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Author Topic: White Heart Canadian Campaign  (Read 3165 times)

Offline Delfos

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White Heart Canadian Campaign
« on: September 16, 2007, 05:09:48 AM »
To: Canada
From: International White Heart Committee

The White Heart Organization feels the need of spreading the compassion to the Canadians that got involved in this war. We request permission to install supply, assistance and evacuation nets for civilians of stricken areas, and Medical Centers to gather the dead and wounded.
The suggested areas for the Medical Centers would be:
-Richmond in the outskirts of Vancouver,
-Mississauga in the outskirts of Toronto.
We will be installing medical tents and temporary refugee camps, also an helipad in each place with refueling units. Counting with transportation vehicles, Unimog trucks, some Jeeps and a couple of helicopters. We will arrive on one of your suggested seaports with NDS 'Aid of Boyenivish', a delfian Hospital Ship that will assist us if we need.
After your permission we will announce a public communicate to all involved parties referencing our location and our units. Our primary goal will aim the civilian health care, they seem to have been displaced from their living areas and probably have the immense need of food and water. Another goal is to continue the work of our Loyan brothers in assisting the wounded, and our medical centers will be opened to military personnel under the White Heart treaty of the Boyengrado Convention.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #1 on: September 16, 2007, 08:52:58 PM »
To: International White Heart Organization
From: Lord Protector Xavier Rommel of the Greater Canadian Empire

The White Heart Organization is welcome in our country and we appove your request to install supply, assistance and evacuation nets for civilians in Richmond and Mississauga. We also thank you for the help that you will give the displaced and also the wouned soldiers of the Greater Canadian Empire. The NDS Aid of Boyenivish may land on the western coast at the port of Prince Rupert. We will have elements of the High Seas Fleet escort the ship in so that you have no trouble while in our waters. Again the Greater Canadian Empire, the Imperial Parliament and myself thatnks you for your efforts.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #2 on: September 16, 2007, 11:16:20 PM »
To: All Beligerant Entities in Canada
From: International White Heart Committee
NDS Aid of Boyenivish (Hospital Ship) will dock in Prince Rupert port in the western coast of Canada escorted by the Canadian High Seas Fleet to start the White Heart Canadian Campaign.
Under the White Heart Humanitarian Organization treaty of the Boyengrado Convention, we will install a medical center that includes small temporary refugee camps in:
-Richmond in the outskirts of Vancouver,
-Mississauga in the outskirts of Toronto.
We will also install supply, assistance and evacuation nets for civilians. Under the treaty we remain neutral and will offer medical assistance to military units, and we declare the medical center areas of Richmond and Mississauga neutral, controlled by the White Heart Organization.
We will bring a White Heart Helicopter for each Medical Center, a Delfocopter EC 145 and a Ka-226 EMS. For Land Vehicles we will bring 2 White Heart ECRV (Emergency Communications Response Vehicle) and 6 White Heart Unimog, including medical equipment and material for medical campaign and large camping tents.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #3 on: September 18, 2007, 03:52:07 AM »
To: The White Heart Organization
From: Lord Protector of the Realm, Xavier Rommel

You should be advised that the southern half of Inglish Columbia is now under American control. I adivse that you continue to head south to your destinations, but be careful. I am not sure what the Americans will do. You have the blessings of the Canadian Empire and myself.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #4 on: September 18, 2007, 04:30:31 AM »
From: The White Heart Organization
To: Lord Protector of the Realm, Xavier Rommel

We are a neutral organization. We are still careful, thanks for the advise.

The trucks were full of rations and tents loaded from NDS Aid of Boyenivish, several medics and members already mounted the 1st medical tents in the areas, and the 1st refugees came for aid. The Helicopters gave some help on delivering the needs for the medical centers, and they were now ready for rescue.
The 1st White Heart patrol was assembled in Mississauga in the outskirts of Toronto.

"Where's the 1st Aid kits?"
"They are already in the trucks, we are all done."
"Alright, get extra rations too."
"Hey you, load those ration crates on the last truck, has spare space for those..."
"Hey, no one leaves this Medical Center without White Heart Helmet!"
(White Heart Helmet is a normal simple soldier helmet but white and with the White Heart logo on the front and a back. They also had red and white simple uniforms for this kind of patrols)
"All good to go."
"Ok, let's move it."

They moved towards Toronto to find displaced civilians and some in need of medical care. As they approached the supposed city, they found a chaos of concrete structures teared apart. They found a small pile of dead civilians on the side of the street.
"Help me put those in the trucks...get those trucks to move on, there must be civilians here, this area isn't that badly hit."

Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2007, 11:13:54 PM »
Doctor Forsberg of the White Heart walks in the tent with his new box of medical supply.

D. Forsberg: "First the Americans, now the Canadians, I'm sick of this war. Do you know how much trouble i had to get this box?!"
Nurse Furtado: "Well i can imagine, but nothing compared when we had to get supplies from the American camps."
D. Forsberg: "True, but it's stupid! How can we assist if we can't even get fuel supplies for the trucks and chopper. Our pilots have been serving as nurses, no offense..."
Nurse: "None taken, but i know what you mean. I guess we can start shipping the dead Canadians from early American assaults to their side, no longer a risk, and they are taking too much space. This is morbid..."
D. Forsberg: "Well, we have to do it someday, but maybe we can ask the Canadian to send a suitable transport. Go ask the CO, I'll change the bags for you...hey, this one is gone, we bring this guys int he morning to die in the afternoon, somehow i would rather them to be dead, at least they wouldn't suffer this much...John Spears, Master Corporal of DS Army."

Nurse: "Hey Jessica, have you seen the CO?"
Nurse Jessica: "They have gone near the Canadian front. They received word of wounded down the hill."
Nurse Furtado: "Give him a message, say we need the Canadians to bring suitable transport for 763 boxes."
Jessica: "Are we moving the corpses out of here? It's about time, i get tears in my eyes every time i look to the boxes."

CO Diana: "...coming through! three wounded, call Doctor Forsberg!"
Jessica: "Welcome back Diana, Doctor Forsberg asked if you could contact the Canadian side to come get the wounded with a suitable transport."
CO Diana: "Help me get this guys out of the Unimog and I promise i will look for the Canadians."

*after unloading the wounded, and bringing them to the Surgery tent, Diana needed some rest, and decided to go back to her barrack. After cleaning her sweat from forehead she started boiling water for some tea and walked out to the communications vehicle. The seats of the car were smoother than the chairs inside, she picked the radio and tried the Canadian general radio.*

Diana: "Canadian Command? This is White Heart CO, please respond."
Communications Officer: "White Heart? We're here, what do you need?"
Diana: "We need transport for the Canadian Military that fell with the American assault. Can you bring anything large? We have almost 800 boxes around here. And if possible, fuel for our helicopter, over."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #6 on: October 19, 2007, 05:09:45 AM »
"Yes mam. We have a fleet of Chinook choppers that might be able to do the job. Coming in by land is risking lives, but the choppers can come in unmolested. We'll take the bodies. Is there anything else you need?"
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2007, 12:20:07 PM »
Diana: "Manpower and medicine, but we're ok, just messing. Yeah that's all, thanks allot."

Offline Pachamama

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 02:58:07 PM »
To: The government of the GCE , Lord Protector of the Realm, Xavier Rommel
CC: White Heart office, Secretary of the White hearts
From: Dr. Moctla, Chairman  IHAO Headquarters

In light of the current war we would like to ask for permission to give technical support to the White Hearts in your country.
We would provide electricity and potable water as well as sterilization units for refugee camps and assist in transport operations.
This would free White Hearts specialists for more pressing medical and humanitarian issues.
We would send.

Power generators and fuel

Water purification units  and storage tanks

Additional transport vehicles

A canine squad with specialy trained dogs for search op people burried under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

We ask the White Hearts to contact us on the size of support needed.
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Aquatoria

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2007, 05:26:47 PM »
To: Dr. Moctia, Chairman IHAO Headquarters
From: Lord Protector of the Realm Xavier Rommel

The government of the Greater Canadian Empire welcomes the technical support to the White Hearts in our nation. The docks at Prince Rupert are open for you to bring in supplies. Thank you for your support.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2007, 06:57:26 PM »
From: White Heart Logistics, Aid of Boyenivish, Hospital Ship (near Prince Rupert)
To: Dr. Moctla, Chairman  IHAO Headquarters

You proposed:
Power generators and fuel
Water purification units  and storage tanks
Additional transport vehicles
A canine squad with specially trained dogs for search op people buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

This list is already highly satisfactory, and if you would kindly bring fuel for our Delfocopters it would be great. If you can send additional manpower, as in nurses and few doctors, it would be awesome. Mind that all support must pass through Prince Rupert docks and transported in our secured transport nets, we can't risk loosing resources or having our own men killed in a foreign land during a war. Thanks allot, we delightedly await your support.

Chairman of Operations,
Luís Gravinho

Offline Pachamama

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2007, 11:53:58 PM »
To: The government of the GCE , Lord Protector of the Realm, Xavier Rommel
CC: White Heart office, Secretary of the White hearts
From: Dr. Moctla, Chairman  IHAO Headquarters

We have leased a civilian cargo ship that will arrive at Canada within 10 days traveling from New Delfos.
To speed up operations the personal  be flown to New Delfos and travel by ship to Canada.
We send 80 nurses and 49 paramedics, 9 doctors specializing in emergency medicine and 9 civilian engineers.
The cargo will include 4,000 tons of Aviation fuel and 4 water purification plants each with a purification capacity of 18,000 liters/ day. 40 x 1,890 liter mobile storage tanks and 2 power generators.
6 power generators large – mobile; 10,500 Watt each.
30 trucks

Chief:            Goran Bregovic (New Delfos)
Supervisors:   Abdullah Rahman (New Delfos) Technical task unit
                    Juan Xotlan (Terrangar) Medical task unit
Water purification

Mobile water tanks

Cargo ship "TS Sea Mule"

Please note that these are fast response supplies. We will bring in more material as needed but this will take some more time.
As you have given us access only by ship we would like to fly in supplies from Terrangar to New Delfos to shorten travel time.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2007, 12:04:38 AM by Pachamama »
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"


Offline Delfos

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #12 on: October 24, 2007, 08:17:58 PM »
From:White Heart Canadian Campaign, Chairman of Operations, Luís Gravinho
To:Lord Protector of the Realm Xavier Rommel

We would like the support of your forces to transport American deceased soldiers to the border and to return both American and Canadian soldiers to their side.
We would also like the permission to move our campaign to the western border in fear of confronts with the Dysanni forces, including the reposition of the Hospital Ship "Aid of Boyenivish" to the waters of Halifax.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #13 on: October 26, 2007, 04:47:08 AM »
To: White Heart Organization
From: Frank F. Worthington, Field Marshal of the Imperial Canadian Armed Forces

We will allow you to move your campagin to the eastern border. It may take awhile, but there will be trains waiting for you in Vancouver. They will take you and your equipment east as fast as they can. God speed.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Pachamama

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Re: White Heart Canadian Campaign
« Reply #14 on: October 26, 2007, 05:07:06 AM »
To: White Heart Organization
CC:  Lord Protector of the Realm Xavier Rommel and Frank F. Worthington, Field Marshal of the Imperial Canadian Armed Forces
From: Goran Bregovic IHAO

We would like to assist White Hearts in moving their equipment.
IHAO has made the decision to stay as long as possible to complete our mission.
We will move IHAO personal from New Delfos to the east to assist White Hearts.
IHAO personal from Terrangar and those from New Delfos who volunteer will remain here and continue our work.

Goran Bregovic

IHAO Canada
The power we hold comes from our citizens.
And they may take it away as well.

Economic Left/Right: -5.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.92

"War`s  begin where you will
but they do not stop where you please"
