News: If a neighbor is in need of revolutionary rehabilitation, report it to the Citizen-Liaision!
Statement on Recent EventsOn September 3, 2016, Ivo, AKA Knot, AKA T. E. Lawrence, approached Andrew privately to discuss Lazarus.Ivo propositioned him to abandon his loyalty to Lazarus and coup it in the name of destroying the FRA and turning Lazarus away from being a defender region, abandoning all of our treaties and commitments to our allies.During the investigation into these happenings, it was also uncovered that New Rogernomics was messaged by Ivo while he was Delegate, much in the same manner, suggesting that NR should give his nation to Ivo, similar to United RussoAsia in The West Pacific.Lazarus has come far from the coup that gave rise to the Humane Republic and its predecessor the People's Republic. Despite still being a defender region, Lazarus is a region where individuals of different ideological views can come and call home. So allow us to be clear. We will not give in to those who want to see us bent to their will. We have been, are, and will be happy as a defender aligned region, with some of the greatest allies in the world. We have no desire to change the way we operate, especially in the disgustingly forceful manner with which Ivo has tried to push upon Lazarus. Ivo's multiple attempts to destroy the native Lazarene community will not go unpunished. We will seek the harshest punishments possible for him. Said individuals, despite their best (however feeble) attempts, will never break the harmonious bond shared by all Lazarenes.This is a subversive attack on our sovereignty, and it cannot be allowed to stand, lest we invite further attempts. Perhaps at some point Lazarus will decide to leave the FRA...the matter has hardly been settled. But it will be the will of this region that makes that decision, not the will of outside partisans with their own agendas. Let this be a warning to all -- you are not welcome to waltz into Lazarus and attempt to subvert the popular will, attack our sovereignty or our defender roots. Lazarus will continue onward, despite the attempts of some few to destroy what has been built since our rebirth into the Humane Republic. We have and will always, stand together in unity against those seeking to do us harm.Signed,Andrew, Son of Fenghuang (Delegate)Amerion, Grandee Secretary, Minister Herald (Foreign Affairs Minister),Yuno, Minister Steward (Internal Affairs Minister)Adytus, Minister Erudite (WA Affairs Minister)Funkadelia, Grand Commandant of the LLA (General of the LLA)
* Khem wishes he had the slightest clue about what the FRA is/does.