Welcome to Taijitu!
There are many things to do on this forum. The social section is a place where you can talk about things that interest you - movies, books, etc. There's also a forum games section!
We also have a worldbuilding community as well. Here, you can write stories about your nation and the people living in them, either by yourself or collaborating with other people. If you have an idea for a story and would like other people to comment on it, consider posting your idea in the "Planning Room"! Here, people can help you get accustomed to the world and give suggestions on how to improve your story.
There's the Ecclesia, as well. Taijitu is a direct democracy open to all citizens - to join the Ecclesia one simply has to have a nation in the region, and apply
here. Once you're a citizen, you can propose legislation, run for office, and vote!