The IPO Delegation of Rabarac has become sincerely discontent with the current definition of observer status. As delineated by the previous Administrator, the Ipod of Loyan, nations with "observer" status in the IPO were to quote, "observe only," and not to participate in deliberations. I see this as an insult to the nations who are examining the IPO for potential membership, but more importantly, it is a stumbling block in the way of progress that is the purpose of this Organization. How can a forum for rational deliberations restrict the ability of interested parties to speak on the issue without being hypocritical? Many nations do not have the resources to fully support the social, cultural, and economic engineering programs that the organization sponsors, yet their people yearn for collective peace just as we all do. We should not be disenfranchising those who are pursuing peace, simply because the mounting economic burden of membership is not an option. While I agree that observer status does not indicate the ability to vote and be represented among the many nations, being merely allowed to participate in the deliberations and hopefully influence those who do vote to do so wisely does not seem like much too ask. Since the public deliberations of the IPO are, well, public information in any case, the current system gives absolutely no "meat on the bones" to observer status. There is truly no difference between observer status and non-member status. I propose that reforms be implemented to allow Observer status to truly be the midway point between voting member and staring, silent non-member. This current administration could benefit greatly in granting observer nations the privilege of addressing the IPO Assembly.
OOC: I'm worried I don't have much to RP without getting involved somewhere, and since Loyan shut me up last time, well, I mean, I haven't posted in quite awhile. Moreover, the UN Observer nations/representatives participate in deliberations like the members, they just don't vote.
Note: Not to be confused with "observer" missions like the one headed to Xyraeli colonies.