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Author Topic: War Plan Red  (Read 6970 times)

Offline Feniexia

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2007, 05:45:40 PM »
The FENIX soldier carefully inspected his squad comrades he was assigned to, especially the ones who he were expected to lead them as fireteam leader. The squad consisted of two fireteams of each 8 soldiers - 4 riflemen, an heavy rifleman, a grenadier, a sniper and the team leader. Standard form. But all were FENIX soldiers, like himself - highly trained elite soldiers, equipped with the nearly most powerful military equipment in-service the Enlightened Empire's scientists had created, only surpassed in skills and equipment by the High Guard. At least, that were the words in the recruitment folder he got some years ago before he signed up at the academy. "Sounds like some kind of action film stuff..." he thought. But war was not an action movie. He had read much about the recent wars the Feniexian Empire sent troops. It didn't sounded like much fun. But the paying was good, and he was full of idealism - someone has to do the duty do fight for the Enlightened Empire and their allies. "Wonder what you are thinking about again, Mifune..."

Mifune looked at the soldier next to him. He was the fireteam's grenadier and had been on the same academy as he. "That's nothing of your concern, Kaifu..." he replied, not unfriendly, but with a determined intonation. He wasn't in the mood for talking at now. He looked at the others, then. He did not knew much about the four rifleman - he was told that they scored pretty good at the academy, but not much more. Two of them were of European ethnicity, as it seemed. He couldn't tell from were exactly altough. All four were just standing there disciplined, and awaiting further commands from the squad leader. Nothing was really special about them. The heavy rifleman seemed like a though guy...Mifune was sure he trained very much, even more than the rest of the FENIX soldiers. His name was something like Hana or Haka, Mifune couldn't remember. To his right, there were Kaifu. Kaifu might not be the most disciplined soldier in the squad, but he was pretty accurate with his rifle, and his grenades reached their target most of the time. And finally, there was Konoye, the woman at his left. She was the teams sniper, and one of the few female members of the Feniexian forces. There might be many womans in the Feniexian military compared to other nations, but still, they weren't much. He still didn't really knew why. But he didn't really cared about, as long she was doing her job like any other member of the forces. Finally, he saw the squad commander marching toward his two fireteams. All saluted before Sergeant Takada. Then, the sergeant began to speak. "The carrier VTOLs for squads number 100 to 220 are ready now. Get moving now. Doublespeed."

ooc: I'm planning to RP 200.000 infantryman and 5.000 shock troopers arriving in Toronto to break the siege...Canada, can you give me a few details of the location and the situation there, and maybe you or DSA could give me details about possible air- or sea blockades and the positions of the Canadian defenders and the American invasors?

Oh, and not to forget - when I write names, I mostly write about surnames.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 01:44:36 PM by Nathaniel »

Offline Validus

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2007, 07:42:41 PM »
The C-130s were flying low towards Canada. Their objective was to land on the peninsula that stuck out of the western side of Canada.

"Sir, land in sight," said the Master Corporal.

"Good, lets hope things stay this good." said Captain McCarter.

So far all planes in the formation had not been attacked, they have not even been approached aircraft from either side of the war. The Aircraft were now 50km away from the DZ.


Offline Feniexia

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #17 on: September 16, 2007, 08:33:18 AM »
Soon, the carrier the squad boarded (a Feniexian "DR-28", named "Seikou") left airport M-18. The weather was rainy, like almost everyday in this area of the world, but Feniexian aircraft were all designed with that in mind, so no navigation problems occured and travel speed was adequate. The flight will last some hours, probably four or five before the craft reaches her destination, Toronto. The soldiers were all checking their weapons and equipment. In combat situations, their life would depend on those.

"Since you will not be dropped in an immediate danger zone," squad leader Sergeant Takada began the briefing, "you will take parachutes this time and not dropping capsules. You will land about 10 kilometres away and you will be supported with two APCs. Your goal is to advance to city together with 120 other squads and receive further orders there. A large part of the Feniexian Forces sent to Canada has already arrived some time ago at the outskirts of Toronto and is now supporting the Canadian Army to break the siege. The airspace should be more or less clean, according to the Canadians, but be prepared for out-of-plan drops. Some of our scout aircrafts should soon arrive there and scan the area; you will be informed about more details of the situation there as soon as we receive their reports."

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #18 on: September 16, 2007, 11:01:50 PM »
To: The Imperial Canadian Government
From: The Imperial Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 The government of Christstan apologizes for the long delay in the deploying of our promised troops. We understand that you have asked for minimal aid and thus we shall send primarily economic aid plus the 50,000 elite forces requested. We request you send us the coordinates of a safe Landing Zone where the troops may be deployed with minimal danger to the pilots or troops as they drop. We are loyal allies to the end and will see to the defense of our blood relatives. Commander of our forces is Generalfeldmarschall Conrad Bismark, Baron of Hertzog. We have sent one of our best for this task, he is only commanding a portion of his total command to meet with regulations set forth by your government.

Personal Letters to the Emperor -

Emperor Heindrick VII -

 My Son-in-Law, through the marriage of your sister to my Son, it pains me to see your empire faced with such hardship. Please take my troops and use them as needs be. They are prepared to die in the Princess's name in your defense. I will also send what monetary aid I can to support your nation.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2007, 11:15:07 PM »
To: Imperial Ministry of Foriegn Affairs
From: The Imperial Canadian Parliament

We accept your aid. There is no reason to apoligize for the delay. A safe Landing Zone right now would be Vancouver, but because of the amount of Inglish soldiers who are landing there, we ask you to land further north at the port of Prince Rupert. Your soldiers can then move south to Vancouver where your Baron may meet with General Arthur Currie, the commanding officer of the Inglish Coloumbian Front.

To: Emperor Heindrick VII
From: Emperor Paul and Empress Selene

We thank you for your troops. The Empress and I are currently in Fenexia. We were ordered there by Parliament, but I know the combined efforts of my soldiers and yours will force the enemy back once and for all. Tell the Princess that the family is ok and we will see her soon. Thank you Father-in-Law.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2007, 12:59:02 AM »

Generalfeldmarschall Conrad Bismark, Baron of Hertzog

"It's a fine morning to be going to war I say." Said the Baron to his son in a dignified gentlemanly manner. Veteran of the Emperor's wars, he was an accomplished man and taught at the Imperial War Academy. His son, a classmate of the Prince, scored well on his exams are rose to the rank of Hauptmann (Captain).

The two men watched as the soldiers marched into the Bombardier Challenger 600 and Transall C-160 transports. Their destination was Canada and their goal was liberation.

Later that day the forces arrived in the port of Prince Rupert, then they drove to the front in their tanks, jeeps, and other various armor and artillery pieces. The Baron Rode out on his horse, which he used for show, to the Canadian Commander. "Good day to you sir, I am General Baron Bismark, His Majesties Imperial Army. I do hope my arrival is within good timing and that my forces may be of assistance to you." 

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2007, 01:55:55 AM »
General Felix Weaver sipped loved the site of the American military flag, thirty stars on a navy canton with thirteen red and white alternating horizontal stripes, waving in the wind of the Inglish Columbian fall.
"Soon enough" he told himself,
"when this relic of a country is gone, a civilian flag will replace it, all for the better I guess."
He was of course referring to the flag of the DSA's civilian government, navy stars on a white canton, with the stripes arranged vertically. Once the war was over the military flag would come down, and the civilian flag would be raised.

It had been miraculous, really. The initial thrust had been thrown back, but carrying the spirit of Columbia, with republicanism burning in their hearts, the armies of the Democratic States of America swarmed back across, and Vancouver was now in American hands.

"Payback's a bitch, isn't it?" Tim Miller said under his breath, as his F-18 continued to harass a ship of the Imperial Navy. This was Tim's second go-around with the Inglo-Scotian Imperial Navy.
He was there during the Second War of Secession, when the Imperial Navy had turn the DS Navy to shreds.
Now the tables were turned. With Vancouver in American hands the Imperial Navy was thrown into confusion.
DSAF fighters, like Tim's, harassing the ships as they scrambled to recover from losing their Canadian port only added to the confusion.
Then he saw him out of the corner of his left eye, a Tornado GR-4, the fighter of choice for both the Imperial Navy and the Imperial Air Force. He could see the marking to, the red-white-blue roundel meant Inglo-Scotian nationality.
Tim attempted to get him to chase him into a cloud formation, but it was all for not. Instead the Inlgish pilot dove, and Miller saw why. He was going after a DS Naval vessel!

Tim manoeuvred his jet to dive after him, he could see flashed indicating weapons fire, the DS ship was being fired upon.
Then out of nowhere everything got shot to hell. Tim was thrust forward violently, as his controls all seemingly exploded at once. The smell of smoke crept into his nostrils. He looked to his right, as a second Tornado zoomed past him.

"FUCK!" Miller yelled, before ejecting from his doomed aircraft.

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2007, 03:05:00 AM »
Inglish Columbian Front

The arrival of the Christstan soldiers came too late. Vancouver had fallen to the American armies. Arthur Currie and Conrad Bismarck were now fleeing north. Inglish, Canadian, and Christstan soldiers were also falling back. The General wanted to get his army to Kamloops, but word had come that Pentiction and Kelowna had fallen to a second American army. The city of Kamloops would soon fall as well. There was only one way to go, Prince George. At Prince George, the Prince Cities Line could be activated. The Prince Cities Line was a plan within Defense Scheme 1 that stated that if Vancouver, Kelowna, Pentiction, and Kamloops fell, the Canadians would hold at a network of trenches and barricades between Prince Rupert, throught Prince George to the Rocky Mountains. Arthur Currie knew that as long as a Canadian army had the strength to challenge the Americans in Inglish Columbia, the Central Provinces would safe from a attack on their left.

Tanks, artillery, and other military equipment was racing as fast as they could along the Alaskan Highway to Prince George. Arthur Currie and Conrad Bismarck looked at a map of northern Inglish Columbia.

"How important is Prince George that you would risk an army for it's defense, General?"

"Generalfeldmarschall Bismarck, the importance of Prince George is in it's railroads. If the railroads on the west coast fall, then it helps the Americans in an invasion of Alberta, Alaska and the Yukon. We need to hold the lines here in Prince George, Prince Rupert and the Rockies. It gets colder the farther north we go, so the Americans will face a cold winter, something they have never done. They have never fought in a harsh winter enviroment. We hold them till winter, then we can force them back across the border. You better ask your government for more troops. Also, I will make you a joint commander with me instead of a subordinate. I want you to command the Canadian and Christstan army that I will be sending east to the Rockies. You arre to set up a headquarters in a small town called McBride. From there I want you to hold our eastern flank."

The foreign commander nodded. 

Occupied Inglish Columbia

Taylor Morena was watching as the American tanks drove through the streets. She was a young woman who recently graduated college. She was a beautiful doctor who was now living in captured Canadian territory. The slow realization of that hurt like a thousand knives. She like many of her nieghbors, she looked on at the AMericans with anger and hatred. The Canadian Army had failed them, but she knew their was nothing they could do. Her next-door neighbor, Kole Smith came across her lawn. "Taylor, the Americans are asking for all radios to air something. Listen." He pulled out a small radio. A voice came on the radio. "This is a message to all Canadians living under American rule, you are now under martial law. Curfies have been ordered. Anyone outside after eight will be arrested. All public meetings of any kind, including chuch mass and after-school activities are now ordered to stop. Anyone organized into a group of more than six people will be considered an act of conspiracy and will be acted upon. The American Occupational Council has been set up in the former provincal capital of Victoria. Thank you."

Taylor could hear no more. "This is outragous. What did we do to deserve this? They say this is payback for helping the Confederacy secede from their Union. No this is because we are a neighbor that they have never agreed with . Not for two hundred years."

Kole looked at her with interest. "Looks like you want to start a partisan group."

Taylor nodded. "I want to liberate the southern half of our province. We can't talk to more than six people at a time, but I need you to find as many people you think would join us. We need to be ready to help our people free themselves from the invaders."

"Have thought of a name?"

"I have. Since the provincial government no longer exists, it's time for Kamloops to start it up again. We will create the Provisional Government of Inglish Columbia and the Inglish Columbian Provincial Army will be our fighting force. Hurry, the sooner people are ready, the sooner we can liberate Kamloops and hopefully all of Inglish Columbia.

Ontarian Front
Battle of Toronto

Field Marshal Worthington was frustrated. The loss of the southern half of Inglish Columbia was a stab in the heart. The nation was now fighting on a wider front in the west. But right now he had to bring his attention back to his own front. He promised the Fenexians that the air over Toronto would be clear of American planes, but that wasn't the case. The American fighters had found out that the Fenexians were dropping their elite forces north of Toronto. They were moving in to intercept the transports. Worthington looked at his charts and maps. He had to move in planes to hold off the Americans long enough to let the Fenexians land. He picked up his radio. "Air Commodore Tanis, this is Field Marshal Worthington. I want you to lead your section agianst the American fighters moving in to attack the Fenexians. Do not let them reach our allies."

A voice came on. "Understood Field Marshal."

Air Commodore Daniel Tanis was in his CF-35 Arrow shortly after talking to his commanding officer. He had organized a force of a hundred fighter jets to the coming air battle. This was less than half of the current Canadian air power in Toronto. Below him were the ruined buildings of Toronto, the CN Tower still standing over a wasteland.

"All squadrons are reporting in, Commodore." radioed his wingman.

"Alright, the Americans are around here somewhere. We should be running into them in a..." A beeping sound on his radar showed a large American section moving north. "Found them, all squadrons prepare for combat. We are going to come in on the sun, so the enemy will know we are coming, but they still will not see us."

The air fleet flew high up towards the sun and then turned to face the city. Commodore Tanis could see the American fighters. "Missiles away!" The front elements of the section opened up on the American fighters. The American jets tried to evade the missiles but some of them were hit. Then the Canadian section attacked at close range. The Americans were no longer in tight neat formations. They had to pull away and engage the Canadian fighters. The Arrows moved quickly and some were able to get behind the American F-18s.

Tanis was following two American fighters. He pulled the trigger on his stick and fired his machine gun into one jet, destroying it. The wingman veered off, but Tanis moved with it, not letting the fighter out of his sight. All around him, Arrows and Hornets mingled in. Burning planes plummeted to the ground. But Tanis kept on his fighter. He fired a missile and it slammed into the left wig of the plane causing it to fall to earth. A parachute appeared showing that the pilot survived. Tanis noticed that the battle was getting quieter. The AMerican planes were fleeing south towards their bases. In a matter of ten minutes, the Canadian Air Fleet had won their first major air victory. 
« Last Edit: September 26, 2007, 08:58:50 PM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Emperor Heindrick

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #23 on: September 18, 2007, 01:09:22 AM »
The Baron nodded to the Canadian Commander. Things were worse than it seemed to his people. Now the Canadians had entrusted him with the defense of their country, though the plan was a rather simple one to maintain and relied on the best elements of the Christstany military: Zealous devotion to a post and the use of superior firepower. The Christstany air force would be employed to maintain supplies and keep the enemies at bay. The Navy would not be required, this was a relief to the commander, for that was the weakest branch of His Majesties Military, though The Imperial Air Force more than made up for the lack of a strong navy.

The Air Force would fly in artillery, key to the Baron's plan. Mountains would restrict the effective use of armor, thus the powerful Panzer Korps would not be utilized.

"General, it is an honor. I am sure his Imperial Majesty will deploy as many troops as needs be. I will request my entire force of 200,000 of Christstan's finest. The layout and terrain of your mountains will favor the defender." He pointed to a few mountains on the map that were exceedingly higher than the others.

"From these vantage points, we can shell the Americans with our artillery to devastating effects. The terrain also does not favor large advances of armor nor vehicles, thus any large scale movement of troops attacking the region will be difficult, especially if we control the high ground and effectively use it to our advantage. Hiding our artillery in caves and ledges allows it to attack the enemy while being protected from return fire. The infantry will situate themselves in a similar manner. I will lay traps and hazards throughout the range with explosives that could cause avalanches and rock slides. Now you say we are in an age of modern warfare? What of the air? AAs shall be employed and I will call in the might of Christstan's Luftwaffe."

He thought to himself, the Canadians had already set up a line of defense but the plan he intended would require a bit of time. A few days at most, but the joint forces were in retreat.

"General, how much time can you give me? I will have the defenses ready in three to four days. IT is mainly a matter of dropping the equipment in the correct areas. My force can dig in and slowly fall back, but i will need your support for at least another day till my troops can fly over."


A bit later

[The actual defense for the days will be discussed, this is just him calling in the next wave of troops.]

"Your Imperial Highness, matters here are worse than were actually reported. I request the full activation of my army plus as much artillery and as large a detachment of aircraft that we can spare.... Yes Sir... Yes sir... Thank you sir."

The Baron smiled, the Emperor was very predictable in some matters and this was one of them. He was ardent about international affairs and improving relations with allies.

He was already at his headquarters with a handful of men who were beginning the preparations for the coming battles ahead. 

Offline Myroria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2007, 10:11:50 PM »
"Ladies and Gentleman, your Empeurer, Meneldur Tar-Ilium!" an invisible announcer in the conference room of the Grand Imperial Residence yelled. Meneldur walked out in a dark blue sportcoat with a simple Myrorian coat-of-arms on the breast, the typical casuality of the Empeurer showing. He stood at a swirlwood podium.

"A foul wind blows across the American Continent today, my citizens." he began.

"The Democratic States of America has been repeatledly bashing at our Canadian allies, and it now appears that Dysanii is also preparing for war. A Canada wiped out will be our last outpost on the American Continent; the repressive DSA will surely attempt to force the CSSD back into its so-called 'perfect union'.

We will not allow it! We will not stand by as our brothers across this ocean fight and die for a war they cannot win!

A war they cannot win alone.

As of today, the Myrorian Empeureum declares its support of Canada in the war against the Democratic States of America. The Myrorian Empeureum will cease trade with the Democratic States of America, and the Myrorian Empeureum formally declares a state of war between our two nations.

We will not fight to conquer, for that will only make us hypocrites. We will not fight to usurp, for that will only blur the line between a grand monarchy and a Belsenist dictatorship.

We instead fight to save our Canadian brothers, we instead fight to halt the American war machine, we instead fight for liberty, for all men on the American Continent.

I know that this will be a hard time for all Myrorians, but you must remember that an American Continent ruled by the iron fist of the Kennedys is a continent that could strike us when it is too late, when we are unready. The Statue of Liberty has been destroyed by our guns not because we do not agree with the Statue of Liberty, but because we do not agree with the Statue of Totalitarianism, which is what its green skin and pointed crown became several years ago, with the Second War of American Secession.

So, my Myrorian citizens, whether you agree with this state of war or not, remember this: Remember why our soldiers are attacking the Americans. Remember why our soldiers are dying for their country. And most importantly, remember why we fight."
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #25 on: September 27, 2007, 12:39:23 AM »
Occupied Inglish Columbia

Taylor stood in front of the table looking at the six men that will soon make up the core of the partisan government and the army leadership. "Alright, now that this gathering has been brought together. I have something to offer. I propose the creation of the Provisional Government of Inglish Columbia and the organization of the IC Provincial Army. We have heard that our army here in IC was taken almost unprepared at the Americans' second attack on Vancouver. Now the army has been pushed up to the northern half of our province, and we are now behind enemy lines. So I think we need to help out our friends in red by keeping the Americans focused on us. If we prove to be a large threat by disrupting their supply lines and such, the Canadian Army may be able to turn the tables. What say you to this proposal?"

All of the men nodded.

She continued. "Alright, first thing first is we need an army, but more importantly we need weapons. The local militia armory is now under watch by the Americans, so I think we need to do a tri-pronged attack on the Americans here in Kamloops. Our first phase is to start a riot. That will keep the Americans busy. Then the second phase happens while the riot starts. We will raid the armory and take all the weapons there. Then the final phase, we are going to push the Americans out of Kamloops by arming the rioters, and arresting the collabrationist mayor and his city council. Agreed?"

One man named Daniel Webster spoke first. "What is the strength of the American force occupying the town?"

Kole spoke up. "Well, since Kamloops isn't large enough or important enough to the Americans like Vancouver, there are little bit over five hundred American soldiers here."

A third man named Frederick Wilhelm turned to Kole. "How do you know that?"

Kole stared deep at Frederick. "I have an old college friend who slept with one of the American captains."

Taylor looked at Kole in surprise. "He shouldn't have been telling secrets in bed."

Kole smiled. "From what I heard from her, American men don't know what a tounge is for."

The group laughed. Taylor looked back at the other members of the Provisional Government. "Alright then, you know what to do. Rally as many as people as you can."

The men nodded and Daniel spoke. "Yes Premier Crawford."

They got up and left while Taylor pondered. Premier Crawford? It sounds good.

The next day, Taylor looked around the city as she made her way to the disegnated area where she would lead the attack on the armory. Kole was in the city center ready to start the riot. Taylor had tucked a revolver in her jeans and hid it under her shirt and jacket. As she made her way to the alley where the assault group was waiting, she could see her partisans walk across the road to the alley. Over twenty people, both men and women. She walked across the alley and met up with them. They nodded to signal that the assault group was ready. Taylor pulled out a radio. She knew what to say. They had to say something that didn't sound like they were planning anything. "Katy's house looks like a pig-sty."

She got her answer. "She should divorce Richard." That meant that Kole was ready to start the riot. She answered back. "You know that she loves him too much." That meant go. She waited for about five minutes until she could see American soldiers run towards the town center. The soldiers guarding the armory were not leaving. Good. The partisans blended into their enviroment just well. The soldiers watched them as they got into their positions. To the Americans it looked normal. Until Taylor pulled the revolver out and shot two American guards. The other guards turned to fire at her only to have the partisans open up on them with hunting pistols and hunting rifles that they had hid in the beds of two trucks.

The firefight lasted five minutes. The guards were overwhelmed and without the support of the other soldiers who were trying to put down the riot down in the city, they didn't last long. Taylor and her partisans walked into the armory and started to empty the place. The armory was fillled with rifles, pistols, a few light machine guns, and sabers. She pulled out the closest rifle. "These are out-dated Ross rifles! Oh my god, these are like antiques."

One partisan looked at her as he picked up three rifles. "They're better then nothing and besides we have more than enough ammunition for them." That was true. Taylor saw some partisans pull out boxes of bullets that Ross rifles could use. Some large trucks pulled up and the partisans loaded the weapons up into them. The sacking of the armory took about fifteen minutes. Just before they left, a partisan handed her a saber in it's scabbard. "Miss Crawford, if you are going to be our general, then I suggest you keep a generals's weapon." She took it and smiled. The liberation of Kamloops had begun.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 05:08:23 AM by Greater Canadian Empire »
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007

Offline Democratic States of America

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2007, 02:01:52 AM »
General Andros of the 1st DS Army opened the hatch of his M1, as it slowly moved through Mississauga. The suburb of Toronto was more or less intact, considering the war. The Canadian and Inglish defenders had fallen back to Toronto to make their stand. All they left to attack the Americans with in Mississauga was the wrath of the locals.
Andros couldn't care less about that. Better they get used to the sight of Americans now, it would make their integration into the Democratic States that much easier.
He did worry about his men though. Most were 18, 19 years old. Drafted and sent to the front lines. They had to be disciplined enough to ignore the shouts of the Canucks. They were still young enough that one wrong word would lead to something foolish.
The last thing the DSA needed was to give the Canucks an excuse to retaliate. These were people the DSA was going to try and make Americans. How the hell was that suppose to happen if hot-headed idiots in the DS Army beat the crap out of anyone who called him a "dirty Yank"?

Andros looked ahead to Toronto. The Canadian metropolis was on fire. The Imperial Canadian Tower, the tallest free-standing structure in the world, stood above the smoke, fire, and destruction bellow. Andros was beginning to hate that tower. It seemed like it was mocking him. The attack had started little less then a week ago.
All projections had them reaching Hamilton, the heart of Canadian production by now. The plan was to take Toronto and Kingston, bypass Ottawa, and finish off the Canucks with the knock-out blow at Hamilton.
As it was though, they were still trying to dislodge the Canadians and Inglish from Toronto. Andros had faith he would succeed, he just wished he would succeed at quicker pace.

This war was suppose to be easy. Instead the object obtained was Vancouver. True, it had slowed the dispersion of Inglish troops, but they simply landed north at Prince Rupert.

"Talk to me" Andros answered, as his satellite phone beeped.
"Brigadier General Ivy here, returning your call"
"Ivy, I need you to listen up. I've been looking at some field reports, I need you to swing west, catch the Limies and Canucks while they're not looking."
"General....that would lead our eastern flank vulnerable...."
"The enemy wont see it coming. They won't have the time or wherewithal to take advantage of your weakness. This is an opportunity to deliver a crippling blow, I expect you to take that opportunity."
"Yes...yes sir."
"We swing west, smash the enemy's rear flank" Brigadier General Sam Ivy announced.
General Andros' orders.

"Sir," Commander Morning protested, our east flank...."
"If we strike quick enough the enemy won't be able to take advantage of that weakness. Lets do this."

Offline Prydania

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2007, 02:19:35 AM »
Pvt. First Class Aaron Murray charged the Yankee line, before ducking behind a burnt-out car in the streets of Toronto, gateway to Canadian industry.
The Canadian/Inglo-Scotian line had held strong, and Canadian advancements in the east of the city had allowed the line as a whole to move forward.

That was when the Yanks attacked the western flank, manned primarily by khaki-shirted Inglish, but the occasional red jacked of a Canuck could be seen here or there.
The Yanks had attacked the west, hoping to catch the Inglo-Scotians caught wide-eyed as they advanced forward.
They had wisely left their eastern flank open to attack. As soon as the opening presented itself the yell of "CHARGE" echoed from the Inglo-Scotian ranks, and waved of khaki swarmed the Yankee soft-spot.

Aaron swung his weapon around the corner of the car that was providing cover and fired.
Suddenly thunder rocked the earth as an Inglish Challenger tank blasted a schism in the already fractured American line. Aaron was among the first through.....

10 hours latter
Pvt. Miller stood facing Colonel General Gorge Marlboro, as he sat in his command tent, just erected outside of Mississauga. His khaki uniform was drenched in dirt and blood.
The Yanks had been driven to Queenston, jut on the Canadian side of the border.

After exchanging salutes Marlboro got down to business.
"What do you have for me mate?"

Without saying a word Aaron Miller placed dog-tags of the Yankee style on the General's desk.
"Brigadier General Samuel Robert Ivy" General Marlboro recited, reading the tags....

Offline Myroria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2007, 02:25:52 AM »
LST-1144 floated on the gently rolling waves off the western coast of Canada. To the north, were the Canadian forces. To the South, the Americans were holding Vancouver. The black helmets of the Sturmmann were shining in the mid-day sun, as they loaded onto Amphibious Assault Vehicles 6 miles off of shore. It was but one of 15, each with 6 AAVs on them, ready to be deployed to shore. To be as cheap as possible, each one was packed with 13 Sturmmann, to make 1170 men the first part of the shipment to Canada. It wasn't a huge force, but it needn't be: The Canadians were doing pleasantly well on their own.

The blue-green water floated up the unloading deck. Comments about King Crab from the Northerner Sturmmann and how crayfish was better from those from Southern Myroria were blotted out as the AAVs began their descent down the deck.

Atticus Dominicus, one of the few true Pelagians left in the armed forces, let alone Myroria, swallowed his vomit. Seasickness was a sign of weakness, that the training he had back home meant nothing, or that he neglected to listen at all. Looking out the cracked open door on the AAV, he could see LST-1144 beginning to fade into the horizon. Five more miles of this? Gulp.

"Hey, Atticus!" A private landed a gloved hand on his back. He was so excited. All privates were - to them, this was hunting. Atticus knew better. He saw the looks of the people in Sapphirith as communists were shot down before them. He'd never forget their faces. "This isn't a deer shoot", Atticus wanted to say, but he was afraid he might get bile all over the private's trench coat. He just nodded and smiled, looking at the LST in the distance.
"I assure you -- I will be quite content to be a mere mortal again, dedicated to my own amusements."

Offline Aquatoria

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Re: War Plan Red
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2007, 03:53:00 AM »
Ontarion Front

The Battle of Toronto was over. After pushing the Americans back to Queenston, the tide had turned on the Ontarion Front. Field Marshal Worthington was proud of his soldiers and of course his allies. It had seemed that the war was turning in the Alllies' favor. Snow was falling hard in the north, but was light here in the south. The advantage that Worthington was waiting for had arrived. Now it was time to advance. He called up the Inglish commander, Colonel General Marlboro. "General, this is Field Marshal Worthington, congratulations on pushing the Americans back from Toronto, but now we need to push them back from our territory all together. I want you to advance. I am giving you the Loyan Volunteers and half of the First Shock Army. Break them at Queenston and we have won the war on the eastern front."

Inglish Columbia
South of Prince George

The snow was falling hard, but luckily the trees shielded much of nature's fury. The Canadian Army was now dressed in their heavy red winter coats, waiting for the signal to advance. The Americans were freezing on their side of the trenches and the partisan operations by an unknown group behind enemy lines called the Provisional Government of Inglish Columbia had forced the Americans to send troops against them near Kamloops. With Kamloops liberated by the partisans, the Americans were now having to fight on two fronts in IC. Private Walter was sitting behind a tree waiting for orders. The orders had come. His captain nodded and pointed his finger in front of him, signalling that they were to launch a general attack all along the front. Private Walter turned to face the enemy and fired at an American soldier. He fell dead. The attack was becoming successful. The Americans had thought that they would be able to end the war before winter, but with the destruction of supply trains and convoys by the IC Provincial Army, they were still in summer uniforms. The Canadians advanced. Walter passed a M1 tank that was in perfect condition, except for the fact that it's engine froze, rendering it useless. The whole front was like that. Many American tanks and other equipment had frozen over from the harsh cold enviroment. This enheartened the soldiers. Walter and his comrades kept advancing, shooting at Americans who fought back. He came across four AMericans trying to man a frozen machine gun.

"Surrender or I'll blow a new asshole in all of you!" The Americans put their hands up as more Canadian soldiers joined the private. As the prisoners were sent back across the line to be sent to a POW camp, one soldier with a sergeant stripes listened to the distant sound of tank and artillery fire. "What is that sound?"

Walter cooly replied. "That is the sound of victory." The sergeant lowered his head.
Article II: The Legislative

4. The Senate shall have the power to remove the Delegate or Vice Delegate from office if they in their opinion have violated the Constitution and laws of Taijitu, broken their oath or failed to fulfill their duties, by a two-thirds majority vote.

"YES WE CAN!" Barack Obama 2007