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Author Topic: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act  (Read 14357 times)

Offline Zaradai

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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #30 on: December 07, 2015, 03:26:04 AM »
Okay, so the vote is closed, with about half wanting to tear down the Constitution and a little less than half wanting it to stay... I kinda expected this outcome. So what are you all going to do now? ??? This poll has just made it clear how many people are on either side of the cliff. Who's going to make the bridge? The poll actually makes it more confusing since it's supposed to be 2/3, but with the nature of this argument wouldn't this be rather unfair. So are the lesser majority getting what the they want and keeping their Constitution, or are we having another vote that will end the same way? In the end, it seems like the Constitution stays, but along with that it seems like many on both sides want some type of change, with some on the other wanting no change at all, so is that the next vote? Changing parts of the Constitution or simply leaving it alone? It was never clear where these foggy paths led. And it seems like there are just more forks in the road.
Seriously, people put stuff in this cramped box...

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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #31 on: December 07, 2015, 04:36:05 AM »
Okay, so the vote is closed, with about half wanting to tear down the Constitution and a little less than half wanting it to stay... I kinda expected this outcome. So what are you all going to do now? ??? This poll has just made it clear how many people are on either side of the cliff. Who's going to make the bridge? The poll actually makes it more confusing since it's supposed to be 2/3, but with the nature of this argument wouldn't this be rather unfair. So are the lesser majority getting what the they want and keeping their Constitution, or are we having another vote that will end the same way? In the end, it seems like the Constitution stays, but along with that it seems like many on both sides want some type of change, with some on the other wanting no change at all, so is that the next vote? Changing parts of the Constitution or simply leaving it alone? It was never clear where these foggy paths led. And it seems like there are just more forks in the road.
I believe the path forward is to craft a more solid replacement constitution with both sides contributing and putting that to a vote. :2c:

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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #32 on: December 07, 2015, 05:52:03 PM »
There is no two irreconcilable groups entrenched against each other. I for one have no problem with change, but I will not tear down what we have before there is a clearly formulated alternative, and I do not think I am alone in this.

Offline Of The US

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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #33 on: December 07, 2015, 06:04:25 PM »
There is no two irreconcilable groups entrenched against each other. I for one have no problem with change, but I will not tear down what we have before there is a clearly formulated alternative, and I do not think I am alone in this.

There are two groups, and there are moderates, one group wants to tear the whole thing down and start over fresh(I don't know why its an issue this time, in the past its generally how we've done things, we never get much done while rewriting things anyway there's no need to keep it around if it isn't going to be used) the other group doesn't seem to want change, the moderates are for a convention(and so are the people who want to tear it down, this whole thing was to show that there are a majority of people that are against it). But, FriarTuck in IRC, through random chance chose to tear it down and start over again.

1[22:51] <@OT> you know what
01[22:52] <@OT> here, I will roll one d20, having assigned random numbers to either repeal or consensus
01[22:53] <@OT> repeal 2-20 even consensus 1-19 odd
01[22:53] <@OT> .roll 1d20
13[22:53] <@FriarTuck> OT: You rolled 10
03[22:53] * Wast changes topic to 'taijitu.org | Welcome to Taijitu, the BESTEST region for meat styluses |  Quote of the Day: <@Allama> Sausages are incredibly versatile apparently | <OT> repeal 2-20 even consensus 1-19 odd | FriarTuck: OT: You rolled 10 | don't share logs'

As was shown in this vote, its fairly evenly split(12 for, 10 against, 2 abstentions) but still that shows a lot of people aren't happy.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2015, 06:08:24 PM by Of The US »
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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #34 on: December 07, 2015, 08:48:34 PM »
Oh well for what it counts (having missed the damn vote) 13 is my lucky number.
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Re: [Vote] Ecclesia Improvement Act
« Reply #35 on: December 08, 2015, 03:44:08 AM »
The vote is irrelevant. We have come to an understanding that things will change, and the Constitutional Convention is going on right now.

Just to do my job:

Since the vote would amend (or effectively abolish) the Constitution it requires a 2/3 majority to pass.

The final vote is:
Aye: 12
Nay: 10
Abstain: 2

With 54%, the vote fails.