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Author Topic: The Betzalel Empire  (Read 1758 times)

Offline Abed-Nego

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The Betzalel Empire
« on: July 24, 2007, 04:17:51 AM »
Lord, Emperor: Bass Boom-Boom
Warlord: Bash Knuckles
Capital: Rubber-Band Land
Government: Triumvirate
Official Language: Inglish, Silver Tongue (Demonic Language)

The Planets


The Tribes

The Boom-Boom

The largest and most powerful tribe making up the Betzalel Empire. The Boom-Boom were  a band of ruthless wandering warmongers who roamed from planet to planet, Infecting it's inhabitants with fear and rumors of demonic heritage in order to persuade them to join there side. The Boom-Boom are generally hand-to-hand fighters, and are blessed with superior speed and strength. They have however revolutionized their fighting technique, or rather degenerated it. Fighting with any weapon they can get their hands on, even resorting to fighting with tooth and nail. The Boom-Boom are a proud race and do not take defeat easily. A Boom-Boom will die before ever admitting defeat. Sparing the life of one is a huge mistake, for they will hunt you down till Kingdom Come.

The Knuckles Clan

A clan of demonic soliders who once roamed every demension between their world, and the Outter Relm, crushing planets under the power of there superior technology and stratigic prowess. They were famed for their ruthlessness and cruely, but were brought to thweir knees by the Boom-Boom, who proved my powerful when pushed under extreme circumstances. The Knuckle clan live by a strict, bushido-like law that states that any warrior who defeats them in battle has the loyalty of the fallen warrior till death. The Boom-Boom beat the entire clan, so the entire clan swore alligance to the Boom-Boom 7,000 years ago. Members of the Knuckle clan make excellent generals, and are coveted higher than any Battlecruiser.

The Cymbol Clan

The Cymbol are a clan of warriors that have been hailed as the galaxies greatest marksmen.

Tribal Leaders[/center

His Lordship, Emperor Bass Boom-Boom

His Majesty, Lord Bluez Boom-Boom

Her Majesty, Lady Muse Boom-Boom


Warlord Bash Knuckles

Warlord Brasscymbol

Warlord Stradivarius Cee-lo

Boom-Boom Armada

Aerial Force:

Deux-15 Battle Cruiser

 Solo-5 Fighter

SpeakerBoxxx Battle Cruiser

 Metronome 5000 Battleship

The Grand Descendo
(Weapons Ship)

The Grand Crescendo
(Mother ship)

Ground Forces

Boom-Boom Troopers

The Rubber-Band Men

Harp F-60 Battle Tank

Synthisizer 500-D Gun Ship

Viola X-20 Aracnide Prowler

Special Forces

The God-Shadows


« Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 04:25:04 AM by Abed-Nego »