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Author Topic: Member Titles (What do they mean)  (Read 2570 times)

Offline kor

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Re: Member Titles (What do they mean)
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2007, 07:18:33 PM »
This is how money is acquired according to the current budget act.

1. Each post made on the Taijitu Forum shall be rewarded with One Tai Cent (? 0.01) per one hundred words up to a limit of Four Tai Cents (? 0.04) for a post.

2. The Government of Taijitu shall reward every genuine and official recruitment message sent with Five (? 0.05) Tai Cents to the sender.

3. The Government of Taijitu shall reward the recruiter of each nation entering the region with Four Tai (? 4.00), so long as that nation does not leave before the following pay day.

4. The Mapmaker of Taijitu shall be paid a salary of Forty Tai (? 40.00) each week when a map update has taken place.

5. The Delegate of Taijitu shall be paid a salary of Fifty Tai (? 50.00) each week of activity.

6. Each Cabinet Minister and the Vice Delegate should he not be a Minister shall be paid a salary of Thirty Tai (? 30.00) each week of activity.

7. Each Ambassador who performs satisfactorily may be issued a salary of up to Ten Tai (? 10.00) each week under the discretion of the Executive Government.

8. The Speaker of the Senate shall draw a salary of Fifty Tai (? 50.00) each week.

9. Each Senator shall draw a salary of Five Tai (? 5.00) each week.

10. Each Supreme Court Justice shall draw a salary of Twenty Tai (? 20.00) each week of activity.

11. Each trainee in the Taijitu Army shall draw a salary of Five Tai (? 5.00) each week.

12. Each soldier in the Taijitu Army shall draw a salary of Fifteen Tai (? 15.00) each week.

13. Each officer in the Taijitu Army shall draw a salary of Twenty Five Tai (? 25.00) each week.

14. Any member of the Taijitu Army may be issued a bonus of up to Fifteen Tai (? 15.00) in a week by the appropriate Cabinet Minister.

15. Should the Chairman of the Taijitu Bank not be a Minister he shall draw a salary of Twenty Tai (? 20.00) each week.

16. Any employees of the Taijitu Bank other than the Chairman shall draw a salary of Ten Tai (? 10.00) each week.

17. The holding of one salaried office shall not bar any citizen from receiving their due salary from another.

18. The Executive Government of Taijitu shall have an additional budget of up to Three Hundred Tai (? 300.00) each week for whatever legal uses it sees fit, but each expenditure of this money must be catalogued and presented to the Senate.

19. The Senate shall have an additional budget of up to One Hundred Tai (? 100.00) each week for whatever legal uses the Speaker sees fit, but each expenditure of this money must be catalogued and presented to the Senate.

20. The Executive Government of Taijitu shall have the authority to implement this Act.

21. This Budget shall serve as the Budget of Taijitu until repeal by the Senate.

Offline Govindia

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Re: Member Titles (What do they mean)
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2007, 11:38:44 PM »
Thank you guys for clarifying that it takes 0.01 tai per word, and clarifying about the stars with regard to post counts, on IRC earlier today. 

It explained a lot of things and I hope to increase my money so I can spend it where I need to be.

Oh and Solnath: Yes isn't the answer to the cosmos, 42 is :P.
United States of Arvengovi - Citizenship obtained 8 Aug. 2007!
Ambassador to The Exodus (14 Aug. 2007 - 14 Oct. 2007)