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Author Topic: Valideen Elections, will things change?  (Read 934 times)

Offline Validus

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Valideen Elections, will things change?
« on: December 05, 2007, 05:04:02 PM »
"Ladies and gentleman thank you for joining us, the votes are coming in." said the man on the television. "So far in the eastern provinces, the Imperial Party of Validus has won a majority of seats in that half of the nation. In the north it is a close race between the Imperial Party and the Republic Party. " The Screen switched to a counter, showing the three major parties in Validus, the Imperial Party, the Republic Party, and the Democratic party. All were showing the Imperial Party in the lead in all sections of the nation.

"We should be getting the Results to today's National Elections by 10 o'clock tonight, stay tuned for the latest updates. Now back to your normal programing."

OOC: Just for international recognition, the Imperial Party is a party that wants to increase the Military, and start expanding Validus out into the world, and get involved more in world politics.
The Republic Party, the current ruling party, wants to strengthen validus' relations with neighbouring nations.
The Democratic Party, is a socialist party that wants to make  all peoples equal.


Offline Validus

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Re: Valideen Elections, will things change?
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2007, 03:55:07 PM »
"Ladies and Gentlment, I am here to announce that the Imperial Party of Validus has won a Majority of the seats in the House of Commons today."
