This is shit, first they could never make some weird elections while we didn't even figured out what to do with Dysanii, rather than their region was already occupied. Then, they already had constitution, police forces and whatever else acting right after. And while Dysanii is occupied, they must follow the occupational laws for their own security, until we leave. Only if there's provisional armies helping the 'rebirth of dysanii' they could stay there and cooperation with local police. In any other way, in any part of the world, people have to follow the rules imposed by the occupational force, or else, what's the occupational force doing there? There's still fights in Dysanii, we're eliminating this fights, if they want to create their own armed forces fine, at least let us recognize those forces, but throwing them against the forces that actually set them free, doesn't make any sense.
This whole RP was based on controversy, and it had to be launched in god-modish time rating. Mind 2 posts before this whole thing we were still RPing the invasion.
So whatever people rant about Coalition forces being there, I'll just ignore, I'll RP in my own timing, and until my goals aren't complete, I'll be there forever if it's what it takes.