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Author Topic: 5th Anniversary of the Victorious Revolution  (Read 2085 times)

Offline Prydania

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5th Anniversary of the Victorious Revolution
« on: January 08, 2007, 01:28:42 AM »
Victory Stadium, New Beaconsfield

"...and a half of a decade later this Commonwealth still stands!" Consul of Foreign Affairs Erik Destler yelled into the mic, as the crowd erupted.

It was quite a site to see. The New Beaconsfield United banners had all been replaced for the night; black banners bearing white lions and red "V"s in their place.
The Commonwealth flag was being waved by groups of people here and there, and at least one scarlet and sky blue banner of the old empire was being burned.

Soldiers patrolled the upper levels of the stadium with snipers waiting to take out any would-be assassins.
Major-General agents in civilian cloths were scattered throughout the crowd to weed out assassins before the soldiers needed to fire. Perhaps they would also take down the names of some people who didn't appear to be enthusiastic enough.

Backstage Lord Protector Steven Crofts, the father of the Victorious Revolution, was with his family, waiting to be introduced.
His wife Niki was holding the hand of their two year old daughter Melissa.
"She had a bad dream last night" Niki commented.
"Oh really? What was it about sweetie?" he asked his daughter.
"Well" she began, "I was in this place called the Lexicon. It was green and it there was a giant piggy made out of vegetables that wanted to eat me, and an giant doggy too" she ranted, finally running out of breath.
Steven smiled, looking at Niki.
"She has quite an imagination" he said to his wife.
"Maybe" his wife responded, "she wouldn't have nightmares if you didn't let her watch those executions on tv. Who did the M-Gs hang last night?"
"John and Cathy Ares" Crofts answered.
"We're better off without them, apparently they were selling secrets to the Myrorians."
"Maybe Steven," Niki spat right back, "but you don't have to let your daughter watch the hangings."
"I just want her to grow up with a healthy respect for the state."

"...and now" Destler continued, "the Lord Protector of this Commonwealth of freedom, Steven Crofts!"
Again, the crowd erupted in cheers.
"Good luck dear" Niki said, waiving off her husband.
Crofts emerged from behind the giant flag-like curtain, sending all the Major-Generals and soldiers into high alert.
"My fellow Inglo-Scotians" the Lord Protector began,
"Today is a glorious day. Today is a day when the imperials across the world were given a black eye. We gave it to them. Our existence as a Commonwealth for five victorious years gave it to them!
William X's corps has been reduced to ashes, just like his empire!" Crofts bellowed, pointing to the burning remains of an imperial banner, extracting more cheers from the crowd.
"Yet this Commonwealth lives. It's blood, the will of us, the people surge through its veins!
Victory, bread liberty, and equality are the values this Commonwealth has lived by, and will continue to live by.
Yet all is not well. Even as we celebrate this Commonwealth's existence, there are those plotting against us!
This threat is not a foreign one. There are those among us who wish to divide us, break us down, and rip this glorious Commonwealth to shreds!
Out of the ashes of the defeated Tory Unionists and Communists rises a new phoenix of destruction and evil, that of the Éiren Separatists. Their very existence threatens this Commonwealth's unity and survival.
Ours must be a voice of unison, not division!
I promise you this, this new threat to our victory shall be dealt with swiftly and without mercy.
Victory, Bread, Liberty, and Equality shall prevail!
Long Live the Victorious Revolution!"

The crowd, as if controlled by a signal brain, rose to its feet as one, cheering rabidly.
Fireworks erupted over Victory Stadium, as a Commonwealth celebrated not only five years of existence, but the promise of continued order and justice.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2007, 12:45:31 AM by Inglo-Scotia »