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Do you agree with the expressed Rotative Administration system?

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Total Members Voted: 10

Voting closed: October 22, 2007, 06:18:44 PM

Author Topic: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration  (Read 2045 times)

Offline Delfos

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IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« on: October 17, 2007, 06:18:44 PM »
Rotative Administration System
by Yuri Papovish, I.P.O.Delegate of New Delfos

The Rotative Administration of a member nation will grant leadership of this organization in an administrative period of two weeks (half a month, or do you think it should be a month?).

An administration, appointed by a member nation, will be responsible for:
-Defining the prime goal of the administrative period;
-Defining two other possible goals for the administrative period;
-Maintain order and coherence in the International Peace Organization;
-Uphold and Enforce the established goals and rights;
-Communicate and arrange meetings with exterior entities of any kind.

The administration will gain effect:
-If it wasn't already appointed in the current period;
-After being nominated by the majority in a poll with every projects of the willing nations;
-After the current administration gives it's place for the next period;
-Until the following administration, in the end of the administrative period.

The Administrative Projects shall be presented to the current Administration, so that they can be included in a poll in the second half of the current Administrative Period, and this mentioned poll will decide which project suits this Organization in the next Administrative Period. This projects must contain the main guidelines of the willing membership and the responsibilities of the next Administration.

Offline Osamafune

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 08:33:33 PM »
To add to your proposal, I believe it should rotate regions. For example, during the first (which would be the current) administration, it would start off in an Eastern block (which would include Loyan naturally).

Right now, I would just divide it into east and west, if more nations joined it would be divided up more.

For example, Xyrael, Loyan, Terrangar, Bohemia, and someone I'm forgetting would be the eastern bloc, me, Collatica, Setiwiktra, Delfos, Varkour, and Canada in the western bloc.

Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 10:20:03 PM »
that would complicate and restrict the options. I even expressed the 'willing nations', because some, even if willing, are inactive, and so they will not propose a project in time. It's a good idea, but it won't work well, everyone has a chance. We could make a fixed rotation, but that could lead to inactive nations, that's why i rather it to be proposed and nominated 'ellection'.

Offline Cantr

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2007, 12:20:14 AM »
To add to your proposal, I believe it should rotate regions. For example, during the first (which would be the current) administration, it would start off in an Eastern block (which would include Loyan naturally).

Right now, I would just divide it into east and west, if more nations joined it would be divided up more.

For example, Xyrael, Loyan, Terrangar, Bohemia, and someone I'm forgetting would be the eastern bloc, me, Collatica, Setiwiktra, Delfos, Varkour, and Canada in the western bloc.

You're forgetting me.
"Prefect, what was peace?"
-Seth, Soldier XB-1

Offline Osamafune

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2007, 12:23:50 AM »
You weren't a member when I posted that.  ;)

Offline Glomin

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2007, 09:09:25 PM »
I'm for this though I think we should perhaps have it done randomly (i.e. names pulled out of hat until every nation has had a go).

Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Voting: Rotative Administration
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2007, 09:49:13 PM »
poll closes tomorrow, Abstain if you don't agree with the explicit content and make a correction bill with Poll if you think it's necessary