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Author Topic: Lazarus Update (June 2014)  (Read 12599 times)

Offline Lenny

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Lazarus Update (June 2014)
« on: June 19, 2014, 09:35:32 PM »
People's Republic of Lazarus Foreign Update
April/May 2014 Edition (Written by Fantome, Funkadelia, Horse, Pergamon and Milograd)

"Onward in the Glorious March to Harmony!"

Current Lazarene Government
Chairman: Kazmr (Endorsements: 146)
Vice-Chairman: Funkadelia
Cultural Governor: Llamas
Diplomacy Governor: Milograd
Judicial Governor: Fortress Prussia
Information Governor: New Kervoskia
General of the Lazarene Liberation Army: Horse
People's Congress: Ikania, Campinia, Stujenske, Pergamon, Libetarian Republics
War Marshals: Libetarian Republics, Horse, Kogvuron, Campinia
Cultural Marshals: Jordsindia, Bodobol
WA Marshal: Ikania
State Police Chief: Fantome

Regional Currency and Live Stock Market Introduced to the PRL
In what may or may not be a tragic turn towards disguised capitalism, the PRL now enjoys a new regional currency and a functioning forum stock market. The regional currency concept was proposed by Milograd and the LPP ultimately elected to use "Phoenix Fen" as the region's currency, and as such it is used both on the forum and on many in-game nations. The Party has also begun designing and printing Lazarene bills.
Otherwise, Hobbes added a neat economy system, LazXChange, to the forum, or "Door Street". The creatively titled stock market allows users to create their own "companies" that gain and lose value in forum money, and forum money can be used to purchase various prizes such as stamps under forum profiles and recognition on the forum. Regularly posting also contributes to the growth of wealth.

An example bill of the Phoenix Fen.

The newly reorganized People's Congress convenes in their chambers.

Party Elects New Congress, Goals Include Standardizing Legal Writing Style and Improved Bill of Rights
The people of Lazarus went to the polls in April to elect a new set of congressmen, following the end of the original six-month term period for the inaugural congress. Chairman Kazmr, seeking to have more people involved in civil service than the congress, lowered the council's size from seven to fie for the new term. Nominations and voting took a week in total, and the winners include Stujenske, Libetarian Republics, Campinia, Alexej III, and Ikania. Ikania and Campinia are newcomers to the Congress, and we are pleased to have them on board.
The new term will begin at the end of April. Until then, the current congress intends to continue its work on drafting a law that would establish a standard way to write, format, and name Lazarene legislation. Furthermore, the Congress hopes to improve the Bill of Rights by making it more clear and extensive.
Promotions 'n Things
Around the end of March, the late General Hobbes resigned his duties from the Lazarene Liberation Army, citing numerous of health issues along with time constraints to fulfill proper for the LLA. Despite a short term, Hobbes managed to reform and reorganize the LLA in the most efficient and beneficial way to serve the proletariats at home and abroad. Recently confirmed LLA Colonel Horse was nominated by Hobbes to replace him with Chairman Kazmr confirming the nomination.  Horse has been very consistent with defending at updates and has a keen communication skill with several defender organizations. Finally, Horse promoted two veterans, Libetarian Republics and Milograd, to the position of Lieutenant to aid him running the LLA.
State Council Shakeups
In April, Bodobol announced that we would be stepping down as Governor of Culture, citing the inability to remain active enough to live up to the high standards demanded by the office. After a few weeks of deliberation by the rest of the State Council, it was decided that Llamas would be appointed as the next Cultural Governor.
Similarly, Dalimbar notified the State Council that he could not remain active enough to remain in his seat as Governor of Diplomacy. Chairman Kazmr and the State Council decided that former Chairman Milograd would be appointed to be the next Governor of the Diplomacy District. We wish both of our new Governors much luck as they move into their new offices.

New WA Marshal
Following the resignation of Codger Bruteland, Chairman Kazmr appointed a new WA Marshal. Bruteland was only recently appointed after Auralia stepped down in the aftermath of his attempted commendation. He served the PRL loyal and well and we wish him best luck. His successor is Ikania, a trusted and respected citizen of Lazarus, known for his excellent Lazarene Gazette articles and general contribution to the culture of Lazarus. Kazmr expressed his trust in the abilities of Ikania and appointed him new WA Marshal in later April.
Most glorious April Fools prank goes off without a hitch, fun and pie was had.

(by Horse)

This April fools day, glorious Lazarus had an extremely fun, and eventful, April Fools day. The fun beginning before the day began, members such as Milograd, Libertarian Republics, Horse, etc. began to move puppets in , on a mass scale, through the use of NS++ (for once, NS++ can be used positively FOR defenders [:P] ), and through fast puppet making. This was to make it look like people were puppet spamming the region (jokes on you, I told Kazmr to turn on the puppet storage tag [:P] ), so that Kazmr could make it look like he was becoming a mini Stalin, and purging the evil subversives  from the region. A Lazarus Gazette article was added to make it even funnier, and more legitimate, and spoke about how Kazmr defeated the subversives The day, overall, wasn’t incredibly eventful, but the before hand and the ejecting was pretty fun, as an observer and as someone who partook in the fun.  I thank everyone for taking part in the fun, and may next years prank be even better. One where I’m not bored all day [:P] .
Thank you for reading our Update. The People's Republic of Lazarus wishes you and your region a harmonious and prosperous leap into summer!

Offline Lenny

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Re: Lazarus Update (June 2014)
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2014, 09:35:54 PM »
*Warning sections of this are out of date*