I take it that the seize-fire is in effect. Otherwise this meeting won't happen.
As soon as the delegates had arrived, the IPO HQ was cordoned off by police and military in three circles around the compound.
Barbed wire surrounded the grounds and water filled obstacles cut off the drive-ways.
All nearby roads were closed to traffic and vehicles diverted around the area.
Talman Yar stepped forward.
“Honored delegates” he addressed the representatives of Canada and Dysanii.
“Welcome to this meeting and thank you for your coming. As current Administrator I will moderate those talks.”
“I will keep this short gentlemen as we have a lot of hard work ahead.
First of all that you are here means that the seize-fire and thus the first part of … has been fulfilled.
I want to propose to place IPO peace keepers between your front lines to overview the seize-fire.
Also I would ask to allow neutral IPO states to look into the matter of the prison camps on both sides and write up reports on the status of those camps to be presented and reviewed by both sides.
First Dysanii. Mister O'Connor your country is in the unfortunate position of being viewed by everyone as the offensive party in this conflict. And yet still no one seems to understand the reason for those actions.
Canada if knowledge serves me correct has never in the history of your nations attacked your country or threatened to attack it.
Maybe you could enlighten us to your reasons for this war."
The windows of the lower building are made from armoured glass. However for this meeting they have been equipped with additional curtains of shrapnel resistant material. Behind the curtains are water filled obstacles to take up any kinetic energy from a vehicle charge that may make it trough the windows.The conference will be held in a secure room inside the building.
No armed guards inside the conference room.