The MoC is planning to include in its upcoming FAQ a list of acronyms and their meanings, including those specific to Taijitu as well as those commonly used across NationStates in general. We need your help to come up with a complete list, so if you can think of any that aren't already listed here, please post 'em!
The list so far:
Specific to Taijitu:
MoC = Ministry (or Minister) of Community
MoD = Ministry (or Minister) of Defense
MoEA = Ministry (or Minister) of External Affairs
MoIA = Ministry (or Minister) of Internal Affairs
MoF = Ministry (or Minister) of Finance
MoRS = Ministry (or Minister) of Regional Security
NOTE: D in front of any of the above means Deputy Minister of that MinistryGeneral NS use:
* CN = Cybernations
* CTE = Cease to Exist
* NS = NationStates
* NS Wiki -
NationStates Wiki* NSUN or UN = NationStates United Nations
* PM = Personal Message (forum message)
* RMB = Regional Message Board (found on the in-game region pages)
* TOS = Terms of Service
* TG = Telegram (in-game message)
* UCR = User-created region
* UN = United Nations
Region Identifiers:
* AC = Aeazene Combine
* BoC = The Blades of Conquest
* CC = Corporate Conservative
* CLT = Catlandatopia
* CSA = Communist Socialist Alliance
* DORAD = Dream of a Ridiculous Dictator
* ECC = Elite Conservative Circuit
* EoE = Empires of Earth
* GBI = Great Britain and Ireland
* LKE = The Land of Kings and Emperors
* LWU = Lone Wolves United
* MLP = Marxist Leninist Party
* NSCP = Nationstates Communist Party
* NPD = North Pacific Directorate (old name for TP/NPO)
* NPO = New Pacific Order (TP)
* PRP = People's Republic of the Pacific (old name for TP/NPO)
* SFBA = San Francisco Bay Area
* TAL = The Arab League
* TBH = The Black Hawks
* TEP = The East Pacific
* TNI = The New Inquisition
* TNP = The North Pacific
* TP = The Pacific
* TRR = The Rejected Realms
* TSP = The South Pacific
* TWP = The West Pacific
* CC Wehrmacht(CCW) and CC Policia(CCP) = Corporate Conservative's Army and Intel service
* ELF = Elite Lexicon Forces (new name for TLA)
* NPA = North Pacific Army
* TLA = The Lexicon Army (old name for ELF)
* WPLF = West Pacific Liberation Front
* ACCEL = Alliance of Capitalists, Conservatives, and Economic Libertarians
* ADN = Alliance Defence Network (old name for DSA)
* AoSS = Alliance of Socialist States
* CoS = Congress of Sovereigns
* DSA = Defender Security Alliance (new name for ADN)
* FRA = Founderless Region Alliance
* LWU = Lone Wolves United
* NPD = North Pacific Destroyers or North Pacific Directorate (old name for TNPG)
* NPIA = North Pacific Intelligence Agency
* PRP = People's Republic of The Pacific
* RLA = Red Liberty Alliance
* TNPG - The North Pacific Government (later name for NPD)
* Al' = Allama
* DZ = Darth-Zorn
* Elu = Eluvatar (root admin of the forum, owner of our IRC channel)
* EM = Emperor Matthuis
* FS = Francos Spain (warning, mere mention of his name has been known to make people very angry)
* GB = Great Bights
* GBM = Great Bights Mum
* G-C = Gallipoli-China
* IP = Insane Power
* I-S = Inglo-Scotia
* Limi = Limitless Events
* MO = Monte Ozarka
* OT = Of The US
* PoD = PoD Gunner
* SD = Sovereign Dixie
* SoS = Stars of Sky
* TCM = Amy (The Crazy Monkeywoman)
* TGR = The G Rebellion
* 1IL = 1 Infinite Loop
* FS = Francos Spain
* AFC = away from chat
* AFAIK = as far as I know
* AFAICR = as far as I can remember
* AFAICT = as far as I can tell
* AFK = away from computer
* ATM = at the moment
* B = back
* BBIAB = be back in a bit
* BBL = be back later
* BRB = be right back
* BTW = by the way
* FYI = for your information
* IC = in character
* IIRC = if I remember correctly
* IMHO = in my honest opinion
* IMO = in my opinion
* FAQ = frequently asked questions
* FTW = for the win
* 1337 = leet, or elite. It means the sort of chatspeak that involves numbers and letters. Generally looked down upon here.
* OMG = oh my god
* OOC = out of character
* QRY = query (private message in IRC)
* RL = real life
* RP = role play
* RTFM = read the flocking manual
* STFU = shut the flock up
* TL;DR = too long; didn't read
* TMI = too much information
* WTF = what the flock
* WTH = what the hell
* YMMV = your mileage may vary
* YW = you're welcome