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Author Topic: changes to the MOD  (Read 4121 times)

Offline Letonna

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changes to the MOD
« on: September 10, 2012, 12:35:25 AM »
This log is of proposed and failed changes to the constitution of the MOD

[20:06] <Letonna|afk> I'm personally indefferent to this
[20:06] <Funkadelia> http://forum.taijitu.org/executive-branch/address-to-the-region/
[20:06] <Funkadelia> For reference.
[20:07] <Funkadelia> St_Oz, the new Minister of Defense, requested a change of name
[20:07] <Cozulul> I'm not sure, It doesn't seem to help with seperation of power.
[20:07] <Funkadelia> And I support it.
[20:07] <Funkadelia> What separation of power?
[20:07] <Myroria> liberating regions from their administrations?
[20:07] <Funkadelia> The military is not a branch of government
[20:07] <Cozulul> Nevermind. Im doing two things at one time.
[20:07] <Myroria> Unless these administrations are invaders
[20:07] <Funkadelia> I used that term, liberation, in jest
[20:07] <Myroria> I am vehemently opposed.
[20:07] <Funkadelia> I meant that we will be raiding them, in layman's terms.
[20:08] <Myroria> We should be spreading an empire of peace and liberty
[20:08] <Myroria> not war and oppression
[20:08] <Funkadelia> We will be spreading an empire of peace and liberty
[20:08] <Cozulul> I agree with Myroria.
[20:08] <Funkadelia> Unfortunately the only way to do that is with our might.
[20:08] <Myroria> by usurping regions' rights to self-determination?
[20:08] <Letonna|afk> do the senators wish furthur discussion before a vote?
[20:09] <Funkadelia> Besides, the actions of the Military have no correlation to the terminology used in the Ministries Act.
[20:09] <Cozulul> Nay.
[20:09] <Myroria> I already know my vote
[20:09] <Funkadelia> Dissappointing.
[20:10] <Letonna|afk> Very well. Motion to vote on an amendment to the Ministries act allowing a name and minor authority change
[20:10] <Myroria> seconded
[20:10] <Cozulul> Nay,
[20:10] <Myroria> nay
[20:10] <Letonna|afk> ney
[20:10] <Letonna|afk> aye, motion fails

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: changes to the MOD
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2012, 02:40:21 AM »
Changes stalled yet again.
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Offline Funkadelia

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Re: changes to the MOD
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2012, 02:48:05 AM »
No, it's totally fine. Let's just let the region wither away. No one else, for months and months and months and months has come up with something that will spur regional and international activity, and now there is one plan that will probably work and you won't let us follow that path? This is very disappointing. I am losing confidence in the Senate that they can actually make the decisions that are required for the good of the region. What do you guy think we can do? Sit with our thumbs up our asses? Do nothing like we've been doing for a year? Let's actually do something. Oh look, here's an idea!
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Offline Letonna

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Re: changes to the MOD
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2012, 02:47:45 AM »
the second attempt to change the name of the Ministry of defense, and the senate logs. the motion fails again:

[22:38] <Letonna> oh hey
[22:38] <Letonna> let me find uhh
[22:38] <Letonna> the thing we need to vote on
[22:39] <Letonna> the ministry of defence name change
[22:40] <Letonna> http://forum.taijitu.org/executive-branch/address-to-the-region/
[22:40] <Letonna> for uhh, refrence
[22:40] <Letonna> Motion to bring senate to discussion
[22:41] <Cozulul> Second.
[22:41] <Cozulul> Aye.
[22:42] <Letonna> aye, senate is in discussion
[22:42] <Letonna> does senator cozulul need to discuss this proposal?
[22:43] <Cozulul> Nay.
[22:43] <Letonna> alright
[22:44] <Letonna> Motion to change the name of the Ministry of Defence to ...
[22:45] <Letonna> I think the ministry of war
[22:46] <Cozulul> Nay.
[22:46] <Letonna> aye
[22:46] <Letonna> motion fails
[22:46] <Letonna> ok cozulul that's all I needed you for

Offline McMasterdonia

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Re: changes to the MOD
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2012, 02:34:44 PM »
Is that retard a member of your party or not? lol
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