This is a list of people who you will see around a lot on Taijitu, and a little bit about each one. Basically, this is for all you new guys out there. I hope that this will help you feel more comfortable around the other people here, so that you can soon be posting at your fullest!
Algerianbania: a.k.a. Alg or the Panda. Moi. Forum Panda, scolds people on their avatars, and likes to be silly at times.
Allama: a.k.a. Al'. Resident hippie and Book lover. Kind, loving, and a bit flirtatious.
Barakarin: a.k.a. Bara. A 13 year old who we poke fun at a lot. Video game addict and Fallen Earth fan. Plays Warhammer 40K. (Very) Easily confused.
Durnia/Emperor Matthuis: A guy who has done much in many other regions, who thinks he is not important, but really is.
Eluvatar: a.k.a. Elu. Tech wiz and creator of the Forums. Currently absent.
Flemingovia: The Former Delegate of Taijitu. Respect him, or he will give you poisonous fudge sauce.
Gallipoli-China: a.k.a G-C. Resident communist and punching bag.
Greater Canadian Empire: a.k.a. GCE. Sterotypical Canadian, over-dramatic RPer, and the bearer of corny jokes.
Khablan: a.k.a. Mama Khab, or Khab. A heartful, helpful person. About half of her posts have something to do with cookies. She is a writer and a mom.
Korinn: To cool for a nickname. Legendary hard worker, and boy-toy for the masses and is fond of the panda's brother-in-law, the koala.
Myroia a.k.a Mryo. His goal is for people to point at him and say under their breath "Hey, that guy's a major asshole!".
Neil: a.k.a. PUR (and many, many others). Allama's male wifey and avid drunk. He is considered "hawt" and you will never know what to call him.
PoD Gunner: A former Del of Taijtu, this guy knows how to keep the forums in check. Keep it in line, and he will be happy.
Pragmia: a.k.a. Prag. Resident Latin-lover and bureaucrat among equals. Also Delegate of Taijitu.
Solnath: a.k.a. Soly or The Devil Himself. A smart, funny, cool guy from Finland who sometimes mocks American politics. He is one of those folks who changes his name often, so you might not know what to call him.
Sovereign Dixie: a.k.a. SD. That man loves his whiskey! He is also a former Delegate of Taijitu. Swears a lot.
St. Oz: a.k.a. Oz. The RP Map maker of Taijitu, and an overall funny guy.
Tacolicious: a.k.a. Taco. A delicious Taco with much guac. Big on corny humor and also a peace loving, dirty, dirty hippie.
The Empire: a.k.a Emp. A lovable albeit long winded Swede and incurable horndog who exhibits periodic bouts of insanity.
Verak: a.k.a. V. Taijitu's crazy conservative, Chinese, kung fu, dragon lady.
OK. I know I am leaving people out. Please tell me who you are and add a short description of yourself. If you want a description changed, tell me. Also only people who have established themselves as part of this community request to be added. Meaning, having been here at least a month and been fairly active. Thank you.
EDITE 9/12/07: Added Korinn and Al', changed Prag's and alphabetized it all! Al', you owe me a sweater.
EDITE 9/14/07: Added Taco and edited Bara.
EDITE 9/26/07: Added PoD Gunner and Greater Canadian Empire.
EDITE 9/30/07: Added Flem and edited Bara.
EDITE 10/3/07: Added Oz and Elu.
EDITE 10/30/07: Added the ^_^, and Verak
EDITE 11/1/07: Edited Neil and Soly and added Myro.
EDITE 11/12/07: Edited Prag, Flem, Bara. Added Emp.
EDITE 11/16/07: Edited SD