam just sat there. He didn't say a word. The idea of the Greater String of Pearls. All he did was sit and wait. Finally he got up. The an'akari tightened their hold on their weapons. "I will take these terms into consideration and I will send these terms to my government in Geers." Tia nodded. She pointed to an an'akari.

"Take His Highness to the nearest telegraph and let him send a message to his government." The guardsman bowed and led the Prince away. Khemu turned back to Tia. He spoke to her in Nihonite so that Divayth wouldn't understand, but Khemu wasn't evenh sure he knew Nihonite. All the precedings were being spoken in Inglish.

"Your Honor, why are we even talking this "prince"? Wouldn't it be easier to just defeat the Rifi government and replace it with one that will agree to any terms we make, including the Greater String of Pearls?"

Tia nodded, and responded. "Banner Leader Khemu, understand this. I have two tasks before me. I must create our empire and also save face. To the Rifi, these terms are good and acceptable. They continue their independence, but the truth is that we will be in charge. They will not be able to spit without us telling them to do so. The Greater String of Pearls is nothing more then a mask to it's true purpose, an empire."

"But when the people of the Rif States find that out, they...."

Tai stopped him with her hand. "When the Rifi States realize that they are nothing more then clients to our empire, then they will want their leaders' heads, not ours. Then we can replace them with those we can control and who can control their people, with force if neccessary. Then we have saved face, because the Northern Powers want an independent Rifi States, but if they are controlled by Nihon, I am sure they will not care. How long do you think the Northern Powers and the Entente will be at peace? Eventually war will break out and we will be there when both alliances curry for our favor. They will offer just about anything. And they will accept anything we want. How long before we have the Inglish islands to the south, or the nations on the continent on the other side of the ocean. The Greater String of Pearls will stretch the ocean, and maybe the world one day." Khemu acknowledged in agreement and remained silent.

Tia turned back to Divayth. "Well Sera Divayth, how do you like Nihon?" Just making small talk before the diplomacy begins again. Politics, how tiresome.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #13 on: July 01, 2010, 10:54:11 PM »
As Tia and the Myrorian delegate talked about Nihon and Massani, Prince Jalam returned after about ten minutes. His head was held high and he had a sort of kick to his step. Tia was confused. Did the Rifi government say no? No, they couldn't have. If they did, he would know that war would continue. She turned to Khemu and gave him a confused look. He just slightly shrugged. Prince Jalam sat down and gave Tia the telegram from the Rifi government.

To: Prince Hait Jalam of the State of Jalam, and the Peace Conference Representatives in Massani
From: Nain Qagan, Prince of Princes of the Rifi States, Prince of the State of Qagan

We wish to end this war between the Rifi States and the Nihonite Hegemony peacefully, but the continued blockade of our cities seem to let us not discuss terms favorable to both sides. This peace offering by the Tui Tia Nonquith seems to be nothing more then an attempt to establish a sphere of influence here in the Rifi States. This alliance called the Greater String of Pearls is nothing more then a mask for a Nihonite empire. And I deeply refuse this offering, however under the circumstances, I have no choice but to accept. With the blockades, what choice do I have? As of this moment, the Rifi States surrender to the Nihonite Hegemony and we will submit to their terms.

Tia passed the telegram to the other delegates and they read it. Tia was almost thrilled. The Rifi States had surrendered to the forces of the Hegemony. But before she could celebrate, Sera Divayth stood up as if to say something.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

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Re: The Rif War
« Reply #14 on: July 02, 2010, 05:23:25 PM »
Divayth stood up slowly, with all the dignity of an old man trying to get out of a bathtub. He took off his reading glasses and placed them on the table before beginning.

"While I question Qagan's decision of a surrender - I believe there are many American veterans of the Slaveholder's Rebellion who know the value of a blockade - I am glad that this painful war is finally over. However, as a delegate to this convention representing His Majesty, I would like to extend my...humble request that forces of the Myrorian Army observe the situation in the Rifi States to ensure that the Rifi do not attempt to endanger their own people by rebelling, and to make sure that Nihoni military forces treat the populace with respect in accordance with international law."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."