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News: The arteries of Taijitu run not with blood, but with kittens!

Author Topic: November Elections  (Read 11488 times)

Offline El Fiji Grande

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November Elections
« on: November 23, 2016, 06:52:11 AM »
Foreign Communique
[region]International Northwestern Union[/region]
November 22nd, 2016
Produced by Minister of Foreign Affairs [nation]Albiorix[/nation] et al.

The regional administration wishes to inform all our friends abroad of the conclusion of our elections. Here is a message from our new delegate, [nation]El Fiji Grande[/nation].

"Good day, all.

This is a special Foreign Update for the International Northwestern Union, following our most recent set of elections. I am [nation]El Fiji Grande[/nation], and I speak now on behalf of the INWU as our newly elected WA Delegate. My Chancellor, [nation]Sieverdonia[/nation], was also elected. Together, we are now forming a new government, having recently appointed new Justices and a new Minister of Foreign Affairs. We campaigned on platforms of inclusivity and of friendship, both with regards to our fellow INWU citizens, and to the NS World at large. We'd like to publicly reaffirm our recognition and support of our alliances and embassies abroad, and continue to stand by our friends interregionally. We hope to continue to broaden our diplomatic horizons as a region, and grow on the interregional stage.
There is naturally much work to be done, but here's to a brighter future for us all!

~ [nation]El Fiji Grande[/nation]"

That concludes our brief announcement. If you have any questions, please contact your respective ambassadors, our Delegate [nation]El Fiji Grande[/nation], or our Minister of Foreign Affairs [nation]Albiorix[/nation].

Until next month,
The INWU Foreign Department

Offline Red Mones

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Re: November Elections
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2016, 10:13:09 PM »
Does this mean you will no longer be ambassador to our great region?