The city of Vancouver was gleaming in the sun. The city wasn't finished from being rebuilt, but many of the communities and the government buildings were rebuilt. The new Parliament building was rebuilt exactly like the previous one that was destroyed during the occupation. With it's beautiful and grand architechture and blue tiled domes, you could never tell if this was a copy of the original. But the revived beauty of Vancouver wasn't what was so important today. That is excatly what Premier Crawford was thinking as she looked out the window. A former partisan in the occupation and liberator of Inglish Columbia were among her heroic titles. She turned and looked at the table of premiers and territorial commisioners from the other Canadian provinces and territories. They looked at her with pride and respect and waited to here what she had to say.
"You all must be surprised why I asked you here today. I called you all here because I believe that we have a problem within our own nation that has spurred weakness and corruption. I am of course speaking of the Empire in general. The Empress is a young woman who is still learning the ropes of political affairs, while her mother struts around as Imperial Regent. She has basiclly messed this country up so bad, that we are in debt, we are still at war, and we have a weakened economy. We are a crippled nation and this may be our only chance for survival."
Premier Johnson of Alberta spoke up. "Chance? What are you talking about? Do you mean to tell us that we should launch a revolution against the Empire?"
"No, no. That is suicide. I speak of creating a federation of independent nations. The empire will be intact, but I ask that we create a louder voice. The war, though long and painful to bear, is going well. We are on the footsteps of becoming a great power, but we need to understand that in order to become a great power we will need to rebuild our economy and other areas. These imperialistic views of a colonial empire need to end. We need to see that in order to compete economically, we need to do it with each other. That will open jobs in Canada and will also make us richer, sloly bringing us out of debt. But I don't want to stop there. With the victory over Dysanii looming, we may be able to turn the western half of Dysanii to become an independent nation. Then we add it to our federation with it's soveriegnty and national identity intact and always protected. Each nation that joins the federation will be an independent nation, but will have one international voice and that voice will be the federation. Also the creation of a single currency and a single market."
Some premiers nodded and appluaded with glee. They were pleased with the idea of a supernational federation. But a small group was still unsure. They were the four commisioners and the Maritime premiers. Premier Uganda of Labrador still looked suspicious. "So the independent nations will contuct internal affairs, but external affairs will be run by this federation? What about national defense?"
Premier Crawford crossed her hands. "The federation will be the voice of the nations on the international level, yes. As for national defense, the national defense will be held by each nation. But the military will be organized into a single entity."
The small group nodded and soon agreed with the other premiers. Premier Crawford stood up. "Ok, now we wait for the war to end and then when West Dysanii is created, the Pan-Canadian Federation will be officially created."