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Author Topic: The Principality of Dal Sharra  (Read 1393 times)

Offline Dal Sharra

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The Principality of Dal Sharra
« on: April 10, 2007, 10:19:50 AM »
Official Name: The Principality of Dal Sharra
Common Name: Dal Sharra
Head of State: Prince Darius Zandel
Government: Despotism
Civil Rights: None
Political Freedoms: None
Economy: Thriving (Capitalist)
Official Language: Falleen
Unofficial Languages: Huttese, Dosh, Nikto, Ryl, Nagaian
Currency: Nuq
Official Animal: Rancor
Population: Undocumented, but possibly in the trillions.

The Principality of Dal Sharra is a small, economically powerful nation, remarkable for it's wide-spread use of slavery. There is no government in the normal sense of the word; however, a small group of community-minded, corrupt individuals devotes most of its attentions to Law & Order, with areas such as Social Welfare and Religion & Spirituality receiving almost no funds by comparison. Income tax is unheard of. A powerhouse of a private sector is led by the shipping, mining, and organized crime.

The government is run entirely by a prince, descended from the legendary warlord Xarc, who established the principality centuries ago. The prince has traditionally held little power due to the widespread organized crime within his domain, but recently that has changed. Prince Zandel has managed to assert his power not by eliminating crime, but by controlling it. The prince uses the Dal Sharra Shipping Company (DSSC) as a cover for smuggling drugs, weapons, stolen goods, and slaves. This has made him the head of an interplanetary crime syndicate and the executive of the DSSC as well as the head of state.

Dal Sharra is the principal planet of the nation, which spreads over twelve systems. Dal Sharra is the fourth planed in it's system, and most of the the surface is covered by massive cities. Water only covers about 22% of the surface, and the landscape is nearly inhospitable. Other planets in the principality include the Trandosha, which is covered in mountains and jungle valleys, Kintan and Klatooine, which are mostly flat, arid wastelands, Sriluur, which is dry and rocky, Vodra, a wet, trpoical planet, Gand, notable for it's amonia-filled atmosphere, and Uba IV, another wasteland. Dal Sharra it's self is a haven of scum and villany, with the lowest levels of the massive cities in a state of near-anarchy. The other systems are ruled despotically, with entire populations enslaved.

Dal Sharra's military is small in comparison to most inter-planetary governments, but not inept. The navy is the the main part of the military for any external warfare, and includes capital ships and fighters with formidable firepower. It is worth noting that, due to the prince's control over organized crime, a large number of pirates could also be employed as privateers. Dal Sharra's ground forces are used mostly to enforce it's power within it's borders, and is composed mostly of conscripts from it's enslaved populations. In times of war, these soldiers act primarily as massed infantry, To add expertise to it's army, Dal Sharra also recruits many mercenaries. Finally, to add some heavy firepower to the ground forces, Dal Sharra has built up a force of XV8 Assault Droids, which can be dropped from orbiting Munificent-class star frigates. These droids are over 12 feet tall, and are equipped with missile pods, rapid-fire energy weapons, jump-jets, heavy armor and shields.

Dal Sharra Navy vessels:
Providence-class carrier/destroyer

Munificent-class star frigates

Braha'tok-class gunship

Grek-class troop shuttle

Reaper-class starfighters

Torrent-class starfighter

DSSC Freighters





Dal Sharra Army
« Last Edit: April 11, 2007, 05:06:44 AM by Dal Sharra »
There are two secrets to success, the first being to never give up all your secrets.