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Author Topic: November 15th - Rotative Administration Period  (Read 2448 times)

Offline Cantr

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Re: November 15th - Rotative Administration Period
« Reply #15 on: November 24, 2007, 09:49:53 PM »
We need a population count on how many children we need to provide materials for and for how many years.  We also need to figure out our student to teacher ratio.  I would suggest 30 students to one teacher, though that's just a largely uninformed guess as to what would be most cost-effective.

Further, will we need school buildings?  We need to know which nations we'll be targetting.  You can't hold school outside in several climates.  Will this be a problem?  What is the target nation/region of this project?
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Pachamama

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Re: November 15th - Rotative Administration Period
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2007, 03:14:10 AM »
Well at first we should establish a list of nations that actually are in need of this help.

If anybody roleplays a third world country with a literacy rate of 60+ he sure doesn't need our help that much

The one brought up is Ozia.
If they actually would let us help them I understand we would have to build schools there.
I believe they live in a rather cold climate.
The teacher to student ratio will change from project zone to project zone as it may be impossible for children from poor regions to travel farther than the next town.

We have to keep in mind that poorer nations have lesser living costs.
Also  2 cents for a loaf of bread may be cheap for us it can be quite a lot of money for a worker in a third world country who has to feed 6 children on $1 a week.
So we must understand that a third world teacher making $4 a week may be well paid.

The target time will be at least so long until the overall situation in the region has been improved so the people can operate the schools on their own.
So I am not going to put a time limit on it.
Help will be reduced and the project declared finished when the situation has improved to above mentioned level of self-sufficency.

The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
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"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Cantr

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Re: November 15th - Rotative Administration Period
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2007, 03:39:16 AM »
I meant that we need to figure out how many years of schooling we will give each child.
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1