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Author Topic: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)  (Read 3753 times)

Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2007, 01:08:53 PM »

Minister of Research and Technology, Karl Meinsgart arrived this evening at Decartes.

OOC: sorry to not right more, got urgent stuff to do, why dont you RP the welcome?

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2007, 11:04:41 AM »
The Delfian chopper landed on the Mercantilist States Department of Commerce chopper pad where the Delfian representative was greeted by Deputy Secretary of Commerce Scooter Evans.

"Greetings Minister Meinsgart, I'm Scooter Evans. If you'll follow me to my office, we can discuss your situation."

The two men headed into the Department of Commerce.
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2007, 04:38:18 PM »
Karl Meinsgart was very upset with something, but it was something private. Anyway, he stepped in the department of commerce, looked around and put the suitcase he was holding on the ground.

Minister Meinsgart: "No need for formalities. First of all, i need to recover our space vessel from your seas, there's a team already around your maritime territorial waters waiting for orders. Shall i allow them in?"

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #18 on: May 13, 2007, 06:57:37 AM »
Ok... Evans thought to himself.

"Please minister, follow me."

Meinsgart followed Evans to a large hangar-like storage facility. Upon opening the doors, Meinsgart saw the Delfian space vessel.

"Is this what ya'll were looking for?"
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2007, 03:02:02 PM »
Only few things could impress Meinsgart, but the Mercantillists certainly did it. Seems they could recover the main part of the back of the rocket, engine were a bit strached, but everything seems fine, pitty the other half wasnt there.

Minister Meinsgart: "Havent you recovered anything else from the vessel? The front part is missing, but not really needed, and there's no harm to the sea life for that matters. Was there any damage from the crash? Anyhow, i thank you on behalf of New Delfos for this. I hope we can send this back to New Delfos as soon as possible, i bet you already sent engineers for research about our rockets, no problem. We can even send you the Zabid R7 project, or if you'r interested we can make a deal with Zabid Missile Industry so you can have access to our spatial office. It's a good thing for Satellites."

Karl Meinsgart opened his suitcase and logged in the VCS: "Send the ships back their previous positions, we need that humpback airplane to send the rest of Zabid R7 rocket home. Only the rear half of the rocket survived the crash." 'LINK DISENGAGED'

Minister Meinsgart: "Right, so what is your interest in this rockets?"

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #20 on: May 14, 2007, 02:29:14 PM »
"I'll be honest, we did have some engineers examine it. The technology is a bit different and we couldn't make sense of much it. Our engineers tell me the technology is comparable, but different from ours. This was the only part of the rocket we found," Evans said.

"Direct your airplane to land on the airstrip on the far side of the Department, and we'll have it transported to it. We'd be interested to see what you have on the project, and I can pass your info to a representative at the Northrup-Mercantile Company, the corporate arms manufacturer in the Mercantilist States, who may be interested in a joint development project with Zabid Missile Industry."
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #21 on: May 14, 2007, 06:10:04 PM »
Minister Meinsgart: "That's great. Now let's go back to your office, or do you have more surprises? I need to discuss with you about UASS".

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #22 on: May 19, 2007, 08:09:29 AM »
'Heh, no more surprises."

Evans led the way to his office and took a seat behind his desk while Meinsgart took a seat across from him.

"What did you want to know about the UASS? I'll preface this with I don't necessarily speak for the Mercantilist States here and this is off the record."
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2007, 01:38:41 PM »
Karl: "I would like to know if there will be pressure around this corners, the Mercantillist islands are...how i say this...some very pretty islands. I doubt the UASS will venture here, but i guess LCF will, will you fight it?

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2007, 03:41:15 PM »
Evans was a little confused by the question.

"I would be surprised if a nation or alliance invaded us on the sole reason that our islands are pretty. And if it's resources or they're after, we periodically put islands up for sale. I know the Mor'os Holding Company currently is mining a few islands in Tenokee, and I think we actually have a couple islands on the market right now. If they want to admire the beauty, there are a number of island resorts including a new one called Boracai that just opened for business. I'm actually heading there myself next week.  And if anyone did decide to invade, I can guarantee that they'd be in for a fight."

OOC: where are you going with this?
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2007, 05:27:03 PM »
Karl: "So you temporarily sell islands? tell me more about it, i think we're interested in an island."

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #26 on: May 21, 2007, 11:22:58 AM »
"Well it's actually not temporary, it's permanent. We sell the land title to the island. The only requirement is that they fly the Mercantilist States flag, respect the right to life, pay federal taxes, and don't militarize the island.

"We take a pretty laid back position towards the free market in the Mercantilist States. Unlike some governments who don't allow for foreign ownership, or private ownership for that matter, of land or who lease land to people, groups or corporations, domestic or foreign; we allow anyone to own, develop, and invest in our land. The practice of limiting land ownership, or heaven forbid outlawing private property altogether, severely hinders economic development and detracts foreign investment. As one of our economists put it, if corporations can't list the land as an asset on their balance sheet, how can they possibly capture the gains and improvements they've made to it? There is nothing to sell, they would rather just invest somewhere else. The same principle applies to individual ownership as well."

Evans pulled out a map of the Mercantilist States and showed him the two islands available:here and here

"There are also some islands available in the West Ginties; which we had reserved to the Conglomerate of Arms Manufacturing, but have yet to hear back from them. We could offer that to you as well, but I just warn you that we have an territorial dispute with Varkour in that area, and tensions periodically flare up." (here)
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #27 on: May 21, 2007, 04:52:52 PM »
Karl: "I'm thinking of aiding Zabid Missile Industry having an industrial complex in one of your islands for sale, since you even seemed enthusiastic with the idea of sharing technology. What do you think? Shall i give them a call?"

Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #28 on: May 21, 2007, 06:23:10 PM »
"We would be unable to make that exemption for one of the islands in the Mercantilist States proper for two reasons. First off, the Northrup-Mercantile Company is the corporate arms manufacturer in the Mercantilist States. That means they have Corporate Status and exclusivity in the development and sale of weapons. Secondly, it's illegal by federal law.

"However," Evans continued, "we have found a way around that law. And that is if the island lies outside of sovereign waters, i.e. the Dominion. Thus, we can agree to that request for one of the islands in the West Ginties that was reserved for CAM. The Northrup-Mercantile Company, by the way, owns a couple islands on the archipelago.

"One of the executives at Northrup is a friend on mine, and if you'd like I can setup a meeting for you with him. Were you planning on staying a few days?"
by the order of Anthony J. Washington, President of the Mercantilist States

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Offline Delfos

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Re: TOP SECRET - Project Zabid (technology)
« Reply #29 on: May 21, 2007, 06:38:29 PM »
Karl: "I'm not planning to stay here for long, so anything with a soft bed will do. Also, i can ask for a Zabid Missile Industry representative, otherwise i don't want to be involved in arms dealing. The Zabid MI is trying to find a good place to test sea defenses, they are developing new tech in that defensive area, an island in the middle of the ocean would be the best place. Zabid MI is not trying to introduce any weapons market in the island or archipelago that would be chosen, it's only for an industrial complex and testing area. I must say they were after something nearer the mother land but in the middle of the ocean, this archipelago is the best place. Could you reconsider your position?"

Karl Meinsgart was having fun, long time since he wouldn't made business with foreign people, since he left his company in South Boyen, he didn't had the chance.

Karl: "I know it's difficult to go around this subject, but isn't the law of the sovereign territory supposed to protect the national investments in the mainland? As I'm saying, the Zabid Missile Industry is not intending to invest or even sell weapons from this location, and at some point, your interest in rocket technology can be matched with cooperation between your Northrup Co and Zabid MI in future projects."