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Author Topic: Viridian Dawn  (Read 5106 times)

Offline Xyrael

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Viridian Dawn
« on: February 15, 2008, 06:37:39 PM »
Free People's Press

Recent events within the former Illuminate have shown the refugees of the nation that reconciliation with the Sel'ian auctocracy is not possible. Heavy repression of civil rights, inhumane taxes, and forced labor camps have been installed by the Sel'ians in their bid to fully utilize all the resources Xyrael has to offer. Nuclear weapons within the former Illuminate have all been seized by the Sel'ian autocracy and are likely being reverse-engineered even now.

The future of those that remained, whether by choice or not, appears to be quite grim. Efforts to withdraw more refugees from the former Illuminate have proven unsuccessful, and even now ramshackle shanty towns are appearing throughout the once vibrant colony of Lucca, now the de facto capital of what has been declared the Free Illuminate of Lucca.

The Emperor and his personal retinue, as well as fourty thousand of the nations finest soldiers and police officers, were killed in the Sel'ian offensive on the Imperial City. Estimates for Xyraeli civilian casualties are not available.

Succeeding the Emperor as de facto leader of the people, the Crown Prince Asahi has established a interim government at Lucca until the conflict can be resolved. With the economic collapse of the nation, massive refuge crisis, and collapse of the military, the future of this government is unclear.

The remnants of the military now serve without pay or benefits. The last two remaining SNLF regiments have established themselves at Lucca, and ten thousand soldiers are fortifying the border, wary of a Sel'ian offensive sweeping into the south. The Xyraeli navy is now docked in Moacia, but it's numbers and readiness status are unclear.

The status of the Illuminates colonies in Moacia and Gelibolu are in question. It is believed that Gelibolu, with excessively spare military support, will announce it's independence within the next few days. Crown Prince Asahi has called upon directly elected representatives from Moacia, Gelibolu, and Lucca to declare their intentions in Crisis Reports. These reports will decide the fate of each colony, and the direction the Illuminate will take.

Asahi has refused to claim the title of Emperor. He has stated that "The old ways of rule have been destroyed under the cold, iron fist of our foes. We must look towards a brighter future, and not a restoration of what has failed. The time for Emperor's is behind us, now we are all brothers in poverty, no man above any other. We will face our future as equals, this is the path the Light has chosen for us."
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 09:47:42 PM »
Free People's Press - Breaking News

The Gelibolu, Luccan, and Moacian delegates have arrived in Lucca to discuss the future of the Empire and that status of their colonies. Representing Lucca, Kunimichi Ashikaga was the first to issue his address to the Crown Prince Asahi.

"We, the Free People's of Lucca, thank the Crown Prince for his kindness, generosity, and grace in allowing the Free People's of the Illuminate to determine for themselves their destiny. Before us we find an uncertain future, and in our footsteps a darkened path we can no long tread. Driven from our livelihood we, the Free People's of Lucca, stand united in brotherhood and comraderie. We realize that, no matter the cost, we are brothers with the Xyraeli's. We fought together, we bled together, and we will continue to bleed together. This time is not the time to falter, now is not the time to dishonour our heritage with petty greed! The world is consumed with the fires of hatred, jealous, desire. The Light is fading from the eyes, and the tide of an inevitable war seems to draw closer every day. We much bear the torch together. Together, my brother Prince, the will of the Free will never be shattered, our resolve and conviction has never been stronger. The Light has shown us our path, and we must never waiver. The Free Illuminate of Lucca stands beside you, and anyone who would call himself our brother."

Though spirits were high amongst the Luccan representatives, largely untouched by the horrors of war, cheers erupted throughout the crowd. It was clear that Lucca was definitively a part of the Illuminate, and that the refugees were welcomed despite the growing economic crisis. Within the past seven hours prices have continued to sky rocket 1400%. Unprecedented inflation was clearly not a factor to deter the bonds of brotherhood for the Luccan people.

This sentiment, however, was not shared by the Gelibolu representatives. A silenced crowd anticipated the expected. The Gelibolu representatives rose to the microphone, nodding in the direction of the Crown Prince before speaking.

"The times for the Illuminate have indeed been darkened. It is a tragedy that the Illuminate and it's people suffer as they do, but now is the time for a new future. As the Xyraeli people forge their path, together with the Luccans, so must the Gelibolu people. It is our decision to do this for ourselves, we will build for ourselves a solid future, created by the hands of the people. Gelibolu can no longer be subject to your rule, not out of disrespect for your late Emperor, but out of respect for the wishes of the people we were elected to represent. It is our sincerest hope that you and yours may find a place in the world beside us in peace. The future will be that much brighter with one less conflict."

The Crown Prince was not enraged at the words of the Gelibolu delegates, instead nodding and waiting for the Moacians to voice their speech as well. The Moacian delegate rose from his chair, bowed deeply before the Crown Prince, and continued to the microphone.

"The Light fades away every day. Yet, without darkness, we have no understanding of what Light is. Without shame we have no pride, without suffering we have no hope, without pain we have no pleasure. It is the teachings of the Light that tell us what we must endure at any cost, and yet in these trying times it is the teachings of the Light that first come into question. Are these teachings true, can there be hope without suffering, can there be pleasure without pain? These are the dreams we strive for, but do they exist? We have all experienced suffering, pain, shame, loss. We are all people without a home to truly call ours, we are all people afraid what the next day holds for us, afraid that Darkness is ready to snatch our very souls from us. But why do we fear if this is the path the Light has truly laid before us? Fear is a result of indecision, indecision is a result of a multiplicity of options, and multiplicity of options is the result of multiple paths. Before every man the Light has laid multiple paths, and yet we follow the brightest with the greatest of expectations, the highest of hopes, and the aspiration of dreams. This is the Light within each of us, this is our resolve, for within every man there glows a flicker of Light which guides each of us. No matter how dark times grow, we, as followers of the Light, guide our own path. But we are not alone in the shadows, we only have to realize that we are but the flicker of a star on the abyss of the void. Some stars shine brighter than others, but every one of us stands together alone, a myriad of stars together in the night seperated by Darkness. We must stop relying on the Light within us to guide our path, we must find within unity that together our Faith grows brightest, and that this path is the truest path. Knowing this, it is our sincerest hope that our brothers of Faith will accept our wish to unite Faith under one banner. Together our Faith will never falter, and Darkness will never encroach upon our dream. Moacia pledges itself to this global union, let us unite, my Prince. We are of one faith, let us be of one nation."

Crown Prince Asahi was not the only man stunned by the vow taken by the Moacian delegates. The Moacian delegate stood in silence for slightly over a minute before cheers erupted and echoed throughout the city. The Crown Prince stood to bow before delegate, much to the surprise of the delegates. Several words and smiles were exchanged before Asahi gripped the mans hand and raised it to their air with a smile.

With the end of the speeches Gelibolu was formally released and recognized as a sovereign nation, and Moacia was formally annexed under the Illuminate banner.
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2008, 12:27:40 AM »
Free People's Press

Yesterday the Moacian Colony was annexed by the Illuminate after calling for a united faith. In response to their call, Illuminists throughout the world are sympathisizing with the Xyraeli plight. From Pelagia to America, and across the East, offers of temporary sanctuary are being made. Though many of these offers have been made to single families, the Crown Prince has expressed his thanks to all who would offer their fellows housing.

"It is sad that harsh times bring the best out of people," commented Luccan governor Richu Oda, "but we are thankful for every letter sent."

Already famine looks to set upon the tiny colony which struggles to support it's population. Build on a swampy lagoon, much as the former Imperial City, and surrounded by mountains and jungles, the only source of food found is found by fishing. With harbors crowded with ships receiving refugees, however, logistics to support fishing are severely weakened.

Some military strategists believe expansion north may prove to be a lucrative venture, providing the colony with the land it needs to sustain itself. The Crown Prince and conservatives, however, believe that the nearby Sel'ian autocracy is poised to strike, and should not be further aggravated.

The Illuminate military is seeing rampant desertion as soldiers seek out their families among the hordes of refugees. Numbers within the military are steadily declining, and unemployment rates are well above 80%. The Crown Prince is now facing not only a weakened military, but a hungry, jobless people dissatisfied with the turn of events. Communists from Gelibolu are suspected to be subverting the populace, though the Crown Prince has expressed that a marxist revolution is not a 'probable concern'.

The Crown Princes chief concerns are creating jobs for people and stabilizing currency. Secondary concerns include watching Sel'ian military advances and establishing a census with the intent to reunite families and create guidelines for a future taxation system. Other options to income tax include a VAT.

The Crown Prince has dismissed all forms of representative government, maintaining the governate and bureaucracy but abolishing the local council. The Crown Prince stated that until an effective census has been established, adequate representation of the populace can not be guaranteed, and unequal representation is unacceptable. Analysts suspect the Crown Prince to be poised to create an authoritarian state in opposition of Sel'ian autocracy, but the Asahi regime has refused to comment on these notions.
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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 04:38:29 AM »
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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2008, 07:24:58 PM »
And the latest...  BNN
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #5 on: February 23, 2008, 07:01:57 PM »
Free People's Press

After several months with little aid from the international community, Xyraeli corporations were granted loans by the Canadian government despite ruined credit. The Xyraeli government likely needs similar loans, but the multi-national conglomerates are working fervishly to establish new corporate headquarters and take in droves of refugees.

There are two major zones where corporations have begun to move. Boston, DSA, home of the American Illuminist Chapter and Galtek Industrial, is seeing a larger influx of Illuminist refugees numbering around one hundred thousand. Already they have built for themselves a thriving community, the corporation having built private education, housing, grocery stores, and other necessities to fit the Xyraeli needs.

Another area has seen a large influx of corporations, Caledon. This nation, situated on northern Pelagia near the Haradrim Empire, is a federation of states with a culture largely similar to Varkour. Conglomerates such as Propel Dynamics, Enervon Systems Firm, Science and Trade Institute (STI), Viziam Proprietories, Carthum Conglomerations, and over half a dozen other corporations have met together and formed a business council seperate from the authority of the Crown Princes government.

In total, upwards of nine hundred thousand refugees from Lucca have been employed to construct housing, entertainment, department and grocery stores in addition to complex factories and office buildings which are planned to collectively create jobs and housing for over one million people.

These endeavors are only possible due to lax laws within the Federation of Caledon, which has no federal law to govern the establishment of companies or the influx of citizens, leaving this to be decided as each state sees fit. The province known as Viridia maintain a high population of Illuminists, and together with sympathizers have voted to grant citizenship to any employee of these corporations.

These conglomerations are expected to quickly overtake contemporary Caledon businesses. Though future production outputs are unknown, goals are high and investment is growing.

Meanwhile, Crown Prince Asahi has contacted Illuminate IPO delegate and is maintaining close contact with the delegate. Saito Gaku, the delegate appointed by the previous Emperor, has been entrusted by the Crown Prince.

The Crown Prince had this to say about the IPO earlier today:
"It is sad in this day and age that such an international body of peace can do little to prevent international strife. The IPO has done little to help our people or our former colonies, but what's worse they have done little to prevent global strife. In the years since it's founding I would dare say more wars have been waged than in any era before. Even if this were coincidence, such a body claiming to be the champion of peace has no place to be if it can not provide a diplomatic solution to wars. The IPO must realize that wars will always be waged, but diplomacy is not always an option, and then it must provide that option."

It may already be too late for the Illuminist provisional government, tensions between the IPO and the Crown Prince are being strained and a lack of enthusiastic activity is slowly pushing the fledgling nation to withdrawing. The fact that the Crown Prince no longer believes his participation in the organization necessary perhaps outlines the significant flaw of the IPO.

Conflicts in Canada have caused the Illuminist Chapter of America to cry out against bloodshed. In response, Illuminist Chapters throughout the world have refuted the Quebecois claims of independence as self-serving, mundane, and narrowminded goals. The Crown Prince Asahi, as heir to the title of Emperor, head of the Illuminist faith, has yet to make a comment.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2008, 08:46:35 PM by Xyrael »
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Offline Xyrael

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Re: Viridian Dawn
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2008, 06:46:21 PM »
Free People's Press

Above, Carthum Conglomerations new headquarters, is one of the first Corporate cities to be constructed in Caledon. In addition to the headquarters, housing for over one hundred thousand employees is under construction as well as entertainment, power, water, and other necessities, all of which will be owned by Carthum Conglomerations. While many of the buildings are expected to take half a year to construct, workers are housed within Caledonian residences. With benefits better than any Caledonian company can provide, tensions are slowly growing between other provinces and the Xyraeli enclaves in the Viridian province. Many natives, however, have different opinions.

"I like the new culture," commented one man, 43 year old Viridian Jean Jacque, "it is refreshing and new. I think these new companies provide benefits to us too. Afterall, Xyraeli's aren't the only ones working for the corporations."

Indeed, businesses such as Viziam Proprietaries are undertaking projects of seemingly unrealistic proportions. Viziam has announced that it has purchased downtown l'Anguille for the construction of what it claims will be the tallest structure in Taijitu.

This artists depiction shows the aspiration of the CEO of Viziam Propietaries, Akita Saaya. The young woman founded the company five years ago, in 2007, and was awarded the military contract for producing tank designs for the military prior to the outbreak of the Sel'ian Conflict. Recent successes have boosted the companies stock to levels competing with illustrious businesses like CAM. The future of the company is a bright one.

Crown Prince Asahi is to visit the province of Viridia and discuss a complete integration of up to five million additional Xyraeli's. Having found a welcoming people, the Crown Prince has sworn to defend the land against any threats, regardless of the result of this negotiation. Thus far, 945,000 refugees have moved to Caledon in search of jobs and homes.
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