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Author Topic: IPO Forum: Purpose.  (Read 7357 times)

Offline Xyrael

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IPO Forum: Purpose.
« on: February 22, 2008, 06:37:51 PM »
The delegate from Xyrael wishes to understand the purpose of the IPO's continued existence. This body has grown lax. It comes upon the suffering to bring their grievances to this body, and should the suffering fail to do so crimes are committed and the IPO turns it's cheek.

The nation of Xyrael has lost it's land, and yet not a finger was lifted within this body. While this is partly the fault of the national government for not allowing it's IPO delegates to discuss this topic in the IPO, no member nation was inclined to inform the body. This is a tragedy. Peace is not constructed to be self-serving, it is a active choice, we must strive together for peace, not watch it fail because it does not suit our own personal interests.

The Free People of Xyrael require a reason to continue to stay within this body within two days time. If the reason for our continued presence cannot be justified, the Free People of Xyrael will hereby withdraw their delegate from the IPO and will cease to recognize the body as a legitimate organization.
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Offline Aquatoria

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2008, 07:11:04 PM »
It is sad to see the IPO, a peace organization, not uphold it's commitments and its base cause, peace. Now a world war has started, Xyrael has been horribly defeated, and rebellion has opened up in Christstan. The IPO was never there. True, I say this now when I should have brought this issue of bringing peace to Xyrael to IPO, but the Canadian project was to bring peace to Eastia, but it was ignored for the creation of an international court. I brought up a draft to send an international peacekeeping force to Gelibou, but that was ignored, because no one recognized Gelibou as an independent nation. Also, the Canadian government had sent telegrams to the Xyraelis offering our support. How many nations here in IPO can say the same thing. The leading nations here have been worried more about their personal ambitions then truly asking for peace. The Canadian government will continue hold true to it's commitments and will continue to support Xyrael. If Xyrael wants to fight to regain lost territory, the Canadian government will stand beside them.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2008, 09:20:20 PM »
ooc: much because of RP inactiveness, the gelibolu case never developed, and not much more can be done by IPO. We need stronger peaceful leadership, more diplomacy, although that's nothing we can use in times of war.

ic: The IPO achieved a way to set a common structure, although around half of the member nations haven't comply with those achievements. We need more nation that are willing to understand and comply with globalization projects. Open doors to economic and cultural protection/relations sponsored by IPO, and we will probably have our purpose stronger than ever.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2008, 11:44:57 PM »
The Xyraeli delegate smiled to the Canadian. "Thank you for your offer, Canada. But my Prince feels that it may not be in our interest to continue war with the Sel'ians, we barely have enough soldiers to maintain the peace, something the IPO also hasn't suggested aiding with." He pressed his palms against the table, he wasn't known for being patient, indeed there was a rumor that questioned his sanity. He tried to maintain his composure as he looked at the Delfian with an irritated nerve. "You do realize that 97% of my nation is under foreign control, and that a mere 7% of the people maintain their basic freedoms. Has anyone in the IPO done this math? Shouldn't there be some board to monitor events and report them to the IPO, or must the man strapped to an electric chair with a gun in his mouth be required to speak on his own behalf?" He was beginning to lose his composure, "You say economics and culture as if peace were something gained by signing documents and arranging treaties. Do you understand that peace starts with the people, not with the government? Seven percent of my people have the freedom to speak. SEVEN! You tell me the IPO's failure lies in the fact that it can't create economic unity!? I'll tell you the failure of the IPO!! In two weeks one hundred million people's lives have been crushed by an iron fist, two hundred thousand brave soldiers have been killed or captured, and only one nation has raised it's finger in protest. And here you are, telling me that the IPO's failure is globalization?"

He glared at the Delfian. "The IPO's failure is silence. Silence is apathetic agreement. The IPO allowed the Sel'ians to subjugate my homeland, to slaughter my brothers, the IPO is as guilty of their death as any Sel'ian. Now, tell me why it is in my benefit to stay in an organization that has allowed my people to die."
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #4 on: February 23, 2008, 10:47:26 AM »
You seem to focus on your own corner, I know much more problems in the world, yes people die, it's not something I don't want to disregard. Yes you seem to say the same thing, it's lack of activity, it's lack of strenght, lack of intel. There is sections in this organization created for all the purposes you mentioned, although it lacks an intel bureau, why don't we create one while we're at it? For 4 administrations our reporters have been gathering information in Gelibolu, but not much came trough, if you, xyraeli delegate, had better figures that we couldn't reach, why didn't you forwarded them? I suggest you nominate an information team about your country in a new Central Informations Bureau, hell I suggest every nation in the IPO to do so. Make things, you're allowed to, we're all delegates, why do you pass your problems onto the administration? When the delfian team was in the administration it was just like that, nobody else wants to solve any problems or take admin control.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 05:41:40 PM by Delfos »

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 05:48:31 PM »
"Excuse me," the delegate coughed rudely. "Gelibolu was the sovereign property of the Illuminate, joined in federated union with our former Empire. We felt no imperative to report 'information' to the IPO. Was there genocide? No. Was there famine? No. Was there plague? No. Was there an international humanitarian crisis? No. Was there two thousand fringe lunatics bearing the sick and hammer in an anarchistic mind set to destroy the bourgeoisie society? Yes. What about Moacia! I announced to this body that the use of biological weapons was made against the citizens of Moacia, I announced that three million people were dead as a side effect. AGAIN THIS BODY DID NOTHING! YOU DIDN'T EVEN THINK TO ESTABLISH AN INVESTIGATIVE FORCE! You know, I should have expected the IPO to do nothing when the children of my nation died. And now, I actually expect this body to do nothing to prevent my departure. Why? Because you want conformity, not opinion. You want smooth, efficient, idealistic bureaucracy. You don't need the free opinions of the people you intend to benefit." A vein throbbed in the mans head, but he continued to wait for his time to leave.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #6 on: February 23, 2008, 07:44:25 PM »
"You don't sound sane, you say you didn't have to inform us, but we have to get the information ourselves? I'm sorry but then I don't see the point of your role in IPO, are you here just for the parties?
We're trying to build and maintain world peace, your illuminates did nothing about that, did they? If they did want world peace, we should have been better informed BY YOUR PART about what was going on in your beloved property of the illuminate. Maybe we would be better suited to help, and no lives would be in risk, because for what we know, wasn't only them who caused destruction, shots were fired in gelibolu, and you keep us in the dark for some reason.
Unless of course, about Moacia, but the damage was done, what would you want IPO to do? Count the bodies?
The free press was oppressively kept in the dark and it was prohibited by your illuminates their ways to conflict areas, our own investigation in Gelibolu had so much trouble to leave the pre-established sites, they were only allowed to see the beautiful side of the xyraeli illuminated empire, I'm sorry but you're either very misinformed by your illuminate or you're trying to make us look foolish for no reason"

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #7 on: February 23, 2008, 08:20:18 PM »
Imperial Communication

His Divinity is aware of the Gallipoli Question currently being discussed by the IPO. His Most Charitable Excellency wishes to make clear that the Gallipoli are residents of the Empire of Xyrael, and as such are subject to every law instituted by His Insightful Majesty. As such, the Empire has commited no crimes against their human dignity or life, and wishes to stress that any discussion of intervention will serve only to turn the Empire against the IPO.

He wishes instead to bring to the attention of the IPO the Moacian-Ozian Conflict. Should the IPO wish to discuss conflict, then it should concern itself with real matters. The Esteemed Sovereign of the Eternal Land of Xyrael is disgusted with the fact that this International Peace Organization has not yet observed the use of biological warfare against Moacian citizens. The Empire of Xyrael will handle this problem as we see fit, but requests humanitarian aid be provided to alleviate the plight of the Moacians. The Empire has noted that the biological agent was an extremely large application of potent anthrax to a river source. This river has infected the most fertile farmlands of Moacia, and the Empire has unknowingly delivered several infected shipments of grain to the esteemed nation of Loyan. The Empire has taken steps to ensure that further spread of this agent are contained, but requires supplies of food to ensure that the citizenry do not starve or thirst.

"The damage was done?" he asked as he slipped out the document. He was prepared for this, "did you establish a bureau to distribute aid to Moacia? Disease ravages the Empires primary croplands, and the IPO did...? You worry about a few communists, but you can't worry about two million dead Moacians, much less prevent the additional one million that died because of famine? We didn't ask for help?"
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2008, 08:42:57 PM »
"Don't try to disfigure what I said. The Humanitarian Aid Bureau was created to coordinate humanitarian aid organizations, we never established one ourselves.
The White Heart rushed to Canada and is still there and Dysanii, they always assumed the lack of manpower, being around half of those in the organization from New Delfos alone, and you never opened an office or promoted additional manpower from your country.
The IHAO gone to Canada too, and for what I know your illuminate was never interested in this humanitarian organizations, how could they operate in a nation where even the press have so much trouble for information?
It seems, from your words, you want IPO personnel to clean your own mess.
I suggest you try now to promote the recruitment of manpower to this humanitarian organizations and award them with means to act in your country, IPO doesn't have legal power over this organizations, just coordinators signed by treaty, so if you want IPO to have more power on this humanitarian aid organizations then I suggest you try to convince us that we need so, and we have to have an agreement with such organizations, another option would be for us to create our own humanitarian aid organization, not disregarding the already established coordination on funds and food to the White Heart and the IHAO."

ooc: As I've always said, apply for administration if you want things done your way, if you do apply and use those suggestions, I will gladly vote for you, since whenever someone gets the administration nobody cares to uphold or respect any initiative.

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #9 on: February 23, 2008, 08:59:30 PM »
"The press hav-- had no trouble getting information. But please, go to Sel'ia. Tell me how much information you get now, if you get in. We only prevented you from meeting with communist terrorists, our media was rarely censored. You have us painted as an authoritarian state, when we were a free market paradise with more guaranteed freedoms than most nations in the world. Now, how many freedoms can we guarantee? None. I was blaming the IPO for it's failures in the past, and now I am blaming it for it's failure now."

The delegate shoved the chair out from underneath him, flipping it backwards. It slammed as it hit the ground, and the Xyraeli glared at the Delfian. "I may not have the most sanity, but it's clear to me that the IPO wants to lay the blame on others and pose itself as the perfect world. You aren't perfect. You have solved nothing. The Imperial Illuminate of Xyrael revokes it's membership within the IPO, I hope you rot in hell." The delegate left the chair there on the floor as he left the building.

ooc: you shouldn't need to be administrator to get things done your way.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #10 on: February 23, 2008, 09:13:35 PM »
ooc: true, but nobody does anything, with or without administration.

"I'm sorry Mr Gaku, but I don't speak for the IPO. I'm speaking for my experience in the administrative team that hasn't belong to us for more than four months now. You have a very bright perspective of your beloved nation, no wonder you were sent by the Illuminate"
*the delfian delegate team expresses some smiles and quiet laughing*
"I admire your strenght of will and your love for your country, but me and my colleagues are as concerned with your country, as concerned with our own that isn't achieving much peace with military incursions on foreign soil. I'm sure they're doing a fine job trying to liberate the people oppressed by this chaps here!"
*it was like a criminal sentence, the delfian delegate was pointing the finger to the feniexian committee siting not so far from them.*
"Instead of thinking only about your country, why don't you worry with us about what this chaps are doing in Dysanii?"
*deadly silence...the delfian delegate sat down and retrieved the microphone.*

Offline Xyrael

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #11 on: February 23, 2008, 09:39:47 PM »
Saito Gaku's assistant watched as the doors swung closed. Gaku had left, so he looked a bit bewildered and vulnerable. "Um..." he looked at the Delfian as he collected papers preparing to follow Gaku from the building. He came across one paper and looked to the Delfian. "It's not my place to give you this. The IPO should handle it's own matters, perhaps when the Rabarac emissarry asked for a place as an observer we should have accepted shades of grey. I have no place to state the position of the Illuminate on Feniexian involvement in Dysanii," the man looked at the Feniexian, "but personally I hope every soldier of yours stationed there suffers and dies." With that he followed Saito and left.
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Offline Delfos

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #12 on: February 23, 2008, 09:53:05 PM »
There were parts of the room very silent, and others with alot of chat and some angry protests against the unethical move from the Xyraeli team.
Some of the delfian team exchanged words, Yuri Papovish tapped the shoulder of the head delegate of the delfian committee, Bruno Paiva, that remained silent, clearly ashamed for making the Xyraeli delegate so angry to leave the forum room.

ooc: Templarios, do something, call for order, call it off, do something! lol

Offline Pachamama

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #13 on: February 24, 2008, 02:21:14 PM »
Jhon Olemk the delegate from Terrangar stood up and followed the Xyraeli delegate out the door.
He caught the man and his assistant halfway down the corridor.

"So the fire has left you. This is how you handle this now? If you do not get what you want you stomp your feet and run away?
Last time I have seen this was when I visited my nephew and he is 5 years old. Tell me Mr. Gaku are you a five year old boy or are yo a delegate of you nation representing the powerful Illuminate?
You asked for the purpose of IPO and you wanted to know what we are going to do about a lot of things?
If you can find the nerve to return I will give you your answers. But they may not be to your liking.
And I will give them only to a man not a child that runs away from me."

He stood there his hands on his hips looking at the back of the Xyrael representative with eyes that could pierce solid rock.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

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Re: IPO Forum: Purpose.
« Reply #14 on: February 24, 2008, 02:49:09 PM »
an aide rushed into the room panting with a worried look about him. after picking himself up from a very nasty fall he went to the Canadian IPOD and told him the grave news.

 "sir.......the Bohemian IPOD was found in her room..... she's....." sobbing a bit the man forced on, "its....she's.....dead sir......it's terrible......her skin it was gone..... it was everywhere...........................everywhere..."

the man collapsed with a blank look in his eyes not registering anything existed outside of his own mind.

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